
Metformin for endometriosis

Common Questions and Answers about Metformin for endometriosis


435139 tn?1255460391 I don't have pcos, or endometriosis or diabetes but I have been ttc for almost a year and I am trying to research some things to talk to my doctor about when I go on Friday...I brought up Clomid but my dr. didn't like that idea and my friend said that her doctor put her on metformin (she has pcos though) and if not pregnant in a couple months, she is going on clomid...Does Metformin help you get pregnant?
374593 tn?1257879950 I have been told the number one cause is PCOS and number 2 is endometriosis. I have been on metformin for three weeks now.. can this help with the rupturing of the folllicles? ( LUFS?) since it helps control the number one cause of this in the first place? THank you so very much for your time!
1490742 tn?1288600515 for the last 3 months i am having very light period. i am on metformin for the last two month. this month i had my period for two days only. i didn't bleed at all..could ne one tell me y this is happening..
1626928 tn?1378850167 Thank you so much for the response. At this time my endometriosis is confined to my right ovary only with no growth in over a year. I have been seeing a fertility dr and just recently switched to a new one who will be monitoring me better. I had some crazy emotional side effects with clomid so I'm hoping I won't with femara. Also, I did not take metformin with clomid so I'm hoping that will help.
349135 tn?1267105573 I also have endometriosis and PCOS (my LH is too high as well) they are not putting me on metformin, instead i'm just doing diet modification to help with the insulin effect that can come with PCOS.. so i used to eat a diet of pretty much only carbs! i loved my sugar!!!! and now especially around ovulation i try to eat a very low carb diet, which is SUPER hard! but i'm trying anything I possibly can since we will be moving to IVF soon...
623922 tn?1223406991 I know that I ovulate but she thinks the Metformin/Glucophage might help me. Has anyone been on Metformin that can tell me what to expect? Are there any success stories for people with a similar situation? Thanks!
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with PCOS after I had my second baby and my doctor put me on metformin and birth control in hopes of conceiving after treatment. He had me stop the birth control and continue taking the metformin, told me to have sex from day 10-20 and hopefully we'll get pregnant. Well, I just started my period! A full week earlier than it's supposed to. I don't know what it means?
209384 tn?1231168306 Was recently dx as Type II diabetic and have had 2 menstrual cycles in this time. I take 500mg of Metformin 2X daily. I test in the morning when I get up and before I go to bed. My levels are really good except when I'm menstrating. During this time I don't do anything differently. Read that this can be a problem and should adjust insulin accordingly, but I don't take insulin. Is it normal to take larger doses of Metformin at this time of the month?
Avatar f tn every doc is different just make sure you stand up for yourself, my first doc put me through three rounds of clomid with no u.s. and no bloodwork to monitor. after getting fed up and switching doc's my new doc did an ultrasound the first day i had 86 cysts! i would talk to your doc and suggest an us to "check things out". the worst they will say is no. you can normally tell from u.s. of your lower abdomen (not vaginal) if you have endometriosis.
623922 tn?1223406991 I am 30 and I also have PCOS and endometriosis. I do NOT ovulate at all. I have like one period a year on my own. I've been on the metformin for about a year (give or take) now and the fertility doctor put me on clomid at 50 mg for 5 days and then my husband had to give me a shot of Ovidrel. The result was two mature follicles ready to go. I had my first IUI on Monday and now I am on day 4 of the two week wait.
Avatar f tn PCOS is known to cause irregular periods and put you at risk of miscarriage. Are you taking any medication for PCOS?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with having PCO for about 10 years ago. My issue now has been I have not seen my period for about a year and 6months, I have not been able to conceive, and I've been on and off on Metformin. Lately I have been noticing like brown spotting discharge, and blood like discharge, does anyone knows why is this happening. At first I thought maybe I was getting my period but it did not happened,. Then again last night I notice brown spotting.
20066856 tn?1489456727 Hello! I am a 22 year old female. I have been struggling with severe PCOS and Endometriosis since I was 15. For my PCOS: I was told my PCOS is NOT type 1, so Metformin doesn't work and neither has any of the 15+ birth controls I have been on. I have tried EVERYTHING. My androgen levels are normal, but I make entirely too much progesterone. I was told my mother did meth with me until she was 6 months pregnant with me.
Avatar f tn Now I am using metformin 500mg twice a day.Before marriage I used birth control pills for regularing the periods.Mostly my periods are with tablet only.I started metfomin in jan 2010.After using metformin now my periods are for 45 to 50 days.Still irregular. My age is 27.Height 5'3'' weight 135 lbs.If I reduce to 110 lbs my problem will permanently cure or not?Doctor referred laproscopy.I don,t want to go.Is weight reducing and changing food habits perminently cure pcos.
594189 tn?1386916607 So I have been trying to get pregnant since my last miscarriage 04/07, then I stopped having AF for awhile after that, 09/08 they told me I have PCOS and put me on metformin, I weighted 377 than, now I just found out I'm pregnant and weigh 323 and still on metformin but all my blood work is looking great, Just wanted to give others with PCOS some hope. My friend also has PCOS and did the same thing as I did and she now has twin 3 month olds.
Avatar f tn I have had PCOS for the last 11 years now, and than the only way i could have kids was with fraternal Drugs. And know i have endometriosis With my PCOS.
766872 tn?1240341112 Looking to start a buddy group to share our stories of TTC with pcos, metformin, clomid and ovidrel
1274709 tn?1271647466 I believe there MAY be some evidence in ultrasounds of endometriosis.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 2yrs ago and and endometriosis 3yrs ago have been taking metformin...well i am now in a relationship and soon we are going try and conceive...i have been charting my temp and so far so good but i decided to take the first response fertility test...and wondering if it looks good.
Avatar f tn i think no.i had 2 ultrasounds each at 6 months interval and a transvaginal scan 6 months before.i dont know what this endometriosis.does dat cause to bleed after sex and cause irregular endometriosis same as polyps.i had a pelvic examination to check for polyps and found i had nothing lyk this enough to detect endometriosis??
6052630 tn?1378717917 Also, have you had an HSG or been checked for endometriosis? Not getting pregnant since 2003 would lead me to think that something else has developed. You may also want to have your AMH tested (hormone for ovarian reserve). If you have low levels, you may need to look into IVF for your best chances. Best of luck to you!!!
1724834 tn?1310225415 I was also told that I had type 2 diabetes that is uually associated with it. I am currently taking metformin for the diabetes and my doctor said in the long run it would help with fertility. I have CRAZY periods!! I'm on it now, and have been on it since May 20th. They never stop! I have to go in frequently to check my blood count to make sure I don't need blood. I have tried depot, pills, more pills, ring, and patch with no success of making my period normal.
Avatar f tn When you are breastfeeding your period might not be normal. You might not be regular until after you stop breastfeeding. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Avatar n tn I have fibromyalgia, CFS, IBS, arthritis, TMJ, endemetriosis and more and my blood work came back low for RBC and low Hematocrit and high lymphocytes and borderline on alot others.
1907238 tn?1340711313 i was on metformin for almost year and clomid for 6 months only conceived once and ended up with MC. also if you are over weight they give metformin to help you reduce weight as well especially in PCOS. PCOS is never shown in blood test you need a good scan... :) best of luck anyway... hope it works for you....