
Lidocaine for spinal anesthesia

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine for spinal anesthesia


Avatar f tn Has anyone had spinal anesthesia for a laparotomy? I was given a choice of spinal or general for my upcoming ovarian cyst open surgery? I was surprised and uninformed. Any experience? I've never had a spinal before, have had general anesthesia several times. I was told I would be kept asleep. I would not want to be awake during the surgery. Thanks!
Avatar f tn You should tell the anesthesiologist the reaction you had during the administration of the anesthesia so that anesthesia induction can be delivered safely and uneventful. Perhaps a different kind of anesthesia can be given to you. Take care.
Avatar n tn However, some do it under local anesthesia also using lignocaine jelly. Hence, this procedure can be done under local anesthesia. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care.
Avatar n tn There is no need to be anxious over having oral surgery with local anesthetic. It is your friend...remember that. Heck, I'd pull a tooth on a patient with no anesthesia if he or she could take it. I won't feel a thing. The anesthesia is available for the comfort of the patient. As far as the use of "caine" anesthetics, you are painting with too broad a brush.
Avatar n tn I agree with the 2 other commenters...if the doctor cannot or will not use anesthesia, or even another urologist that will. It is an uncomfortable procedure....more so for a man. I am a woman and have had 2 natural child births and NOTHING has been as painful for me as the last cystoscope I had done l;ast month. Never again without something to numb me. Stand your ground and good wishes.
Avatar f tn One shot of lidocaine in the breast does not cut it for anesthesia. It felt like searing dart guns were piercing my breast. My entire right breast is black and blue...and my surgeon states it may take 4 months for the brusing to go away. I am still in alot of pain, and I, too, had nightmares several nights after the proceedure. I was told that I could drive myself...big mistake. I was in so much pain after the proceedure I could barely get home.
Avatar m tn this situation can be dealt with by local anesthesia like lidocaine. since it is (the procedure) not time consuming and the area is readily accessible. Nitrous oxide could be used if you are anxious about the procedure, it is to deal with your anxiety, nothing more. I don't recommend General anesthesia, since the case is not inquiring. If I were you, I would go for local anesthesia alone. but as I said, if you are afraid of doing it, you may choose nitrous oxide.
Avatar n tn I am a doctor mysf and have been getting urethral dilatation under local anesthesia(lignocaine gel) for over 3 yrs. the only time spinal block was used was when i was having my first dilatation done.It is a bit more painful and difficult but better than getting anesthesia all the time which has its own drawbacks. Hope it helps.
Avatar f tn i have a arachnoid cyst in my brain..and i need to get spinal anesthesia for my csection...since the spinal meds are injected into the spinal fluid....what could it do to the cyst in my head?
383138 tn?1314167773 They wont inject lidocaine into a vein for pain... If they did any dose they give would be negligable for your heart.
Avatar f tn That's a hard one to answer Connie .... some women have only slight discomfort and I have heard others who complain of quite a bit of pain. I think it depends on YOU but most don't find it a problem. If you do experience any pain don't hesitate to let the Technician and Radiologist know it ... a local anesthesia is used and you are the only one who will know if it's sufficient. good Luck with your biopsy; THINK BENIGN !!!
Avatar n tn No one discussed this possibility with me before my (NO ANESTHESIA) multiple sample procedure yesterday! Once and for all, the AUA needs to set the standard of care as short-acting general intravenous anesthetic agents (spare us your asinine argument about the point score efficacy of injectable lidocaine via different sites). PLEASE also stop lying to men saying that you may experience “discomfort” when the biopsy is taken: This is an incredibly PAINFUL procedure. Come out of the dark ages!
1508881 tn?1313114901 ve had 8 epidural steroid injections and 8 lidocaine injections and I was fine for those. But for some reason the RFA is making me really scared. Maybe it's because they are going to use a sedative/fentanyl in an IV that is freaking me out the most. I've never had any sort of anesthesia beside local. My biggest fear is getting all loopy and acting weird. Also I'm not sure how the actual burning is going to feel. So anyone that has had this can you tell me how it went for you?
Avatar f tn I would ask for general anesthesia, I am allergic to lidocaine so my ICD was placed under general anesthesia. I have had my ICD replaced (battery died) and the second operation was done under the same circumstance. Your story was so heart wrenching it made me think of science fiction but it happens I had an ablation and versed didn't work for me and I remember those same feelings you had. I hope the nightmares and insomnia get better.
7792797 tn?1413503184 Hey ladies that have had a c section... does the insertion of the spinal hurt MORE or less than an iv/getting your blood drawn? 2) how bad is the needle used to numb u before they insert the spinal? Thanks!!!!
Avatar n tn These prolapsed discs irritate the nerves which leave the spinal cord for peripheral supply to the limbs and the axial skeleton. the therapy options are NSAIDS if there is pain, acupressure, epidural injection of steroids, physiotherapy and exercises and lastly spine surgery including either a discectomy or laminectomy to remove the herniated disc material which compresses the nerve and lamina part of vertebral bone respectively.
Avatar n tn You were forced to get your ears pierced? I had to beg and beg to get mine done (a long time ago). So, this is not ER worthy in my opinion. That's for emergencies and is very expensive. However, if you have tried to pop it out, used rubbing alcohol to clean out the excess dirt and that isn't working, then go see your family doctor or urgent care. They can guide you. I don't think they will put you under anesthesia but they may rub some lidocaine on it which will numb it.
Avatar f tn This happens when the CSF pressure in the brain falls. This usually happens after spinal anesthesia, spinal taps, or spinal injuries. However in some people this happens without a cause. This is known as spontaneous intracranial hypotension. A procedure called an epidural blood patch, if is successful, even temporarily, it generally means the patient does indeed have a spinal headache.
Avatar n tn In October 2010, I had a bladder hydrodistention for intersticial cystitis. The distention helped relieved my bladder symptoms for over six months. Unfortunately, within 24 hours of having the hydrodistention I experienced a reoccurance of my facial numbness and pain and within days, was in horrific pain. I had many tests including brain scans which were normal. It has been a long battle coming back using baclofen and valium, along with mild use of low dose tegretol.
Avatar f tn At 10 cm dilation I was taken for emergency c section since babys head didnot desent. They gav anesthesia to my spinal I dint feel any pain as was already in labor that pain of spinal anesthesia felt like nothing. But I was not getting that numbness then finally then gave general anesthesia throgh a nose mask and ask me to breath in. Immediately I was unconsious and dont even know what has happened by the time I could hear anything everything was done and they were shifting me from OR.
2112931 tn?1335098402 It is a very similar procedure but I was far more relaxed with the epidurals, even the ones I had without sedation. Oh, I had spinal anesthesia for two surgeries as well. No problems before, during or after. I guess my mind hadn't stamped any of those procedures with the strong negative association it reserved for a 'spinal tap' or LP. I know now that my mind was wrong to single out the LP as so different. All the more recent procedures I had were done under fluoroscopy.
293157 tn?1285873439 I agree with Poppy about spinal being easier for your body to deal with. After surgery it can take a while for your body to cleanse itself of general anesthesia. It can leave you groggy and can cause nausea. MS wise I don't think there's a big difference. I've had both and was much more alert/aware after the spinal. With the spinal I made sure that I would be completely out if it during surgery. I did not want to be aware of anything thatnwas going on!
Avatar f tn What type of anesthesia did your pediatrician use? Typically local anesthesia, such as lidocaine, will not have systemic effects. It is possible that the stressful event may have exacerbated his underlying neurological injury. If your son is worse than before, he should be evaluated by a neurologist/doctor who knows him best. He may need additional therapy. Thank you for this opportunity to answer your questions, I hope you find the information I have provided useful, good luck.