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How to throw up blood gang sign

Common Questions and Answers about How to throw up blood gang sign


823825 tn?1265071431 You should go to the ER and/or call your doctor. You should never throw up blood. It could be a sign of internal bleeding.
9877471 tn?1410981088 So I was attempting to throw up and with my spit it looked like blood came out. Is that normal III t wasn't a lot but I'm concerned. Should I be?
Avatar f tn Im 20w6d and was just given meds to help with nausea because I was throwing up so bad that I ended up coughing up blood. It was just broken capillaries in my throat. Nothing to worry about. But still call your doctor.
9571159 tn?1419571005 Sometimes you just gotta suck it up. I was prescribed w Zofran but only taken it once and sucked it up the rest of pregnancy. That's a part of being pregnant!
Avatar f tn Is it normal that im past my first trimester & I still throw up A LOT? Is their anything I can do?
Avatar n tn I have a 7 mth old boxer i noticed he was out of it just laying there all day i gave his some pedalite and it seemed to work fine he regained some energy bout now he is vommiting blood but walking more and has a lil more enery he has thrown up blood 3 times but does not want to eat and only drinks water what should i do i can not afford to take him to vet?
4456535 tn?1355894638 I've had that for weeks now!
Avatar f tn I went to the er for same thing if you throw up blood and its darker it means its coming from your stomach if its red its your throat...
Avatar n tn Here is my problem, every time I eat, I feel the need to throw up or am about to throw up. Most of the time I eat, I all of a sudden feel the need to throw up or dry heave and most of the time it is just dry heaving, I don't actually throw up. This started happening to me about 2 years ago, but it wasn't as frequent as it is now. Two years ago, I would only feel the need to throw up if I am full but keep eating.
712314 tn?1303098090 Dear Rach878, The emergency is at the time of purging. If you throw up blood again, please go to your nearest Urgent Care or ER. When you tear your esophagus: superficial tears can be self-healing, yet still need to check the upper digestive system for bleeding. There are also tears between esophagus and stomach, a rupture of the esophagus (25% die), a rupture of the stomach. The latter two cause acute and abrupt pain necessitating a visit to ER. Blood in your vomit is not a good sign.
Avatar f tn I agree with the above comment,certainly never heard of a uti causing you throw up blood..
Avatar f tn I am what they call a juggalette, and the babies father is what they call a juggalo. Now I know what some maybe thinking. We may end up horrible parents because of who we are. WRONG. We both work for a living, we have our own place and transportation from place to place, and we don't party or do drugs. Yes we rep our hatchetman, but there's those juggalettes and juggalos that make the good ones like us look bad. We're not bad people and were not a gang.
Avatar m tn So I'm throwing up almost everyday my moms says its allergies but it started in winter and my only allergy is pollin so the throw up is stuff like normal just small but it's getting bigger like the one where u must stop get a trash can or toilet and be there for a while someone help idk what's happening.
Avatar f tn Today was my 2nd time throwing up blood. First it was yellow then some red Started to show. Im a first time mommy so im not sure if this is normal!
612876 tn?1355514495 m a bit behind reading posts, and just saw yours, definately take the rest you need, I do the same thing I always try to push myself a tad too much and then I end up paying for it later, you think one would learn! Thinking about you and Hallbashes for a speedy recovery!
Avatar f tn Im 10w3days threw up all the pizza i ate then trew up 2 ping pong balls of blood and my husband freaked out called the obgyn and said i need to get to the ER within 30 minutes... i feel fine though for the most part just weak. But were on the way to hospital anyway. So we shall see how this goes.
243614 tn?1266197537 Yep you are both right. I want to isolate! Made myself get up and go to church this a.m. I probably wouldn't have but my hubby will not go without me and he loves it and i do as well, once i am there.. On the sponsor deal, about 3 mos. ago I told her my heart really was not in it, i was just going through the motions. She said okay, i don't have time to waste on you. I said, can i still call you and she said No. So that left a bad taste in my mouth.
1320140 tn?1277986208 Have you changed her food lately? It could be as simple as that. But her continuing to throw up her food and lose wt could be a sign of something more serious. Have you considered taking her to another vet?
773801 tn?1244520679 We then got into a childish yelling match until I got so up set I threw up everywhere due to pregnancy and blood was everywhere. I never threw up blood in my life and especially when I was pregnant. I called the doctor and they said I broke a blood vessel, has anyone ever experienced this before? I'm so stressed that the baby is harmed due to us not handling things as adults. I can't work all day come home clean cook wash clothes and attend school full time and take care of other kids..
Avatar f tn re dehydrated and really straining to vomit..but this morning as usual I got up to get sick and there was like blood mixed in with my bile, not just strings like I get once in a while this normal ? It really didn't feel normal, I don't feel any different or anything but I don't want to call my Dr if it's nothing to be concerned with, any advice?
Avatar f tn Did you find out what caused him to throw up, was he upset by something at school he is new there he may gets used to it, something was a trigger .
640548 tn?1340553355 I am 10 DPO today, and I don't want to be premature or anything, but i have felt like **** for 6 days now. I went to the $ store (of course) and tested this morning. BFN. Not that the morning means anything to me, because I've been up every hour during the night to pee. I had to pickup something at Walmart and there was such a good deal on the First response I just couldn't help myself. I had to pee so bad but I didn't go, and I tested with the FRER 10 minutes ago...