
Lamotrigine valproate

Common Questions and Answers about Lamotrigine valproate


Avatar m tn Your son has what is called as West syndrome. Valproate is a good drug, but it will be needed in high doses, and there is a risk of liver damage (Hepatotoxicity) with it. Vigabatrin is a first line drug for West syndrome. Only when Vigabatrin does not work, do we generally give Sodium Valproate. But please do not get confused with this. Continue Valproate and see the response. The other two medicines (Nitrazepam and Lamotrigine) are suitable. Expect some amount of developmental delay.
Avatar n tn i've mine since last march. my neuro doesn't think that it's benign yet he can't seem to find what's causing it so at the moment we're taking the "let's wait and see" approach. i'm taking sodium valproate and lamotrigine at the moment which is keeping it mostly under control but i still have my bad days sometimes when it just goes crazy.
Avatar m tn Lamotrigine has been successful in controlling rapid cycling and mixed bipolar states in people who have not received adequate relief from lithium, carbamazepine and/or valproate. It also appears that lamotrigine has significantly more antidepressant potency than either carbamazepine or valproate. Lamotrigine is also useful as part of the treatment of some people with major (unipolar) depression.
Avatar n tn In adults the choice of an antiepileptic drug depends on several factors like type of seizure, associated medical disorders and use of any medications etc.Dilantin,carbamezapine,valproate can be used in temporal lobe seizures.Topamax,keppra,lamotrigine can be used as add on drugs with medications mentioned above.Dilantin doesn’t cause depression but can cause decrease in renal function,headache,dizziness,confusion,double vision etc.
Avatar f tn I was also on epilim and was taken off because of the weight gain, im now on lamotrigine, at the begining I found this to really lift my mood but then it wasnt enough so I was added some other medication, cant remember the name, I was ok for months but now for some reason I have started to cycle again.
Avatar n tn Absence seizures respond to sodium valproate, lamotrigine etc. consult a pediatrician for evaluation and management. Hope this helps. Take care.
Avatar f tn One of the mood stabilizers like lamotrigine, lithium, of valproate you may find helpful. Ziprexa is also a good one for many people but does cause a lot of weight gain but the weight gain does level off once you are on the drug for a while and it is very expensive but you can get assistance through the company to pay for it if needed. If you can you need to go and see a psychiatrist so they can help you with medications.
Avatar f tn when he saw his neuro and therapist he should have told them what he was taking, that way they would make sure that the meds they prescribe don't react badly to each other. i think you should try get them together to have a chat with both of them. there are some anti-epileptics out there that actually act as mood stabilizers as well, the two that i know of is sodium valproate and lamotrigine. i'm not too sure if they can be used for dual purpose but it's worth a shot right?
1156914 tn?1300571629 Ok, so in April 2009 I was diagnosed with spinal myoclonus. I've had numerous tests done but we haven't found anything so at the moment I'm taking sodium valproate and lamotrigine to keep it under control. On one of the MRI's I had in September 2009, my neuro saw a small pineal cyst (0.4mm x 0.3mm) and said I don't have to worry about it because many people have them and they don' cause any problems. Moving along...
219799 tn?1209630751 Hi Dear From the symptoms that you have mentioned, it appears that your chils suffers from a juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME, a form of seizure). The drug treatment being offered to him includes valproate (desval), clonazepam (rivotril), and tetrabenazine (revocon). These are the standard therapies for the treatment of JME. The effects of these medications takes some time to appear. How long has your son been taking these medications?
Avatar f tn s more likely with sodium valproate. Many meds can cause tremors, so you should probably have him see his psychiatrist to discuss whether this adverse effect is likely to be permanent or if a med change (whether in dosage or different meds) will solve the issue and make it go away.
Avatar n tn For medical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia several types of drugs are tried either singly or in combination. These are anti-epilepsy drugs such as valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, gabapentin, and pregabalin; muscle relaxants such as clonazepam and baclofen; tricyclic antidepressants such as carbamazepine, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline. The other option is surgery: Stereotactic radiosurgery, cutting or destroying part of nerve or removing blood vessel or tumor pressing it.
Avatar m tn Unfortunately very little is known about this condition and it is a good thing that you will be seeing a migraine specialist shortly. Medications like anticonvulsants like lamotrigine, Topiramate and Valproate are usually prescribed for relief. Let us know the results of your exam and take care.
487070 tn?1313665952 It used to go none stop but my neuro put me on antiepileptics, had to try a few before I found something that works (sodium valproate, keppra, clonazepam, clobazam, lamotrigine) My neuro says that spinal myoclonus is kinda like epilepsy but not epilepsy at the same time.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed Valproate acid. I don;t recall the med making me drowsy. OTOH didn't energize me either. Please remember every patient is an individual. What is effective for me might not be for you and vice versa. How I react to an Rx drug is absolutely no guarantee you'll feel the same on it This includes side effects too.
1156914 tn?1300571629 thanks guys, i really appreciate everything i've only got the basic blood test results back and it's good to know that the meds that i'm taking aren't affecting my kidneys or liver (jibs, i'm on sodium valproate and lamotrigine).
Avatar n tn For example, patients taking enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin, and phenobarbital) will clear valproate more rapidly. Because of these changes in valproate clearance, monitoring of antiepileptic concentrations should be intensified whenever concomitant antiepileptics are introduced or withdrawn. ......" It takes about 4-5 half lives of for the drug to be completely eliminated.
733744 tn?1337950650 hiya all, i have been put on new meds call valproate i have looked them up on the internet and it doesnt give me much info on them has anyone been on then,im a bit scared to take them because all the meds i have taken so far have gave me bad side affects
Avatar f tn My diemma is I would like to try again BUT I am taking sodium valproate as a mood stabiliser which is like category D in pregnancy.
Avatar f tn you wouldn't necessarily have to see a movement specialist, if your general neuro can keep it under control then you can just carry on going to him. only if it starts getting out of hand would you go see a specialist. i tried clonazepam and it actually made my jerks worse! everyone responds to different meds differently so your neuro will just have to play around, with your consent, to get the right thing for you.
Avatar f tn m taking a prescription of sodium valproate and lamotrigine which is working pretty well to keep the twitches under control.
Avatar m tn Sir, Good day! I suffer from bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist has been treating me with a combination of Tab. Sodium valproate 2000 mg at night [SR Tab.] & Tab. Sertraline 100 mg in morning. Could this combination cause worsening of my disease in long term? Thanks & Regards, Naveen.