
Meloxicam side effects medication

Common Questions and Answers about Meloxicam side effects medication


Avatar f tn I've been on that medication for many years and have had no side effects. It's been very helpful for my condition (severe tibial tendonitis).
Avatar n tn I do not see kidney function on the list of side effects. Did you look on WebMD? Just curious. I’m prone to stones. That is why I’m asking. Don’t trust doctors at all anymore.
Avatar m tn Both the medication with give almost equal amount of pain relief though meloxicam is associated with fewer side effects as compared to ibuprofen. Though pain relief may be immediate, anti-inflammatory action may take a few days to build up. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
1252901 tn?1271131868 Is it stronger and does it work better than prescription-strength naproxin? What kind of side-effects does it have? Does it affect your mood like vicodin does? I'm just wondering about other people's experiences with this drug. thanks.
Avatar m tn Thx for all your input. I'm now off of Meloxicam/Mobic due to side effects. Went back to using Aleve and am doing well with it; per DR's recommendation. I'm also coming off of Paxil and Ritalin since the Paxil doesn't seem to do anything for my depression and the Ritalin makes me too "jittery" feeling. Have an appointment with my Phychiatrist in mid October to review my meds and alternatives. I'll post more then.
1550149 tn?1340000730 In a search for an answer to your side effects question I also did some looking into the prescribed Meloxicam. Some of the side effects of Mobic (meloxicam) are problems with vision or balance and headaches. Sorry I could not be of greater assistance. Please discuss your SX with your prescribing physician. It may behove you to try an alternative pain medication to see if your SX will decrease or resolve.
Avatar m tn 1xdaily-meloxicam 15, aspirin 325, prilosec OTC, valium10, Claritin 10; 2xdaily-etodolac 400, flexeril 10, soma 350, savella 50, adderall 30, bupropion 400, advair 500/50; 3xdaily-lyrica 75, baclofen 10, insta-flex (a joint support medicine ordered off of TV), tramadol 50, methadone 5; and as needed daily oxycodone 15 (up to 6 per day), black cohosh, pro-air.
Avatar n tn Now after reading about Meloxicam side effects today, I am suspecting that perhaps the issue is the Meloxicam. My symptoms seem slightly different each day. Initially it was a few days of mostly lower leg weakness and overall lack of energy. That changed to a few days of lower leg tingling and numbness, and then the numbness and tingling moved to mostly my right side leg and arm and slightly in my left leg.
Avatar f tn This thread scared me a lot when I was having side effects from Meloxicam so I just wanted to leave a comment to clear things up. If you're having numbness and weird tingles, even slight burning, don't worry. These side effects will most likely pass with time. They did for me (it took about 10 days though). I feel perfectly normal now. The comments the people left in this thread are completely irresponsible and unacceptable. It isn't right to wildly speculate.
5082295 tn?1371250911 I took that medication too but my doctor told me I had to wait up to 2 weeks for the medication to start working properly. I had to stop it by the 5th day because the side effects were awful and that pill almost killed me. As far as I know this medication (Mobic) is prescribed for arthritis. For pain I took a muscle relaxer Flexeril and it worked since the first day I took it. In 2 days I was pain free in my neck, arms and shoulders after having non stop pain and numbness for months.
Avatar m tn this rom drumaybe side effects from drugs prescribed.
Avatar f tn He ordered an xray of my right rib cage and prescribed me Meloxicam 15 mg. The Meloxicam has helped some... meaning I am able to get up and walk around with constant dull to medium pain in the same place, and sharp pain returns regularly but not constantly. The xray results showed up nothing abnormal. I am a very active person and since 4 days ago can hardly get out of bed without terrible pain. Does anyone have ideas of what could be going on?
Avatar f tn So now i need to know , is microadenoma dangerous and may cause death , how long should i take the medication, what are the side effects?? Well, as i know people who having stomach ulcer should not take this medication , but the major thing is my doctor dont know im having stomach ulcer. So what should i do ? Nowadays im having headache even i take meloxicam to control it , still cant help it . Blurred vision some more . What should i do right now??
Avatar n tn Since your panic attacks are happening less, are the headaches numerous and a reason that you cannot take the medication anymore? Or are some of the side effects okay with you now that your anxiety is much better? What does your prescribing doctor say about this? Headaches can also be caused by an endless number of factors in my opinon. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you still under a lot of stress? The point is, that the headaches may not even be related to the medication itself.
Avatar f tn Has anyone heard of Meloxicam helping with w/d from opiates, such lortabs? I went to the doctor for some issues that I had been having and decided to reach out to my doctor for help getting off these bad boys. He perscribed Meloxicam to help with some the withdrawal symptons. I have to say this stuff, which is just an anit inflammatory will helps with the symptons. It eleminates the hot, flush feeling which is most annoying. It really does help.
Avatar m tn i had a couple of shots in my shoulder and it relieved it immediately but man o man the side effects of that stuff is crazy...i got grouchy for about a week. As far as side effects and mixing meds i totally agree w. Ireneo....your best bet is to talk to a'll get all of your answers there....,.
Avatar f tn If you are taking the meloxicam to address the side effects of this drug then it would probably be rational to discuss stopping both with your doctor. Thyroxine is for hypothyroid. It is very important to treat low thyroid adequately. If thyroid is not well treated it can make diabetes management harder and can also result in higher cholesterol levels. So, look at what each drug is for. Then determine if each one is really needed. I don't know you or your medical history....