
Jaw pain when opening mouth wisdom teeth

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain when opening mouth wisdom teeth


Avatar f tn The problem is i only heard it pop one time after that my jaw started tighting it keep my mouth opening big due to the tightning also the pain that why i think i may have dislocated jaw
Avatar n tn I had my lower left side wisdom tooth removed about a week and five days ago and I am slowly experiencing more and more pain in my upper jaw area. I am having diffculties opening my mouth because of the pain and soreness. What I need to know is this normal to have pain in the jaw area after a wisdom tooth extraction? And if so, how long should I expect to experience this pain?
Avatar m tn A week has gone by from all four impacted wisdom teeth were surgically removed. My jaw on the right side feels like it is locked. I can only open my jaw 1 inch. When I try to open it farther I get excruciating pain and it won't open. Left side is fine. I was very swollen the first three days after surgery. What should I do?
998476 tn?1249839997 Hi there have you had any luck with opening your jaw?? I'm going through the same thing!! I had 4 wisdom teeth out 1 week ago and just a little worried!
Avatar f tn I also notice that when opening and closing my mouth it seems like the alignment of my jaw is wrong, the right side appears to pop out when my mouth opens and the left does not. I never had any jaw problems before having my wisdom tooth out, my jaw had never even locked before. It is very frustrating and I just want to know what could have happened and how I might make it better?!?!
Avatar f tn When they erupt, people experience mild fever, jaw pain, tenderness, bleeding of the gum or difficulty opening the mouth. When they fully emerge, the mandible contains 16 teeth. Generally, lower wisdom teeth erupt first. Likely your lower wisdom teeth have erupted giving a total of 16 mandible teeth, while the upper wisdom teeth have not yet erupted. Give it more time they will likely erupt and you will have 16 on top and 16 on the bottom.
Avatar n tn I still have a hard time keeping my jaw open at the dentist or opening my mouth wide. Unfortunately, this sometimes can happen when having teeth extracted. It isn't that your dentist did something wrong necessarily either, it is just one of those unfortunate possible outcomes. I hope this is not what has happened to you, but don't force it, get it checked out and possibly see a specialist for a second opinion.
Avatar m tn What I do have is two sores which sting in my mouth when touched my fluid, my tongue etc. When biting down with my teeth, whilst eating and whatever, they feel a little kind of numb (no pain, just like they're a bit on edge). In terms of my sinuses, they're really not that bad anymore. So I'm wondering what the real root of the problem is. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
Avatar m tn I have had a nagging pain in the back of my mouth for almost 3 months now. The pain is located in the hard palate area above my molars on the right side. Dental X-rays have revealed that nothing is wrong. My wisdom teeth are still intact, but 3 dentists and 2 oral surgeons have assured me that they do not need to come out and would not be causing the pain. The pain is like a sharp pressure in that area of my mouth. Almost feels like a sinus infection in that palate/gum region.
4518471 tn?1355798857 So I had my wisdom teeth just over a week and I am still in pain not as much when I first got them taken out and this pass friday I called the nurse and she said to stop taking the strong pain killers "hydro" and have been really like feeling sick but did not have a cold or anything just felt bad.
Avatar n tn t the pain that keeps me from opening my mouth, I physically cannot open it. I can try to get my fingers between my teeth and pull my jaw apart and it just does not work. Fast forward to now, the swelling of my gum has gone down drastically and my cheek is very nearly back to normal. I can finally close my teeth together, wasn't able to do that before. It is still 'pussing' and the pain is still there although less severe. I still cannot open my mouth, though. Is this normal?
Avatar n tn I'm not sure what my topic is .... I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled a week ago. The dentist who pulled them had me awake with local pain killers. The right two were the hardest to get out and they spent an hour extracting them. I knew when they were doing it that they were pulling fairly hard on my jaw and possibly unhinging it as I go to a chiropractor often to get my jaw aligned.
Avatar dr m tn I have dental crowding. It causes some disalinement of my teeth. After 4 extractions, one on either side, top and bottom my teeth have closed the gap. I don't know if this is relevant but there are times if I open my mouth wide my jaw feels like it is locked. It is several seconds before I can get it to close.
Avatar n tn You know I may also be TMJ, that's what I have,the worst case. I get pain in my jaw, headaches, sometimes throat pain, and ear pain, and back pain, you'll know if you have it by pressure on your side jaw(both sides) Just my oppinion.
Avatar m tn And now before I came across this I did some research about it and I have found alot of things of people having the same problems with the dislocating jaw. But my absolute main question is this due to the extraction of the wisdom teeth?? Like from opening my mouth a little too wide that they done damage??? As the surgeon said himself my teeth were the most difficult he had encountered removing.
Avatar n tn it sounds like your tmj and could have something to do with getting the teeth extracted or you could be grinding your teeth. your tmj has a little pad that floats around in it and moves when you open your mouth, if it gets stuck, then your mouth gets stuck closed or open.
Avatar f tn Hi, Actually, evolution has shortened the lower jaw, thereby making wisdom teeth (or the third molar) obsolete. Many people today are born without them at all. Those of us that have them, if they are crooked or impacted, it's recommended for removal. They can have a direct relationship to the alignment of your other teeth if they have no room to erupt. Not to mention the possibility of jaw bone problems with a tooth trying to erupt directly into it.
Avatar f tn t even yawn in peace anymore or even brush my teeth properly without feeling pain when I try to open my mouth more. This has gone on for three days. I feel a swelling-like bump when I touch the outside of my face. At first I thought it was because of my only grown wisdom tooth because that side of my mouth is where I feel my jaw is locked. That wisdom tooth hasn't bothered me ever since it first started growing, so I didn't think it's because of the tooth.
1402335 tn?1280877356 omg my jaw clicks and it hurts alot when I yawn or take a bite of something like a burger or whatever ...sometimes I can't even bite down all the way. It does it all the time, worse this past 6 months or so. It's been happening for about 2 years. it's horrible. what is that??
Avatar f tn After few days I noticed that I am unable to open my mouth , a severe pain starts when I open it beyond around 1 to 2 inch. I still feel pain when I touch my tooth and still after 3 weeks unable to open my mouth without pain around my Jaw. Please advice me what might be the reason.
Avatar n tn Post-op pain from the removal of your wisdom teeth should not last that long. When they extract the wisdom teeth, they are pretty close to a facial nerve and facial muscles, so it can very well be a problem with the muscle being damaged/torn. Though the wholes where the teeth were are usually present for a long time and can become infected. I'd talk to the oral surgeon who did the extractions. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Some patients develop this after having wisdom teeth removed. This is just when the joint that is in between your jaw and skull shifts out of place when you open and close your mouth. If you hear a popping noise when you open and close this is likely the case. Hope this helped.