
Losing weight fast health

Common Questions and Answers about Losing weight fast health


Avatar f tn Is anyone else losing weight? I am 38, 23 weeks along and overweight. My first 12 weeks I was very nauseous, but tried eating small amounts often so baby got adequate nutrition. Well I am not sick anymore and I am still losing. 14 pounds so far. The baby is very active, I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing this.
Avatar f tn If you're losing weight unintentionally, you need to see your doctor. There are some very serious medical issues that cause weight loss/inability to gain. One is hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid). You need to have some simple thyroid function tests done... those are Free T3, Free T4 and TSH. Another is diabetes. Blood sugar tests are needed to diagnose that. Both of these conditions can be present for a while before symptoms show up, so you should get tested asap...
5891248 tn?1406410864 I don't think u should try to lose weight... If ur gaining weight too quickly try changing ur eating habits... When ur pregnant u should never try to lose weight..
Avatar n tn Most people can improve the quality of the food they eat and lose weight. The first thing to do is switch from soft drinks to water. Soda should be a rare treat once or twice a month, not every day. Avoid fast food and eat home-cooked, well-balance meals focusing on a variety of vegetables as well as poultry, fish, and lean meats. Whole fruits are fine, and better than juices because they have more fiber you need. Don't fry food. Use healthier methods and healthy oils.
Avatar f tn I am losing large amounts of weight very quickly I cant keep anything including most liquids down for over a month now. I was not big to begin with about 130 and currently almost down to 100.suffered for years with an eating disorder and it resurfaced recently worse than ever. was hospitalized with vomiting blood recently and after released I have no choice but to vomit after every little sip or bite of anything because even if I wamted to keep it down my body forces it out.
Avatar f tn It depends what your doctor says and how much you weight previous to being pregnant. I lost 15 lbs between conceiving and and 12 weeks pregnant (when I found out) and I am 28 weeks and I have only gained 8lbs back.
Avatar n tn If these possibilities have bee ruled out and one still has difficulty losing weight, to a normal BMI; it is advised to consult a doctor to rule out hormonal/ endocrine issues that could hamper progress. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
594189 tn?1386916607 Well... the recommended amount of weight per week is 1-2 pounds. Just wanting to ask, do you exercise and follow a healthy meal plan?
Avatar n tn As the first comment correctly stated, losing weight fast doesn't last and leaves you weaker, which you don't want to be if you're getting ready for basic training. Why not wait to join the military until you're ready?
Avatar f tn I lost weight during my first pregnancy so I would say its normal :) dont worry.
10286987 tn?1410261849 Birth control pills can cause weight gain. You should talk to your parents about getting a different type of birth control.
1577478 tn?1296177497 Im 13, 5'4 and Im 162 pounds! I need to lose weight fast. I have asthma so exersice is hard for me. Ill do ANYTHING to lose weight fast. Anything I can do?
Avatar f tn Hey yall, I've lost about 10 pounds in 2 days and I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I haven't been eating much because I'm so worried about what's good and bad for the baby. I have awful anxiety and depression so I over think and worry about everything . I haven't been taking my anxiety medicine due to risks of harming the baby and I think that's why I can't eat and am losing weight so fast. Is this dangerous or will it get better with time ?
Avatar f tn The challenge is not so much losing the weight but keeping it off. Only serious lifestyle changes that include a balanced diet and exercise will help you to effectively manage your weight. Nobody wants to hear that but it's true. I suggest mutual support groups and counselling to help you explore the reasons why you over eat. Most of us suffer from past traumas, depression and anxiety.
Avatar f tn It's all about 'portion-control'... I have a good friend that went from 300lbs down to 165lbs simply be reducing the portions she was eating. It help that I was around to do it with her, and I even ended up losing a bit of weight because of it, so if you have a buddy, it'll be easier. But it's possible to do it alone with a lot of self-control. She used the whole "Weight-Watchers'esqe-Points-System" and it worked wonders for her. Good luck to you.
Avatar f tn Losing weight is not easy. Go online use your weight and height and fine you BMW and what it should be. Then if you are serious diet and exercise will work to lose pounds. That means sacrifice of fun foods and being tired and sweaty from exercise. Stay away from fast foods sugar drinks sugar snacks. Eat protein and lots veg. Snack on fruits and health stuff. Stay away from nuts. Best exercise is hiking a trail. Do it so you sweat at the end. Maybe 2 miles first then 4-5 everyday.
Avatar f tn My dog losing weight. His stool became soft+liquid. Do you have any idea of what it could be? Is it some kind of disease?
Avatar f tn It also helps to plan your meals ahead of time so that you know before hand how many calories your going to eat that day. You dont have to eat much of some foods to keep from losing weight. You can purchase the calorie counter book in a paper back at most any book store... Id also suggest that you try eating 1,500to 1,600 calories daily. Most males usually use or burn about 2400 calories daily.
Avatar n tn Milk isn't good for you anyway, so that's no loss, and it doesn't really add weight all that much unless you eat a ton of it. But here's the thing -- unless you have a physiological condition that prevents you from absorbing the food you eat, and that is a condition that exists, eating more of anything will help you gain weight. The more food you eat that metabolizes quickly into sugar or contains high fat will likely help you to gain weight.
Avatar f tn not on purpose. Every since I read the side affects of geodon .... I have gained lots of weight.. and I have other side effects from it. I can'tstand the way I look this weight is a huge factor. I'm crying feeling so out of sorts.. I guess right now I can't explain myself .. I hate this....Wish I had cancer instead of bipolar...others and myself would understand what I'm going through......been this way for 2weeks seeing doc on Thursday... scared of going off of geod.
Avatar n tn m fatter than them. I have 63kg and 168cm. Any advice for losing weight fast and healthy? Any advice for exercises?
5147790 tn?1364304489 t that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance or PCOS, all of which can cause weight gain and/or make losing next to impossible. Good luck and keep posting.