
Jaw pain after a filling

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain after a filling


Avatar n tn There are a couple of issues here which I believe is causing my dentist to ignore the real issue. I've always had issues with clenching but it has never caused me jaw pain. But I know that it's damaging my teeth so after years of prodding, I finally caved and had my dentist sell me a night guard. At the same time I went in for a filling on the top left side of my mouth. A week after my filling, I was having pain in the top left side of my mouth.
Avatar n tn i had a deep filling done yesterday and although i have taken 4 painkillers this morning nothing seemsto help the deep aching jaw pain andin top of cheek This discussion is related to <a href=''>pain and sensitivity after filling on different tooth</a>.
Avatar f tn it always hurts.. its a throbbing pain.
Avatar f tn You should call back as soon as you are ready, because you should not be in that much pain after a week. When you go back, have them schedule you a follow up visit for a week or so later. I just went back Thursday and got a steroid pack. It helped A LOT. The dose tapers off, so I'm feeling some pain as that happens. I'm scheduled to go back Wednesday to see how things stand. I may need another pack of steroids, but they are so much better than trying to use pain killers.
Avatar n tn Sometimes after getting a shot in the area near the tooth, there will be pain for a couple of days after. My gum swelled and was sore for atleast 4 days after my fillings were done. It does go away.
Avatar n tn As well, sometimes the old filling needs to be replaced with a new core and pins. All this occurs on a tooth that most likely had experienced having a large filling on it so one can expect that the nerve sometimes isn't in the best shape to begin with in terms of health. You may be experiencing a temporary reversible pulpitis where the nerve is slightly inflammed so it aches now and then.
Avatar n tn After getting this tooth and the one behind it re-filled, I started having pain that night and especially the next day. I went back to the dentist a couple days later and they took x-rays and found nothing wrong, put me on penicillin just in case an infection was starting. Still no pain in the tooth or the one behind it; but severe pain in the jaw and ear and glands in the neck.
Avatar m tn One week ago I had a filling on a molar (number 30). It was a fairly deep filling and on the x ray you could see that it was very close to the nerve. After the filling the dentist said I would be tender for a couple of days. It felt like there was something stuck between my teeth. Two days passed and the pain only increased. It reached the stage where I could not tell which jaw was sore let alone which tooth was hurting.
Avatar f tn Hello, It t is normal to experience jaw pain and other effects after a filling. However this pain usually does not last long and you can take some over-the-counter pain killers. Other causes could be either the restoration is too high causing excessive pressure on that tooth. It is possible to have some sensitivity from the white composite filling chemicals used .If the symptoms are severe and persistent see your dentist and get evaluated. I hope you find this information useful.
Avatar m tn The gum pain worsened after 3 weeks from the initial deep cleaning and is now also in the jaw. However, initially after the deep cleaning the pain was reduced for a couple of days. The dentist believes this is cause by night teeth grinding, but don't think so. The pain starts at night while I am still awake and becomes worse when I lay down. After rinsing with Listerine Antiseptic for the past two days it seems to reduce the pain somewhat.
Avatar f tn Even though if you still having pain then you can use jaw strengthening exercises or jaw stretching exercises to get relief from jaw pain.
Avatar n tn Seeing an endodontist and periodontist to evaluate pulpal and periodontal status is advised. If there is no evidence of pulpal and periodontal infection, seeing an occlusionist or prosthodontist to adjust occlusion is advised.
650528 tn?1223993253 Does anyone know how long (approximately) it takes to stop feeling stiffness in the jawbone area after a filling? I had a deep cavity that was filled recently (2nd to last lower right molar) and it hurt like nothing I've ever experienced after the novacaine wore off.
Avatar f tn Right around the time I went back for the fillings, the pressure/pulling in my neck/jaw had returned and I told the dentist that and after the procedure was given a 2nd round of antibiotics. After a couple days, the pain all went away and I thought everything was fine. Then about 2 weeks after finishing the 2nd course of antibiotics, the pressure/pulling sensations in my lower jaw, ear and neck all came back.
Avatar f tn I haven’t been able to open my mouth past 1cm for years now, after a fall down a cliff and petrified of dentists (after a filling in a molar but the tooth fell out a month later with excruciating pain after the filling) much relief when it fell out. I just need to know if I can go to the doctors to be referred to the hospital as I can feel two wisdom teeth under the gums which I think is why my jaw doesn’t open. Any help be appreciated.
Avatar n tn Going back to your dentist to have occlusal adjustment is advised.
Avatar n tn Hi, on Monday I had a root filling at the dental hospital (bottom left, in front of the back molar) they cleaned the tooth, drilled and searched for 2 hours for the last canal but could not find it. They told me I'd have to lose the tooth. The tooth was filled. When the anaesthetic wore of I had the most excruciating pain in the tooth and jaw.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/499720'>Jaw pain and pain when opening my mouth</a> was started.
Avatar n tn Hi, I recently had four composite fillings and my teeth are hurting when i chew hard foods. The dentist warned me I should stay away from hard foods for a week or so, but it's been three months with no change. If something small gets stuck in a filling it's especially painful. Also, if i eat sweets one of the teeth begins to ache terribly. I also have a sensitivity to cold in at least two of the teeth, and if I drink hot liquids, some of them begin to throb.