
Metformin vs cancer

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Avatar m tn The hazard ratio as quoted in the abstract of the paper was quoted as 0.97 for liver cancer under metformin. that is a 3% reduction, to still a 97% risk, not a great difference. Statins were doing better, down to 35% risk. It is recommended to read the paper, there is free access.
Avatar n tn MUST READ THIS!!! I was referred to a neurologist for my sudden arm weakness. She asked that in my next blood panel, check the B12 level, it should by in the 500 range. I did and it was 0.83! I started a daily high dose B12 supplement and 4 months later it was up to 1407. I backed off to an every-other-day B12 pill and no problems since. Previously I wasn't a vitamin taker. The real shocker? My episodes happened shortly after beginning METFORMIN for a diabetic condition.
Avatar f tn The cost was too high and also promoted weight gain... So we went with metformin. I still take that but my menstrual is still abnormal. Here I am now at yr two, got my papsmear. Again normal but sent for another ultrasound and just said 2.2cm endometrium lining, with a nabathrian cyst 1mm. So did wants to do a biopsy and go from there. My body produces only estrogen not progesterone. Particularly caused by my weight of being morbidly obese. I continue on going through again with drs orders.
568322 tn?1370165440 The study is still ongoing. So there's no SVR data yet. Here's the link.... http://www.****.*** And the commentary from several docs..... Use of Metformin Plus Peginterferon alfa-2a/Ribavirin Among Treatment-Naive Genotype 1 HCV-Infected Patients With Insulin Resistance. Paul Martin, MD: Romero-Gomez and colleagues previously reported that insulin resistance is a predictor of nonresponse to therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Avatar n tn I am new to this diagnosis, so I am still learning what it means and how to deal with it. Anyway, I started taking the 500 mg dose of Metformin twice a day about two months ago. I was told to come in for a fasting glucose test, so I did. When the test was done I had not had anything to eat for twelve hours and was famished. I also had a headache that didn't disappear until after I had eaten. To my surprise the blood glucose level came back as high -- 170.
Avatar f tn Metformin should be taken with foods to "help" prevent nausea. One date is not enough food. Google search using the standard search term "metformin vs xxxx", where xxx is your other medication, to see if there are contraindications between them to cause your loss of appetite and/or nausea. Certain fruits contain high amounts of sugar. Go here for a list.
Avatar f tn S get to the doctors and take some form of birth control or metformin to have your cycle dont take the chance of getting cervical cancer!! Thanks for all the wishes and Good Luck to all the pregnant women and to ones trying to concieve..
Avatar f tn They discovered that the widely prescribed diabetes treatment metformin increases the efficiency of the immune system’s T-cells, which in turn makes cancer and virus-fighting vaccines more effective. The specialized white blood cells of the human immune system known as “T-cells” remember pathogens they have encountered from previous infections or vaccinations, enabling them to fight subsequent infections much faster.
806995 tn?1265823176 08 metformin study did not make a strong case for adding metformin in all patients, however you might also want to look at a recent Khattab'10 study that looked at adding pioglitazone in geno 4s with HOMA1 gt 2. They measured across-the-board improvement in SVR rates 60% vs 39% significant at 0.04. Geno 4s seem to be particularly susceptible to IR-related effects so this may not generalize. Your glucose levels seem pretty high - did your Dr.
Avatar m tn I have diabetes ll. My doctor has given me Actos 30 mg. I have been hearing a lot about this drug and none of it's good, saying long term use causes bladder cancer. My last A1c was 6.1 although now due for another one. I'm not sure the risk involved with this drug is worth the benefits as my sugar is not out of control and my numbers are always under 175. Is Actos a safe drug to use??
Avatar m tn With all of this, they still want me to take 500mg of Metformin ER (at breakfast and dinner, so 1000mg per day). First, think another A1C may be in order a couple months after surgery to act as a validator with these normal BG numbers? Second, is it usual to have the ER version of Merformin initially perscribed? Isn't there a non-ER version that is more common?
1712386 tn?1308425981 Women with PCOS have a higher risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Metformin helps regulate insulin levels so that the person can regulate their period and help with ovulation which is difficult in women with PCOS or even impossible for some without help with medicine. Metformin also helps a woman with PCOS have less of a risk for miscarriage (which is common with PCOS) especially if taken during the first trimester.
1657208 tn?1404165128 i am a diabetic, and have been put on metformin due to the fact of me being a diabetic as well as having pcos. i get my AF every month. I was wondering if there is a chance I could get pregnant on it.. I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now. I had stopped taking metformin for awhile because of my stomach hurting when I took it and now I am on 1000mg a day. Any advice is much appreciated. Do you think it will work or what should my next step be?
Avatar n tn In one study conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University, 24 obese PCOS women were given metformin or placebo. The 11 women who received the metformin experienced a reduction in insulin levels, which slowed the activity of an enzyme in the ovaries that stimulates excess production of testosterone. As a result, testosterone levels also dropped.(3) Glucophage appears to do the same for non-obese PCOS women, according to a study from the University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Poland.
Avatar n tn My pcos is not insulin resistant. My fasting blood sugar was 71. Metformin is not an option.
Avatar f tn Hello, My mom just turned 50 this year. She was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two years ago and was 168 pounds at 5"5'. Her doctor put her on Metformin, and she is supposed to be on it for life. Her doctor told her that she would lose weight on it, and the lowest she's been so far is 143 pounds when she weighed herself within the past couple of days. She was at the doctor in December because she had laryngitis and she was weighed at 150 and he was glad about the weight loss.
Avatar n tn I have taken Metformin 500 Mg x 2 times /day for nearly 3 years, but a year ago until now my feet are swollen, and I have bone spur on the left heel of my foot that is more growing bigger. This foot is in pain when I walk. Everyday when I take Metformin I usually have constipation and the top of my feet are swollen up. My fingers are so numb, and my urine is dark yellow and opaque.
1559168 tn?1294731785 Metformin will help you, it regulates your hormone levels which in time regulates your period and helps you ovulate (just from hormone regulation does not induce ovulation). In fact it says in the paperwork (your doctor/pharmacy might have gave you) that if you don't want to be pregnant you should use protection while taking metformin.
587778 tn?1261397118 If you have a family history of fibroids, and you take metformin... you should again reconsider... metformin helps your hormones get in line which should increase estrogen, estrogen is a culprit in fibroids........ YOU NEED RESEARCH, lots of it and another doctor's opinion. Please do not take this lightly, if you live in the USA, you should know they love to just make a diagnosis, and usually do not care if it is exactly accurate..... IT IS YOUR LIFE, YOUR HEALTH.....
Avatar f tn I went through two rounds of Clomid (50 mg and 100 mg), but I have not ovulated (small follicles up to 10mm). My doctor suggests now to up the Clomid dose to 150mg and to take Metformin as well. I thought that Metformin was indicated for patients with insulin resistance (which is not my case), is this true or are there potential benefits of taking Clomid + Metformin even not being insulin resistant? Also, at which point will a person be considered Clomid resistant?
Avatar n tn I was on the pill for several years then I got off about 6 months ago. My periods have always been irregular and I've never known why until about 4mnths ago Doc told me I had PCOS. So I don't get it. The pill gives us false periods just so we can clear the uterus linning to lessen the chances for utero cancer and things of that nature. I'm ttc and doc put me on femara and metformin. He said PCOS makes me insulin resistant and the metformin should help with that.