
Lidocaine for local anesthesia

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine for local anesthesia


Avatar n tn However, some do it under local anesthesia also using lignocaine jelly. Hence, this procedure can be done under local anesthesia. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care.
Avatar m tn this situation can be dealt with by local anesthesia like lidocaine. since it is (the procedure) not time consuming and the area is readily accessible. Nitrous oxide could be used if you are anxious about the procedure, it is to deal with your anxiety, nothing more. I don't recommend General anesthesia, since the case is not inquiring. If I were you, I would go for local anesthesia alone. but as I said, if you are afraid of doing it, you may choose nitrous oxide.
Avatar f tn The medicines given to you are the usual medicines given during local anesthesia administration. There is a possibility that you had a drug reaction. You should tell the anesthesiologist the reaction you had during the administration of the anesthesia so that anesthesia induction can be delivered safely and uneventful. Perhaps a different kind of anesthesia can be given to you. Take care.
Avatar n tn There is no need to be anxious over having oral surgery with local anesthetic. It is your friend...remember that. Heck, I'd pull a tooth on a patient with no anesthesia if he or she could take it. I won't feel a thing. The anesthesia is available for the comfort of the patient. As far as the use of "caine" anesthetics, you are painting with too broad a brush.
Avatar f tn Local anesthesia will work fine. Its better to get it drained then to risk the infection getting into your blood stream and causing issues for the baby. It could possibly be staph. Which grows in moist places. All it would take is shaving and having an open pore for the bacteria to get into. Draining it is definitely the best possible solution. It will give you so much relief. Ask for them to out a lidocaine patch or gel there before giving you the numbing shot. That should minimize any pain.
Avatar f tn What type of anesthesia did your pediatrician use? Typically local anesthesia, such as lidocaine, will not have systemic effects. It is possible that the stressful event may have exacerbated his underlying neurological injury. If your son is worse than before, he should be evaluated by a neurologist/doctor who knows him best. He may need additional therapy. Thank you for this opportunity to answer your questions, I hope you find the information I have provided useful, good luck.
Avatar f tn That's a hard one to answer Connie .... some women have only slight discomfort and I have heard others who complain of quite a bit of pain. I think it depends on YOU but most don't find it a problem. If you do experience any pain don't hesitate to let the Technician and Radiologist know it ... a local anesthesia is used and you are the only one who will know if it's sufficient. good Luck with your biopsy; THINK BENIGN !!!
Avatar n tn when they put the mask on and put the IV in my arm for the anesthesia, i immediate went out, but it was the most uncomfortable pressure in my head i ever felt, with the last image i saw repeating itself at a very fast pace, and the last sound i heard repeating itself as well. i was unconscious, but i was conscious of being unconscious. i wasn't aware of my body, but my mind was awake. i knew immediately something was wrong, but i didn't know what was happening just that it was bad.
Avatar f tn However, everything I read said anesthesia is used--local or general (or even sedation). Can someone tell me what is the proper way to have a cystoscope done? Also, after the cysto he bled for a WEEK profusely. That doesn't seem normal either.
Avatar n tn My surgeon gave me a choice between having general anesthesia and local anesthesia with sedation -- I have chosen the local + sedation route. I will let you know how it feels! Kind regards...
Avatar f tn I've been through it twice in the last eight months and refused anesthesia and sedation both times so I was awake through the procedures, just had lidocaine for a local. It's not so bad, the emotional part of the miscarriages was worse than the physical pain. Crampy afterwards and the bleeding continues for about two weeks afterward. It's tough. But it's quick. And then it's over.
Avatar n tn There's a good solution for you: light IV sedation and local anesthesia. You'll experience no pain, and you won't remember the procedure. Much better (IMO) than general anesthesia, which sometimes has some unpleasant side effects.
Avatar n tn No one discussed this possibility with me before my (NO ANESTHESIA) multiple sample procedure yesterday! Once and for all, the AUA needs to set the standard of care as short-acting general intravenous anesthetic agents (spare us your asinine argument about the point score efficacy of injectable lidocaine via different sites). PLEASE also stop lying to men saying that you may experience “discomfort” when the biopsy is taken: This is an incredibly PAINFUL procedure. Come out of the dark ages!
Avatar m tn Can strabismus surgery be done using local anesthesia and what are the advantages or disadvantages if any?
645390 tn?1338555377 When I was in the Navy, general anesthesia can be rough to deal with at sea, so when we could, we used IV sedation and local or regional blocks. Most of the time, we could sew up a scalp with local anesthesia. Bug nasty jobs required moving to regional blocks. It is the same theory, but we were not doing it for long term pain management. We did it to five us a couple of hours to put things back together.
1508881 tn?1313114901 ve had 8 epidural steroid injections and 8 lidocaine injections and I was fine for those. But for some reason the RFA is making me really scared. Maybe it's because they are going to use a sedative/fentanyl in an IV that is freaking me out the most. I've never had any sort of anesthesia beside local. My biggest fear is getting all loopy and acting weird. Also I'm not sure how the actual burning is going to feel. So anyone that has had this can you tell me how it went for you?
Avatar f tn Last time it was very painful even 2 times local anesthesia did not worked for me. Doctor said this happened due to inflammation. Anybody have any idea how to manage the pain. Should I take pain killers before getting it done and which one should I take? Also is it true that if we keep getting drainage done the pus will keep coming back so should we not get it done? Please share your experiences. Thanks all!!
Avatar m tn I wonder if anybody has experience of a biopsy where they use only local anesthesia around the area of needle stick. Was it too much discomfort? The advantage for me is to be able to drive home by myself and perhaps saving some $$.
Avatar f tn However, they will have to run a few tests to check if local anesthesia is better or the general one. Iv been on claxean injections n asprin through out my pregnancy since my daughter was a really low birth weight. So wat do u think is better local or general?
Avatar n tn Not very long time ago, I've found out that I'm allergic to lidocaine I have really horrible allergy on my face, around eyes and mouht area. I'm really fobic to go to the dentist and now it makes me suffer even of thinking I have to go, because they can't give me an anaestetic! I know, that there's two groups of 'caine' anaestetic, but how can I found out which one I'm allergic to? Which one can be used by a dentist on me?Who could do a test for me?
Avatar f tn Dont worry it must have been a safe anestethic the doctors wouldnt put you or your baby at risk
587083 tn?1327120262 The Urologist (private clinic) said the hospital will not use any local anesthesia and if they do it will only be in the form of gel.Whilst he would inject Lidocaine into the nerve bundle so the patient will not feel pain.If this is the case,we would gladly pay the 250 dollars to the private specialist and not have my husband go through so many horror stories we heard about.Your opinion if, of what he said is right, would be very appreciated.Again, thank you Doctor for your time and patience.
Avatar f tn The wire localization is done under ultrasound in the radiology department (or breast center) and was only mildly uncomfortable. The breast tissue is numbed with a local anesthesia (Lidocaine) and the wires are put in to help pinpoint the area(s) of concern for the surgeon. The wires are very thin and are secured in place to make sure the surgeon is operating in the right area.
Avatar n tn I agree with the 2 other commenters...if the doctor cannot or will not use anesthesia, or even another urologist that will. It is an uncomfortable procedure....more so for a man. I am a woman and have had 2 natural child births and NOTHING has been as painful for me as the last cystoscope I had done l;ast month. Never again without something to numb me. Stand your ground and good wishes.
Avatar f tn t know how he could work on an eye with a local, not to mention how stressful that would be for the dog! Ask how long the procedure would take. If relatively short, then possibly a lighter anesthetic can be given.
Avatar f tn One shot of lidocaine in the breast does not cut it for anesthesia. It felt like searing dart guns were piercing my breast. My entire right breast is black and blue...and my surgeon states it may take 4 months for the brusing to go away. I am still in alot of pain, and I, too, had nightmares several nights after the proceedure. I was told that I could drive myself...big mistake. I was in so much pain after the proceedure I could barely get home.