
How is elisa test done

Common Questions and Answers about How is elisa test done


287996 tn?1312023682 ELISA is highly reliable, accurate and dependable test if done at the right specified time of 3 months. ELISA test is not ordered in a situation you described.
Avatar n tn The DUO is an ag+ab test.The elisa is just an antibody test.You never had a risk to begin with.You need not be concerned about testing unless you have had a genuine risk.
Avatar n tn Confirmatory testing is only done when the ELISA is positive. But a positive ELISA with negative confirmatory test is absolute proof against HIV, no different than if the ELISA were positive. There were no conflicting test results in your case. If you doubt this, ask the provider who ordered the test. Time to move on. That's all for this thread.
Avatar n tn Please tell me rapid test after 8 months from ur last risk is enough to have an 100% accurate result or how accurate are hiv rapid testing people here are talked about ELISA test but no information are available on rapid testing coz what upto my knowledge is rapid test take 15 min. to get the result and ELISA test give result in 5 days atleast i ment to say that long period result means more accurate test rather then test conducted in 15 or 20 minuts.
Avatar f tn Last week I tested negative for the HIV-1 and HIV-2 virus using the oraquick blood test. My last sexual encounter was six weeks prior and I DID use protection. My last sexual encounter before that one was in January and I DID use protection. I've always had sex in one shape or form with a condom. The only time I didn't was with my ex and that was well over a year ago. We would start without a condom but EVERYTIME we would end with one on.
Avatar n tn Does ELISA and WB test are also part of rapid test?and how accurate is rapid test if done after 6 weeks or 3 months?
Avatar n tn your test is conclusive :)
Avatar m tn MEIA has diffrent tests or is is just 1 test . as part of my checkup there was a test done which i did not ask for and it said MEIA, lgg- Negative. What does that mean ,what did i get tested for without my knowledge .
Avatar m tn I just had tests performed by life labs, Apparantly there is one covered by OHIP, however the test done for HSV2 is not. I had to pay to have that one done. I asked if I will recieve results for both and she assured me that because the doctor requested testing for both HSV1 and HSV2 that I would. But I guess this isn't the test I wanted done? To my understanding an IGG type specific test is an immunoblot test.
Avatar m tn i have got an elisa test done for hiv 3 years after exposure. my test confirmed that i was negative. do i need to get retested or can i be assured that i am hiv negative. and yeah thanks for answering my previous questions, it helped me a great deal. you all are doing a great job , thumbs up....
Avatar m tn no just doctor see the white small skin dots and given me valcivir tablets... the herpes is clear now... but i have small pimples like bumps are coming on my back and body.... i had 4th generation Elisa test on 18 days and it came negative... just wanted to know that 18 day 4th generation Elisa test how conclusive? secondly i don't have fever, big red rashes, diarrhea... just getting a lot anxiety and being confused...
Avatar f tn There are different HIV antibody tests. One test is the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). If the ELISA test is positive, a second test called a Western blot is done to confirm the result. The Western blot takes longer to perform and is more expensive than the ELISA test, but it is more precise.
Avatar n tn I had a risk exposure with a unknon status CSW 3 months ago. After the 3 months I had done a HIV DUO Quick (p24 & abc) test in a private lab. The test result came out negetive. . HIV DUO Quick (p24 abc) test is a acqurate test at 3 months? But I did not done HIV 1&2 antibody ELISA Test. Need HIV 1&2 Anitbody (Elisa) to conclusive? Still I have skin rash, dry cough, white tongue and night sweat.
Avatar n tn ------ The HIV PCR test is a sensitive test and this can be done 14 days after exposure. However, it is an expensive test and takes 2 - 3 weeks for the result to be ready. This will add up to about 4 - 5 weeks in order to know the status. It is not widely available and not in use as a routine test. Moreover, an individual still needs to perform the HIV ELISA or rapid test.
Avatar f tn Hiye, this may seem a silly question but is the Elisa test that is used for HIV the same as the Elisa test used for rheumatoid arthritis?.. Is the Elisa just a standard antibody test that is not disease specific and if reactive then a specific test is used?..
Avatar m tn I was able to get both the herpeselect ELISA and Immunoblot tests done through direct to consumer testing sites. I took the ELISA twice and the Immunublot once (all hsv 1 and 2 type specific IGG tests), all of which came back negative. I didn't realize the Immunoblot was available until after already taking the ELISA. From the herpeselect site the Immunoblot has much better hsv1 detection, which is primarily what I am concerned with.
Avatar m tn You have done 4th gen Elisa test, that's conclusive after 4 weeks. Only if you would have a immuundisorder (where you already would be in hospital for), end stage Cancer or PEP would could cause theoratical delay.(theoratically, because even then it's rare to cause delay) 6 month is for 2nd generation testing and 3 month for 3rd generation testing. Many govnerments haven't updated their guidelines because of their structure and caution positions.
Avatar m tn Third or fourth generation ELISA antibody test alone is enough and conclusive, when done after 3 months mark. WB test is ordered mostly when ELISA comes positive.