
Index finger wart

Common Questions and Answers about Index finger wart


Avatar f tn For a visual, imagine a small callus on the outer side of your index finger, where there should be a finger print still, now has a little swirl that doesn't follow the pattern. Can this be something else? What can I use to treat it? No health insurance so seeing a derm is out of the budget. I use my hands for delicate work quite often, please help!
1336836 tn?1275740921 What could cause my index finger to be numb and tingle when touching the joint of the finger?
Avatar f tn I have had one on my knuckle of my index finger for years. I have cut the hard skin off with a pair of scissors, but it just comes back. I have just recently found information of how to get rid of them, I haven't tried it yet, but will definitely have a go. (I do get very dry and cracked skin due to eczema, but this is not eczema, and certainly not a wart).
Avatar m tn I received an erotic massage a few months ago and during I rubbed my index finger fairly vigorously over the masseuse crotch. She was wearing jeans, not sure if she was wearing underwear but I would assume so. I never touched her skin with my fingers and this contact with her jeans lasted a few minutes. I don't know how much later as this instance with the masseuse has occurred multiple times. Either way I noticed a small painless skin textured red bump on my finger.
Avatar m tn I have a small bump that developed under my index finger ( on the palm side ), it is positioned just above my highest joint, when it first developed it was very hard to see because it was flesh colored. It has grown more white colored, and gradually more noticable. when i pull my finger back, it is very noticable, as it appears round and white. It is also very flat. It is not really irritating either, it is not itchy. I was thinking it could be a wart, but I am not sure.
Avatar m tn I have a wart thats on my index finger near my nail. it is slowly growing inside my nail. I have to cut my nail and cut the mushroom part of the wart out every few weeks. I dont know what i can do. I have gone to every Dermatologist and they have not been able to help me. they repeat the process and its expensive. my insurance does not cover it. 1. frozen.....only removes upper layer 2. comes back 3. Used a lazer...
Avatar m tn Around 2 months ago, I noticed a sort of raised lump/bump on my right index finger (middle knuckle area).. At first I thought it may have been a spot or blister or something, but when i tried to burst it with a pin, it was just skin.. raised bump/lump with no fluids, just skin... Anyway, I went to the docs, he said it was probably a wart.. He wouldnt freeze it off for me so I got some over the counter stuff..
Avatar m tn Around 2 months ago, I noticed a sort of raised lump/bump on my right index finger (middle knuckle area).. At first I thought it may have been a spot or blister or something, but when i tried to burst it with a pin, it was just skin.. raised bump/lump with no fluids, just skin... Anyway, I went to the docs, he said it was probably a wart.. He wouldnt freeze it off for me so I got some over the counter stuff..
Avatar n tn I have a small, whiteish, bump on my right index finger. It is very sensetive to touch. I first though I had burned my finger but couldn't rember any time I had done so. It has lasted about 10 days getting more sensitive each day though tapering off the last few days and remaining the same. It could be a plantar wart someone said but it is white and does not have much of a raised portion 1/32 of an inch in diameter. What to do?
Avatar n tn Hello my name is Almir, and I've had this skin infection on my index, and middle finger since I can remember. It doesn't really hurt or anything, but it's not pretty to look at. I first thought it was some type of wart, so I tried buying some of those wart removing bandages, after using those it made it all white, and it started to peel off, after a while it would come back again after I stopped applying the the bandages.
Avatar n tn I have a lump on my right index finger that i just noticed within the last week. Its between the nail and the first knuckle. I havent noticed any pain, as of yet, and when you squeeze it it feels like just a hard lump with no liquid. What can it possibly be?
Avatar f tn I found a bump just a couple hours ago on my index finger just under the nail and off to the side. It's small (the size of the tip of a dull pencil), skin colored and hard. It doesn't itch but is a teeny bit painful/uncomfortable when pushed on or gently scraped with a nail. Initially I thought that this was a wart(and immediately slapped duct tape on it!), but after looking at tons of pictures and reading articles online, it looks a lot more like a myxoid cyst.
Avatar n tn i have a similar situation on my index finger what did you find out
Avatar n tn I'm not sure what this is related to but I at times get little small bumps on my index finger and sometimes it spreads to parts of my hand and index finger. I'm not sure if its herpetic whitlow or some form of herpes or just maybe a skin rash or wart. I have been having this issue for about 12-18 months now but it occurs when I rub my finger against a ruff surface.
Avatar n tn This topical application establishes a blister between the wart and the outer layer of skin. The wart is frozen and, in time, the skin around the wart dies and falls off as will the wart. Curettage, which means to cut, is another option. The wart is sliced and lifted out of the skin. A patient will be given a local anesthetic during this procedure. The dermatologist will remove the wart by scraping and/or scooping it out. Laser treatments burn off the wart via laser beams.
Avatar m tn On the same trip to the dermatologist I also burned off a regular wart I had on my index finger it bubbled up and burst the day before my exposure leaving the empty skin with a small opening. While the girl was giving me oral she avoided the scabs since they're midway up the shaft but I fingered her with my index finger and realized later that the burn bubble had a 5x2mm opening in it. There wasn't blood inside but it was still oozing liquid.
Avatar n tn While removing the condom, a drop of blood came on my finger (My condom was not torn or damaged). After around 20 days, I developed a small genital wart on my pence. I immediately went to a dermatologist / STD specialist and told him the entire episode correctly. He told me that it was an HPV virus and the immune system of the body will eventually clear it with passage of time. For the wart I was advised to apply a topical cram "Imiquimod" every alternate day.
Avatar n tn On my right index finger there seems to be a wart that is growing hair. Kind of like it's own sod farm, it's insane! It's towards the knuckle on my hand and hurts a lot! It's red around it and sometimes will look cauliflower-like. I've tried otc wart removers, only afterward noticing that it said do not use on warts growing hair...I wanted to ask here first as my doctors just wants my co-pay and never answers ANY of my questions. Any help would be much appreciated.
17596893 tn?1458187882 This bump started on tip of the fingerprint side of my left hand index finger and has been there just under a year seems like. The bump is a very very small dot that grows back when cut off. It DOES NOT have anything inside it such as pus or liquid and causes no pain, and very little itching or discomfort other than the annoyance of it being there.
Avatar n tn Recently, I noticed a few smaller spots forming along the corona on the other side and a small patch of dry skin on the pad of my index finger on the hand I tend to favor for masturbation. I have considered that it could be a reaction to the cocoa butter lotion I use when masturbating but I'm also concerned that it could be warts. As all of the photographic examples I have found of warts (and all other STDs) illustrate only the most extreme cases, it is difficult to tell.
Avatar m tn I'm assuming this may be a minor problem. About five days ago, my right index finger felt very slightly odd near the bottom of the tip joint/middle bone area (the "palm side" of my finger). I can't describe it any more than that; I just knew something wasn't right. Then I noticed that it was slightly swollen. I would never have noticed this if it didn't feel slightly weird. (The weird feeling is also rarely noticed, or is gone entirely.
Avatar n tn a while ago, i noticed an odd spot on right rand's index finger, second join from the top, on the side of my finger. it was hard, kind of like a calous, reminisent of the firmness of a wart i guess. its not a /dead/ spot, like i cant feel something touching there, but pain is next to nothing like the nerves there are incredibly numb. this wouldnt be a problem, on its own.
Avatar m tn Also read that HPV--what causes warts needs a break in the skin to be able to transmit. Last week I managed to get my index finger scraped a tiny bit from the cheese grater when making some snacks for my kids but didn't notice any openings on my fingers that I know of. Is it possible that warts could have spread with that brief touch?
Avatar n tn sound like a wart to me. i had the same thing on my hand i used dr scholls wart freezing treatment and it went away and stayed away.