
Lotemax for pink eye

Common Questions and Answers about Lotemax for pink eye


Avatar n tn i also experience itching and irritation in both eyes from time to time. SHOULD I START LOTEMAX? will it be effective?
184420 tn?1326739808 Have you been 2 an eye Dr?I had the same problem and the eye dr gave me restasis and Lotemax. Restasis takes about 3 months of use before it actually works,thats where the Lotemax kicks in-it is a steroid that helps the Restasis get to work faster.No more problems for me.Chronic Dry Eyes will do this to you.I was miserable with mine.
Avatar m tn Within a day of getting off the medicated drops, there was a pink blur in my left eye. I continued using the medication thinking it was pink eye again. It worked for a week but now my eye is quite veiny. The doctor also had said that my eyes were very dry. Could this be the dryness that's making my eyes veiny? I've made an appointment to see the optometrist again, but it's not till another two weeks. I would like to have some sort of idea (and perhaps remedies I can do now).
Avatar n tn i had a pink eye in february, the infection went away but the swelling on my upper eyelid is not going away. took Lotemax for 3 weeks, but there was no improvement. its been more than a month now and the swelling is not going away. i even tried hot and cold compress but there was no change. what should i do??
Avatar f tn Hello, I am a twenty year old female who was recently diagnosed with chronic dry eye. I had a viral pink eye in both eyes a couple months ago and since then my eyes have continuously become drier. They're itchy, bloodshot, and are heavy and sore at night. I tried OTC preservative free drops, lotemax, restasis, omega 3 fish oil, and am drinking a lot of water. My remedies are helping but this condition is awful and I'm not sure if I'm doing enough to reduce the symptoms.
Avatar m tn I know of Lotemax but there is no generic. Sorry. It never hurts to ask your doctor for a sample. Give them a sad story and complain a lot - it usually works. Lodeprednol is Lotemax.
Avatar n tn I have asked her and she said Lotemax rarely cause raise eye pressure. I am just not sure. Can a kind ophthalmologist assure me this is alright? Thanks.
Avatar f tn Worried I had an eye infection I called my doctor and I was prescribed to go on lotemax for a month. Almost immediately the discharge went away and I was fine as I finished my prescription. During this time I visited my doc to double check things and she said it was actually mostly meibomian gland dysfunction along with allergies. She just recommended the lastacaft again along with a daily eye cleanser once I finished the lotemax.
Avatar n tn I went to the new "neighborhood" optometrist for a routine eye exam. He said my eyes were "completely and perfectly healthy". I complained of my contacts being blurry. He felt that it was because I had astigmatism and prescribed Toric contacts. He mentioned that I had a lot of protein build up on my contacts and did a stain and he said I had dry eye. He prescribed Lotemax .05 as a first step therapy.
Avatar f tn It seems to be very slowly detaching with the use of Lotemax and Nevanac eye drops, with a small section yet to go. Today I experienced a sharp pain in my left eye while reaching for something, then a couple minutes of tears flowing. I've experienced that pain (tho not as sharp) a couple of times during this period. Felt like an eyelash in the eye, but there was nothing visible in my eye. bWhat are the possible causes? Could it be the membrane separating?
Avatar n tn It has been 21 days I had ptergium auto graft surgery on my left eye and still not healed. Eye is not fully red anymore, but pink, graft is still visable and is mostly pink in that area. Pain is bold, it hurts to touch Side of the eye area including eyebrow area. Top eye lid still bit swollen and eye is bit smaller than other eye. If i strain eye the pain escalades. My eye is very I mean VERY sensitive to light, wear sunglasses most of the time.
Avatar f tn Weeks go by and still no relief, i still have pain(pinching/peircing sensation above eye, and general all over eye discomfort). I stop taking lotemax on suggestion of EMT neighbor. Eye calms down and now just have piercing/pinching pain only. I go see another Dr. He listens to story, looks at eye, puts me on Prednisone. Weeks pass, still pain. Call several times, finally get an appointment again. Looks at eye, prescribes cat scan.
Avatar m tn My eye doctor told me I had inflammation due to dry eyes and put me on Lotemax for 2 weeks (1 drop in the morning and 1 drop at night) I was wondering if it’s safe to use for 2 weeks without any problems?
Avatar m tn Hi, I had an iridotomy on both eyes recently for narrow angles as a preventative measure, the eye doctor prescribed me Maxidex for a week after surgery. Within 3 days I had severe pain and decreased vision and I call the hospital to be told the blurred vision and dizziness I was experiencing was normal side affects of this surgery. I was told to continue with the Maxidex.
Avatar n tn Lotemax is a steroid. You should get the instructions from the MD that prescribed them.
Avatar n tn After the infection was over ,There was no pain or redness in the eye but vision was little fuzzy as compare to my right eye, I went to Opthamologist and she put me on Lotemax drops for 7 days, I used drops and went back after a week and she said, inflammation is still there and she put me on Prednisone 40 mg TABLETS for 4 days with Lotemax eye drops every one hour. I am really worried as there are lot of side effects of Prednisone, This is my second day on Prednisone and so far i am good.
Avatar n tn He also found nothing wrong and gave me the same prescription for Lotemax. Again, this worked for a while but the redness came back, so I went to see him again at the beginning of August this year. Once again, nothing was found and I was given yet another prescription for Lotemax, only this time it's not making any difference whatsoever. I now have a slight film in each eye, and chronic redness, although there is no pain or itch(nor has there ever been any pain).
Avatar m tn Di I have to use the topical steroid for the rest of my life...added more, I have large optic disk, with normal visual field. Seek your opinion.
Avatar m tn My eye doctor told me I had inflammation due to dry eyes and put me on Lotemax for 2 weeks (1 drop in the morning and 1 drop at night) I was wondering if it’s safe to use for 2 weeks without any problems?
Avatar f tn 60 yr old female. Have been dealing with dry eye for over a year. Antibiotics, Lotemax drops, Lotemax gel, Blink lubricating drops, Now; Refresh PM gel, Systane Ultra lubricating drops and Restasis. Optimologist prescribed Restasis 6 weeks ago. Still not sure why eyes are red all of the time. Suggested allergy testing, which I have scheduled now. Optomologist says that he still isn't sure what is going on and wants to put plugs in my eyes.
Avatar n tn Hello, yes I am currently now on 1 drop a day of pred forte for 2 more weeks, and then he said to use 1 drop every other day for another 2 weeks, and then stop. Tried using Lotemax but it made my eye super itchy and irritated. Thank you so much.
Avatar m tn Alrex would be a milder steroid but Lotemax is also relatively safe. As long as you don't get significant pressrue elevation/ glaucoma, I would do what the cornea specialist recommends.
Avatar n tn Hello Doctor I got GPC on my left eye when I overused my contacts and I was on Lotemax for about 2 months, the bumps went away but I still have problems on my left eye. its usually redder than my right eye and my upper eyelid gets itchy and swollen randomly time to time, I tried Allaway but it didn't help, I also use a lot of Artificial tears and Gels so I'm sure its not from dryness.
Avatar n tn Are steroids such as Maxitrol or Tobradex *supposed* to help with eye burning caused by dry eye or can it make your symptoms worse? I'm dealing with allergic conjunctivitis (again!) and dealing with burning eyes. thanks!
Avatar m tn I recently noticed a lumpy yellow nodule in my right eye. I picked up a flashlight and held it diagonally across my lense and saw that it seemed to be encapsulated, so I set up an appointment with my Opthamologist for the next day. I also checked my dilation reflex with the same light and nothing seemed amiss. The next day I found out that I apparently had Pinguecula in both eyes for quite some time.
Avatar n tn Dr Hagan, I've been on xiidra for 2 weeks. I notice my left eye can be blurry for up to an hour. My right eye is fine. Should i continue on xiidra? I currently have 4 silicon plugs in my eyes.