
Metronidazole and tetanus

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole and tetanus


Avatar n tn symptoms of both TETANUS and LYME are very similar. How does one diagnose Tetanus in an adult?
Avatar f tn i recently found out that im 2 weeks pregnant and iwas on antibiotics(doxyclyn and metrronidazole) for bacterial infection before i took the test ,i want to know if this has affected the baby or me.
Avatar f tn Veterinarians prescribe this drug for periodontal disease, tetanus and pancreatic insufficiency with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. There can be a variety of side effects, some of them can be neurological. Though these are rarer. It is very possible that Wubbsy may have taken some of this on board, if he ate Nestle's poop for quite a while. He may have been getting regular ,low doses. I think so anyway -though am not 100% sure how much would pass out in the feces.
Avatar m tn even though i told the doctor i was fighting some kind of wierd nasty infection, he still injected me with a tetanus shot. (ugh i hate doctors)..I had tetanus shots in the past and it never effected me in the slightest, never even a small symptom of any kind. The next day, OMG THE NEXT DAY! My entire body hurt..... even muscles i didnt know i had were hurting, my head was pounding with every heartbeat, i mean pounding so much i was screaming for it to stop!
Avatar m tn is it true that a tetanus shot few days prior to your exposure (protected anal and unprotected oral sex with ejaculation) will make you more susceptible for HIV? QUESTION FOR TEAK: I posted a few days ago and you told me have I ever read about the case studies? I dont know what case study are you talking about and would you send me a link for that? thank you guys for being so knowledgeable about these things.
Avatar m tn That night I went and got a tetanus. I did not have a tetanus shot for 9 years. Today my neck and jaw really hurt and they have like spasms.
Avatar f tn Have any of you had a tetanus shot? I was pain free until I had a tetanus shot in the upper arm. A week later I'm having severe pain 24/7. Has been going on now for 3 weeks.
Avatar f tn t seem like tetanus from my wound ( was healed then and looked really normal) and that I had TMJ ( Temporomandibular Joint Disorders).He prescribed me a pill Aleve and some home stuff to alleviate the pain. He also said my heart beats were normal and should reduce my anxiety and relax. I asked me if I had taken tetanus booster shot. Since I didn't remember I decided to take one. They gave me TDaP booster shot in my left arm.
Avatar f tn Hello, 3 days ago I got cuts on my fingers. 25 hours later, I got a tetanus booster shot. I had at least 2 Tetanus shot when I was a baby and another shot when I was 14. I am 26 now. 1. How long does it take for my booster shot to kick in? I heard that if you never have tetanus vaccine before, it will take 2 weeks to be effective. But if you got it before, then it only takes several days to boost up your immune system. What is the minimum days and the maximum days for it to kick in?
Avatar f tn What is it about you, pimples and tetanus? You've asked a similar question before which you postet on the 6th of sept: Quote: Okay, so I shaving mostly today because my work makes me shave. and I think the shaver cut off a pimple. It it possible to get tetanus from something like this? Oh yeah, I have gotten cut by this shaver before, if it hasn't givin me tetanus before then wouldn't it be even less likely now that it would give me tetanus?
Avatar f tn 3 days ago I got cuts on my fingers. 25 hours later, I got a tetanus booster shot. I had at least 2 Tetanus shot when I was a baby and another shot when I was 14. I am 26 now. 1. How long does it take for my booster shot to kick in? I heard that if you never have tetanus vaccine before, it will take 2 weeks to be effective. But if you got it before, then it only takes several days to boost up your immune system. What is the minimum days and the maximum days for it to kick in?
1470006 tn?1286693409 My concern is tetanus. I had my last tetanus booster exactly 5 years ago, and have had about 5 tetanus shots over my 50 year lifetime. Im starting to have some mild muscle twitches in various spots "above the shoulders", and some "pains" here and there in my left leg. Ive had no bad pain at the wound site, maybe a little sore and sometimes it burns a little, but all fairly minor.
Avatar n tn Hi, You definitely need anti Rabies vaccination with Tetanus booster because along with dogs , other animals like cats and monkeys transmit Rabies to human beings . You must take a Tetanus booster and anti Rabies vaccination as soon as possible but both should not be taken at the same time . Please visit a health care centre for the same . Hope this helps you . Take care and regards !
Avatar f tn Hi Doctor - I posted this an add-on to a different question of mine but it was unrelated so I think it got deleted. But I had a tetanus shot this past sunday and wanted to know if it would have any affect on an HIV antibody test? Thank you!
Avatar f tn Hi i was scratched (not punctured) by a nail which was sticking out on the wall because it was not properly done,which caused a little cut/scratch on my palm... i'm thinking if i should go to a hospital but i'm hesitating because i'm embarassed because it's only a tiny scratch and they might think i'm overly paranoid because of it (which i am).. i washed it with soap and water then alcohol...
Avatar n tn I've been out of town this past week visiting a good friend of mine. This morning as I was eating breakfast, his cat came up to me, and out of nowhere, bit my leg. It was a small puncture but left a visible mark. I'm worried about possibly getting tetanus. I had my last Tetanus vaccine 7 years ago. Do I need a booster? I'm a 32 year old female. I would really appreciate a response from a physician.
Avatar f tn I visited the doctor Monday with a vaginal infection and was given Metronidazole to start taking. I went back for results Wednesday and I was confirmed to have BV. My doctor then gave me Erythromycin to take (2, twice a day)... as well as the Metronidazole (3, three times a day). This seems like an awful lot of antibiotics. Why was I given Erythromycin, when from as far as I can tell, Metronidazole alone is the recommended treatment for BV? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Hi you will be ok Plastic is safe , If you feel the need to go and get a Tetanus Shot that's ok , Have you had one in Ten years , if so no need to go to hospital , Take care Enjoy your Teen's ,
Avatar m tn s never been immunized against tetanus should complete the initial tetanus series of three tetanus shots. The first two shots are given at least four weeks apart, and the third shot is given six to 12 months after the second shot. After the initial tetanus series, booster shots are recommended every 10 years. So during your childhood,if you did not receive(do not know for sure),you can receive Td or TIG booster doses.
Avatar m tn I am 16 years old,7 days ago i stepped on a nail in a forest and now i have some tetanus symptoms like twitching calf muscel in the leg which i stepped on the nail and a headache.I dont have lockjaw. My last tetanus vaccination was in 2014: Should i go to the hospital?
Avatar f tn I have kept the cut covered with a bandaid and neosporin applied. Every night I take it off apply peroxide and neosporin and put a new bandage on.I'm really concerned that I could have tetanus and everything you can read online talks about how if the symptoms show up sooner your mortality rate increases. My doctor isn't a big talker so he didn't really tell me anything....I'm driving myself nuts.
Avatar f tn I was at the farmparks today and piglets began nibbling in my fingers like a bottle. Staff became concerned shortly after about tetanus. I had a small, nearly healed/unopened by appearance hangnail, on one finger. I had my last tetanus booster in 2012. Should I be concerned or go to my doctor?
Avatar f tn I second Greenlydias opinion. Not likely at all that you've contracted tetanus unless your shaver's been laying out in the fields or in the street lately. It really needs to be "contaminated" to do any harm and as long as it is frequently in contact with hot water and soap and haven't left your bathroom shelf there is no need to worry.
Avatar m tn I am going in tomorrow for a tetanus shot booster and have been reading claims that this might cause a false positive If I were to test in the near future.
Avatar m tn Earlier last year I was attacked by a stray cat while walking my dog and was given a tetanus shot, would that still have an active immunity? I had my complete series done as a kid.