
Kariva birth control price

Common Questions and Answers about Kariva birth control price


Avatar f tn Before I answer you question, I need to clarify something. You wrote that you have been on Karvia for 10months and never took the placebo pills and thus never had a real period except for occasional spotting. May I ask why you did this and did your gynecologist know that you were doing this? The reason why I am concerned is that when you don't have a period at least every 4 months you put yourself at a higher risk for uterine or endometrial cancer.
Avatar f tn Last Wednesday I got my period, and I began taking Kariva Birth Control. On friday, My boyfriend and I decided to have sex, which was dumb, but we used a condom with spermicide on it and in it. After a little bit, the condom popped and he pulled out immediately without ejaculating at all. Then we were finished. I know that people say that girls can get pregnant on their periods, however, i was only on the 3rd day of my cycle and i highly doubt that i could have ovulated so early...
Avatar f tn Okay, so I am a seventeen year old girl and I recently started the Yasmin Birth Control Pill. My doctor told me to start taking the Yellow pill (hormone pill) on the first day of my period which I found a little confusing as it is meant to stop your period.
Avatar f tn Okay I am wanting to start birth control not for the usual reason. I want to start it to lighten my periods and help my acne clear up. I've already talked to my mom about it and she supports me on it. I just don't know exactly which pill to look into. Anybody have suggestions? I'll of course do more research but I need some ideas. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
1063764 tn?1272821064 ) Which leads me to believe that I have an overproduction of hormones in my system. I am also on the birth control pill Kariva. I was told that they would not interfere with each other, however something is not right and I was just wondering if anyone out there could help me out. I can't get back to the endocrinologist for another 4 months for my next test, so I did not want to stop the medication. Does anyone know how long it stays in your body...
Avatar m tn I am on Kariva birth control. I missed 2 or 3 pills the week that i had sex. We used protection everytime except penetration once for like 30 but he did not ejaculate. I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
5188579 tn?1364990835 I'm 37, and am to futile to be in a relationship. Been checking out birth control options. I'm to oldto have another baby. I have no insurance. So price is an issue.
Avatar m tn s natural rhythm again. If your not planning on becoming pregnant then another form of birth control would be advised by your dr.
Avatar f tn I'm not sure what country you're in but birth control pills are prescription only in the USA. You wouldn't be able to get them without a prescription. Also doctors like to do some type of exam before just writing a script to make sure you don't have any obvious problems that would preclude you from getting on the pill. There's no way to get around the insurance issue. If you want to pay less via insurance then it would be in the records and your family would see.
Avatar f tn Anyone have the depo shot as a previous birth control ? How did you like it? What were your side effects ?
Avatar n tn I never miss my birth control, I always take it that day and around the same time as long as I can (I never miss it, I just take it 5 hours later that usual). I also always use a condom when I have sex. The only time I don't use a condom is when I don't have one and my boyfriend always pulls out. Typically it is the second time around in an hr or so that we don't use a condom (if we run out).
Avatar f tn As far as the cysts go, I just had to take some time off from the meds and go on birth control pills to make them go away. If you do have a cyst and take the clomid, then only the cyst will grow, not the follicles. (at least that's what my RE said) I took two and half weeks off from any fertitlity meds and went on birth control pills. Now the cysts have gone away and am starting the injectables next week.
Avatar f tn Happy Boyfriend Who Thinks He is Going to Get Some that the price of entry is protecting you, and that means condoms plus birth-control pills. He'll probably still be glad to get some, and will man up and wear the balloon.
Avatar f tn Like I told my brothernits deffinatly safer AND cheaper to get on birth control cause he would get one of those pills like every other day and I was like danggg thats a lot of money to spend on that lol
Avatar n tn 6 which is above the norm. I also take Kariva as a birth control. What I am worried about is whether I really need to take this thyroid medication. I am not an anti-medicine person, but I certainly don't want to be taking something I don't need to take. Please, advise. Nat.
4377655 tn?1354246709 Yes, that is how pregnancy is achieved, but it depends on your fertility cycle. You are not very fertile at most times of the month, so most people don't get pregnant as soon as they try. You could get an IUD if you need pregnancy prevention you don't have to think about. The copper kind doesn't even use hormones, so it's great except that it increases bleeding for the first year. It does not protect against STDs, of course.
Avatar n tn I'm 16, and I had protected sex along with my birth control. I am experiencing a little bit of brown spotting, and my period starts within the next few days... Is this a sign I could be pregnant or is this normal before my period since we used all precautions..?
Avatar m tn Eventually the cyst went away. I stopped using the nuva ring and started taking a progestin only birth control pill at the behest of my gynecologist. In late November 2011, I woke up with terrible lower abdomen pain, which felt like cramping but slightly different. Shortly thereafter began to have intense back pain and nausea which continued for days. My stomach was distended, swollen and painful to the touch. I couldn't walk, eat or perform daily activities.
Avatar f tn Hey mommi please help me out I have never taken birth control before and wanted to get an IUD because I'm bad at pills I'm in Ontario so I don't think it's covered what's the price range like and is it safe??
Avatar f tn I need help and I'm desperate. I am on birth control and have been for the past two years. My periods have always been very regular and on time by the hour. But about 6 months ago my boyfriend and I stopped using protection and pretty much relied on BC for a while. Then last month my period showed up really irregular and was not normal at all. I started a day late with no cramping hardly like I normally do and then I ended two days early.
Avatar m tn We had sex again after 8 hrs, with new condom (no incident there) Next day she urinated the condom out, and took the E-pill 14 hours after the incident. Also, she has been on birth control for 3 months now, and not taking any other medications. What else can I do to prevent her getting pregnant, please help! Thanks.
508106 tn?1269959199 They are so excruciating that I also vomit and pass out every time I have my period. I got on Kariva a birth control when o was 16, I am now 23 and I am on Ocella another BC pill now and could not be any happier. Once in awhile I get a mild cramp but nothing like I used to, it's a complete change and now I am not worried about the dying pain of my period anymore. I have not vomited or passed out since I have been on them. You may need a stronger dose, I did.
2181099 tn?1337874414 Since there is great Birth control methods out there dont make such a drastic change to ur body since ur even questioning urself.
Avatar f tn Hi i have been on birth control almost 6 months now. And i bleed for 2 weeks every period. The first week its just a brown mild red spotting because im still on birth control and then the second week when im on the brown pill is when i actually get the full on effect of my period. Today i got my period again and im still not done with my normal birth control so i decided to skip to the brown pills this week and start a new pack once my brown pills are done.
Avatar f tn Can I get birth control without having an exam? I want birth control to regulate my period. I have never been sexually active but my period can go for 5-9 days not heavy or light flowing. It also has a range of 21-30 days in between periods. I do NOT like to be touched and have never had a successful relationship because of it.