
Jaw pain after getting braces off

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain after getting braces off


Avatar n tn Even though my teeth were straight and pretty, I had to get braces because my bite was off (thus causing the TMJ). After a few months in braces, the pain and headaches cleared right up!! I am almost finished with the treatment and the braces are coming off soon. Best wishes!
Avatar f tn The next 2 days i felt fine just a little sore in my left jaw. Well third day after braces the pain became worse. Now I have had braces on for a week and im having the worse pain possible that originates in my jaw and shoots up to my scalp. My pain is in my lower left jaw, to my ear,then to my cheek bone, then to my scalp. I have the pain for a couple minutes then i will be fine for a few min to 30 min then it happens again.
Avatar f tn My jaw has popped for several years now which has not bothered me to much other than the annoyance of it, However several months ago I started having pain in my teeth and jaw. I saw two dentist who took X-rays and explained it could be from grinding my teeth at night. They assured me that everything else looked fine. Since then, the pain has gotten worse and comes more often. I have been taking pain relievers everyday now, and sometimes more than once a day. The pain now also goes into my ear.
Avatar f tn braces at 18, 4 pre-molars extracted at 19, gap closed, braces off at 20 1/2. Worst mistake of my life, now TMJ, pain/throbbing in jaw, sunken cheeks slightly, flat lip, dark corners in smile, and now and even narrower and smaller jaw. My teeth still protruded when they were straight b/c I have a really narrow jaw, that's why pre-molars were pulled.
Avatar f tn At times my jaw and this pain in my head are so nagging, at almost makes me crazy. I was wondering if braces would help. My bite is so off to one side, I just would like some help. I live in a really small town with not much available to me in the way of professional help. Is an ortho. my best bet for help?
Avatar f tn I have my top right wisdom tooth coming in and when I get pain (not often) I take two tylenol and feel great after half hour or less
Avatar n tn m not an orthodontist, but I can tell you a few things as an adult who just finished having braces...Yes, teeth can be crooked after taking the braces off, especially when patients aren't compliant about following through with the retainment plan set out by the orthodontist, but even then there are some cases where teeth move back into their crooked position. There are lots of pros to braces.
Avatar m tn We had our daughter evaluated at this age our dentist recomended it she ended up having treatment at the age 9 to helped her palate and extend her jaw some kids have jaw issues that are best addressed at this age. The difference in her before and after pictures are amazing.
Avatar f tn Think of a nice future without pain. I am 21 years old and back to full braces (third round) and jaw surgery next year to raise upper jaw, widen palate and bring lower jaw forward. I had a very bad flare-up of my TMJ in september that made me basically useless for over a week because of the pain. I'm tired of just dealing with it, and since I want to go for a full cure I hope fixing my bite will do that.
Avatar n tn At the age of 29 I was having really bad TMJ problems (daily migraines) even though my teeth were pretty and fairly straight. After getting braces because my bite was off, the pain stopped within 2 months! Braces are not that big of a deal and aren't going to prohibit you from doing anything (except maybe eating caramel apples).
Avatar f tn I was told for a over bite and some bad rotated front teeth the same for braces but after of years my dentist brought it up to me again saying I should get invisaligns which are better and with out any pain compared to braces you get pain and cuts from the metal also it can be the same amount on with metal braces
746512 tn?1388807580 Very happy jaw is calm for now, but not looking forward to having braces on for the third time and jaw surgery looming in the next 12-14 months.
Avatar n tn My son is 16 and will be starting his 5 year of having braces placement. Several months ago he developed a cavity although small still needed filled. Then a month or so after that he complained of severe pain in the same area (upper right side) took him back to the dentist he did xrays and said he couldn't see anything wrong.
Avatar n tn Damen braces is a new technology available and they work a little like palate expanders but you’ll need to read for yourself and visit a professional before you know if this is for you. After damen braces if you have the space you will have to have four teeth implanted and you should gain a fuller smile.
Avatar m tn Also, does anyone know how my ortho is going to pull the teeth out? Dont understand how braces on my teeth are going to force my teeth and jaw to widen. Unless I'll have to wear head gear at night and that will pull my teeth out. I'll have to ask my ortho next time I see him. Maybe someone here knows.
Avatar n tn Does your daughter wear braces or did she have braces? Sometimes this can cause shifts in jaw alignment and send pain in several directions.
2011937 tn?1328058785 s went away after braces. My cousin kind of grew out of his around 16 but I do believe he also had braces. I already had braces (off for about 4 months now!), and I'm turning 16 this year. I've been bullied with it ever since I started kindergarten at 4. I am so sick and tired of it! Once when I had to have 5 teeth pulled they put me on a ton of medication and it made my eye go away for awhile.
Avatar f tn re having serious pain and your mind is locked into the mode and idea of infection = pain and pain= infection. Bad braces can cause pain in all the musculature around there. Injuries dont continue to hurt. You get cut. Even if it heals huge acar stops hurtong. What KEEPS hurting is unnatural loading like a suntle head-forward posture from changed mouth and changed breathing etc. Or your lower jaw is more back now and everytime you chew more pain coming later.
444932 tn?1273980797 Are you doing anything to correct the TMJ? I got braces a couple of years ago and still have them b/c it's taking forever for my jaw to move into the right position. Sorry to hear you have TMJ too but happy to have someone who can relate - misery loves company, right?
Avatar f tn I am a 17 years old girl. four months ago i started experiencing neck pain that wouldnt go away. A g.p prescribed antibiotics for it, then muscle relaxants and then calcium and vitamin supplements but to no avail. note: ialso have tmj.My tmj only causes me to not be able to open my mouth completely. A jaw specialist recommended that i undergo orthodontic treatment for it. Now i've had braces for almost a year.
712568 tn?1268104907 causing briusing lol I have just recently in September had braces put on, and have a huge overbite. after my braces come off in about 18 months, they are advising I go for jaw surgery to have my bottom jaw moved forward. Do you think this will help with my sleeping patterns? I am up many times in a night, I am currently on Cymbalta, which made me feel like a zombie for the first week, now it doesnt do anything...
Avatar n tn I would try getting the invisilign braces to correct it. That is what I just did and it fixed problem in 3 months.
Avatar n tn ve seen the new dentist four times now, and each time he is more persistent about me getting braces, specifically Invisalign. He says the way my top teeth are hitting my bottom teeth will certainly cause chipping in the future as my teeth get more brittal. If someone would please answer the following questions I would greatly appreciate it: -Is having a class 3 Malocclusion a serious problem that needs attention? -Do people with an underbite normally get it fixed? If so, with braces?
Avatar m tn To put my story short, the symptoms are 1. folliculitis (started week 2, come on and off, usually disappear after 2 days and new ones shows up) 2. petechiae all over the body mainly on arms and left rib cage pain (started around week 3, ongoing until now which is nearly 3 months) 3. oral thrush (white coating and red bumps at the back of my tongue, doesn't feel painful until i scratched it) 4.
1169120 tn?1263247440 i am 18 and for the past 2 years have been getting sevear pain just under my jaw line and sometimes ear ache, however i only get this every couple of months but i am unable to swallow without wincing with pain! when i was younger i had a huge phorbia of the dentis and ended up having decaying teeth however for the past 3 years i have had this sorted and now have had braces for the past year, i thought that getting my teeth fixed might help the problem but has not made any differance!
Avatar f tn More than 30 years ago, I had a facial injury that caused dislocation of my jaw. My jaw has ached ever since and I have problems opening my mouth. X-rays show that the jaw has "squared-off" an area of my skull, so I guess there is some cartilege missing. I have constant grinding (bone on bone?) and, according to my dentist, my jaw muscles spasm about a dozen times each time I open my mouth.