
Lidocaine and vulvodynia

Common Questions and Answers about Lidocaine and vulvodynia


Avatar f tn I have used it rarely and only in tiny amounts because I saw scared and it never did much. So you think I should try to use a larger quantity? I'm so afraid it will increase the pain and I can't take much more. It's unbearable as it is.
1974283 tn?1425609124 It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn All the doctors admitted that in recent years they have become aware of this problem it is Vulvodynia if you have pain in your vulva, and it is Clitorodynia if you have pain in the clitoris, or it could be both which i have, either or both are caused by neuralgia a nerve injury.
Avatar f tn At 2 months post exposure I thought I was experiencing folliculitis and was overzealous with some razor burn wipes (containing alcohol, salicilic acid and glycolic acid) which I think gave me a chemical burn in my vagina and rectum-that was the only time that a provider looked and saw red raw patches near introitus and rectum and said could be wipes, yeast or herpes. All cultures negative. I was also experiencing some peripheral neuropathy.
Avatar n tn i was wondering if anyone on here had clitorodynia..i've been struggling with yeast/bv for 3 months and now that i am yeast/bv free i have a constant aching pain in my clitoris.
Avatar f tn I also have endometriosis,gastroparesis,ibs,pfd and vulvodynia. My Dr put me on Elmiron and an allery pill and he gave me pain meds also, But the last time i saw him he looked concerned because im not progressing like im supposed to,even though i have done everything im supposed to. So he basically just told me that right now i need a better treatment but unfortunately they dont have one yet. So my question is,do you know of any more treatments that could help me?
Avatar f tn I still try to have it occasionally and sometimes use a spray with lidocaine. Every time I have sex I always bleed afterwards, not too much but it’s every single time. This is without using the spray/ unprotected/protected and using the spray. I’ve had a vaginal ultrasound in April which was normal and I’m clean for all sexual infections and have never had one. Can anyone suggest what to do or what it could be?
Avatar n tn Vestibulitis, also called Vulvodynia, can be difficult to treat and you should look for someone in your area that has an interest in the treatment of this condition. You may find the National Vulvodynia Association, of help.
Avatar f tn Can vulvodynia cause bowel issues and what can help? i keep hearing a rumbling that seems to come from my anal area and gurgling in my pelvic area and side. Its been going on for 2 months. I am not constipated, my bowels are normal, and no pain when i have bowels. sometimes my vulvodynia makes me have pain in my anal area around my period..
Avatar f tn Im unsure about the level of pain you have with vulvodynia but it was the only thing i could link to my symptoms. As for the cream you should be able to get it over the counter...i did, im in the UK and i get a cream called germalene...its for cuts, burns etc and has anaesthetic in it, so i assume you can get something similar in the US...You may be able to get something prescribed by your doctor, but dont quote me on that...
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with vulvodynea several months ago. The pain is constant and makes even sitting down hurt. Intercourse is very painful as well. I've seen two doctors and two physicians assistants and, as a result, have come to the conclusion that no one in the medical community seems to know anything about this despite the fact that 15 percent of women supposedly suffer from this at some point in their lifetime.
Avatar f tn s on the outside and not your vagina? Constant or comes and goes? Sorry for all the questions but am just trying to get a picture for what we are talking about.
401370 tn?1233324682 Hello, I have suffered with the symptoms of Vulvodynia, and have done many years of personal and professional research to try and stay pain free. You can view some of my research or contact me at
Avatar f tn Things in the diet that can cause noise in the intestines besides the usual gassy food like beans and cabbage and broccoli, can include lactose, fructose, and artificial sweeteners like in sugarless gum or diet soda. (Incidentally, you have ruled out tapeworm, right?
Avatar n tn I think i might have this bcuz i have been to a sex clinic and had blood tests and that and it has cme back clear for any infections or std's... I have a thick white discharge and when i have intercourse it burns and stings around the opening of the hole. i also had itchyness and i had thrush cream and tablet a few days ago and it is still hurting when i have sex! and sometimes when i pee! i had clamidia not long ago but have been treated and that has cleard.
Avatar n tn I had a supracervical hyterectomy 5 years ago, and cannot take estrogen replacement of any kind, due to the extreme constipation it causes me. 5 years later, I am now having pain in my vaginal and cervical area, which seems now to only get worse when I try to apply any kind of feminine lubricant. The pain is so bad at times that it throbs. I have been to the emergency room 3 times for this over the past 5 years. I have been reading about "vulvodynia" and wonder if I have this.
849259 tn?1244637661 i have some sort of irritable vulval syndrome, rather than vulvodynia, and it was my doctor who suggested it.....the gyne had absolutely no idea what it could be...didnt even suggest anything....and shes the specialist! But i know for vulvodynia, certain points that are touched even gently on the vulva can cause a lot of pain....i saw it on a programme once and the gyne was like top of the lot and he suggested using an anaesthetic cream for sex...
Avatar f tn Have you found any relief or anything that helps you? I think I have vulvodynia and I'm really scared and depressed about it.
Avatar f tn It may not be vulvodynia. unfortunately not enough research has been done on womens' problems like this condition. i have similar symptoms (the vulval burning during and after sex) i dont think its vulvodynia. my doctor told it could be a general irritated vulval syndrome. she suggested not using any soaps at all when washing the area so now i just use warm water and that has eased the symptoms. try an aqueous cream after sex or an anaesthetic cream to numb the area before sex....
401370 tn?1233324682 Hi,I have had vulvodynia for 8yrs.I have know idea what started it,and you are very right about the doctors i dont know why they wont do more studies on this disease!I have been to many doctors that had know clue what it is.It is very hard to treat,I have tryed so many things with know help! I have some good days and some very bad ones! Good thing my husband is a very understanding man.I get on the internet hoping to find something new about it,but its always more of the same!
Avatar n tn I have had vulvodynia for about 8 years now and it is one of the hardest things to treat.I have had very little luck with getting some relief.creams seem to make the problem worse,and they say not to do surgery because the problem just comes back.I really dont have any answers, for this really bad illness! It can destroy relationships,and marriages.Thank goodness I have a real understanding husband and even we have had our problems because of this.
Avatar n tn I have vulvodynia. I take a natural anti-inflammatory support capsule, and inositol powder 3-5 mg a day, and evening primose oil (the latter 2 supposedly help with nerve damage). 2 weeks ago I started taking Lyrica 50 mg in the morning, 50 mg at night. After about 1.5 weeks I noticed a significant decrease in the pain. The lyrica has made me sleepy and my memory foggy, but it's not too bad. It's better than experiencing pain.
401370 tn?1233324682 I have vulvodynia. I take a natural anti-inflammatory support capsule, and inositol powder 3-5 mg a day, and evening primose oil (the latter 2 supposedly help with nerve damage). 2 weeks ago I started taking Lyrica 50 mg in the morning, 50 mg at night. After about 1.5 weeks I noticed a significant decrease in the pain. The lyrica has made me sleepy and my memory foggy, but it's not too bad. It's better than experiencing pain.
401370 tn?1233324682 I as well have vulvodynia and have found no help! I have good days but for the most part i suffer on a daily basis.If anyone out there has found anything that would help hollar back at me.I will try anything that might help. suffering for 8 yrs now!
Avatar m tn This can combat the nerve hypersensitivity and pelvic muscle spasms that constitute vulvodynia. Try munching almonds and/or take a supplement containing 200 mg. of magnesium citrate twice a day.