
Hysterectomy and fibroids surgery

Common Questions and Answers about Hysterectomy and fibroids surgery


Avatar f tn 47 years old and thinking of doing a partial hysterectomy due to large fibroids. my gyn has prescribed depoprovera injections in order to stop the bleeding and improve my iron count leading up to surgery. what are the risks of going this route?
Avatar n tn I am no expert and do not have fibroids, but I do have issues with cysts and endometriosis. My surgery to remove my ovary and large 14 cm cyst changed my life, and my body, in a way that I was not expecting. If I had to do it over, I would have gotten a second opinion and had a less invasive surgery. (I had a major laparotomy, and found later that I could have had a laparascopy and possibly kept my ovary.) So...
Avatar n tn t seen on ultrasounds or MRIs. If you wind up having any surgery and they discover it, please be sure and ask them to excise it, not to ablate (laser burn) it. The body views those laser burns as foreign entities, I read, and more scarring results. I had burning done on me when I didn't know about it (during an emergency laporotomy), but when I had my hysterectomy, I asked for excision as much as possible of the endometrial imlants, because I had read up about it.
Avatar n tn Is Uterine Hysterectomy the only solution to fibroids. Menstral period so heavy, has caused enemia. Ultra sound confirmed fibroids. The largest 3.5 cm. G.P. recomends hysterectomy. My age 46.
733497 tn?1231721078 you can have a small surgery where they can go in and remove the fibroids without removing your uterus. Especially if you do not have any children and are not married. They will do everything in your power to keep your uterus. I am 26 now and was 25 when I had my partial hysterectomy but I had already had three kids and my tubes tied.
Avatar m tn s any connection between the breast calcification and fibroids. Hysterectomy is a very destructive surgery and you don't need one for fibroids since fibroids are benign. Fibroids shrink after menopause and of course bleeding does too. Hysterectomy trades this temporary problem for a whole new set of permanent problems. You can eat foods high in iron or take iron supplements to increase your iron levels. Taking iron with vitamin C will enhance absorption.
Avatar f tn the most high percent of fibroids , as in 90 plus percent are not cancer. However fibroids and cysts especially cause a lot of pain. You really need to see you gynecologist as soon as possible, only he can upon exam and testing can determine the proper course of treatment for you. In genereal fibroids are treateted two ways either surgery or medicine there are some medicines that can shrink fibroids, the cysts it depends on the type and if they are very large or not.
Avatar f tn I have dealt with large fibroids for the past 5 years. Generally my fibroids haven't caused pain or bleeding. But now I have worse bloating than i did before and I am very uncomfortable. My uterus is as large as a 4 or 5 month pregnancy and I cannot fit in any of my clothes anymore. I can't walk on my feet like I used to, since I am carrying this extra load. I almost feel like I have to shop in the maternity section to cover this buldging belly.
Avatar n tn The only reason I need to go ahead and do something is the fibroids are pushing up against my kidney and causing that to inflame and has caused pain in my lower stomach and my side/back. Is a hysterectomy the only option?
Avatar n tn It could have been the fibroids. I had my hysterectomy because of fibroids also and the bladder problem, incontinence during intercourse, showed up approx. 9 yrs. later. I am curious, where is your hernia?
1087834 tn?1256647396 Please dont just have a hysterectomy,go on the hysterectomy site and see the alternatves.I had a hysterectomy and have since found out,there was other treatment available,please check it out.My doctor total me there was no treatment for fibroids but there is,if i had known this I would have never had my hysterectomy,take care.
Avatar f tn m nearly 47 and fertility is not an issue, but the surgical option still strikes me as a bit drastic for a number of reasons, among them sudden menopause, possible complications from the surgery, and the long recovery time (I also have fibroids and LAVH may not be possible if my uterus is too large). There is, however, one thing that makes me willing to seriously consider surgery, and that is the increased risk of ovarian cancer in women with endometriosis.
Avatar m tn Most uterine tumors are fibroids, 99% of which are benign. A myomectomy is the surgery to remove fibroids and leave the uterus in place. Hysterectomy is grossly overused in the U.S. and some other countries when myomectomy would be more appropriate. The uterus has lifelong functions so hysterectomy is associated with permanent and progressive problems.
953787 tn?1246371213 Uterine fibroids are the single most common indication for hysterectomy. Fibroids can be present and be inapparent. However, they are clinically apparent in up to 25% of women and cause significant morbidity, including prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, and, in rare cases, reproductive dysfunction. Both the economic cost and the effect of fibroids on quality of life are substantial. Fibroids are not cancerous.
Avatar f tn Hello. I have a history of uterine fibroids, and also just found out that I have a ovarian cyst (5.2 x 5.3 cm) in my lower right quadrant incasing that ovary. My GYN says that will have to come out along with that ovary, which I understand. However, he says I should have my uterus out at the same time (via laparoscopy) as my 8-10 fibroids have grown 20% in the last year. I am 45 years old, and although still ovulating, believe that I should hit menopause in the next couple of years.
Avatar f tn I am also a 43 year and have 2) 3-4cm Fibroids and many smaller ones. Heavy cycles sometimes and major bloating, but constant bleeding. I have a period about every 2 weeks that last about 11 days ea time. Not Fun!! I am a relatively lean person but look pregnant half of each month due to the bloating. My doctor recommended a hysterectomy after 2 years of trying to control my bleeding with bio-identical hormones.
Avatar n tn Fibroids and polyps are almost always benign (~99%) so hysterectomy would be overkill. And hysterectomy causes lifelong harm. I call it the surgery that keeps on giving... problem after problem... even if the ovaries are "preserved." Intercourse or pelvic exams can cause polyps to bleed. And if they aren't removed at the base, they can recur and cause heavy bleeding. What were the reasons for the D&C's - as part of the polyp removal or was your lining too thick?
Avatar n tn I ended up having a vaginal hysterectomy because of the bleeding. I was diagnosed with fibroids and some cysts. The hysterectomy has resolved all of my symptoms. They took my uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. They said with tube removal, there is growing evidence that it cuts hugely on the risk of ovarian cancer later in life. I am 38 years old, have had 5 children and was completely done having anymore since, so a hysterectomy was the right choice for me.
Avatar n tn There is a surgery called myoectomy that removes just the fibroids,,also a cryno(cold freeze) method....above is correct its going to depend on size and if the fibroids have invaded into the rectum or bladder..called rectocyle or cystocyle.
Avatar f tn I had fibroids myself and had a Hyster. Your complaints are very typical for fibroids. Normally, a bikini line incision and robotic surgery are being done nowadays for this, but in your case you are dealing with alot of fibroids and one is the size of a grapefruit and that might be the reason for the possibility for the verticle incision.
Avatar n tn I suffer painful fibroids and at the moment receiving Zolodex injections which are only licencened for up to 6mths. I have been offered the option of a transvaginal hysterectomy but I don't know what to do.Apparently, fibroids shrink during the menopause and as I am 49 next birthday, should I put myself through this op. Many thanks.
Avatar f tn Your lifetime cancer risk is low unless you have the BRCA mutation (which causes ovarian and your issue seems like fibroids).They will probably suggest a hysterectomy. I would definitely keep my ovaries since they are so important to a woman's life time health. I had to have my ovaries remove due to ovarian cancer. I have lost my sex life all together which is tough when you are married. I would not have otherwise had my ovaries removed.
Avatar n tn I agree with Sharon in that you and your doctor will have to discuss the advantages versus risks with having a full hysterectomy. There are procedures that can remove the fibroids and leave your uterus intact. But, if you are having both ovaries removed, there isn't much advantage to leaving the uterus. If you are leaving one ovary, then you may benefit from keeping your uterus.