
How bad is ibuprofen for your liver

Common Questions and Answers about How bad is ibuprofen for your liver


Avatar m tn t go through your liver but a pill would. Everything you put in your mouth goes to your stomach, then into your small intestines, into the blood and straight to the liver before it is sent to the rest of the body. What kind of doctor is he? Mine told me I could take Ibuprofen. My blood tends to be too thick though, so I don't have the bleeding worry that most here have. If you do have a bleeding issue, go with the Tylenol. There is no reason for you to have to stay in pain all the time.
Avatar m tn whenever i take even one 550mg (naproxen) ibuprofen and then drink, my stomach gets tender and bloated and i feel bad. i usually take a maalox or something like that, yet i never throw up from it so i don't know if that's applicable for you. i think it is due to the ibuprofen, but if you're not used to eating spicy foods then it could have disagreed with you, not necessarily meaning food poisoning. you should never drink and take NSAIDs at the same time.
Avatar f tn Yes, they could have affected your liver, as well as the protective lining of your stomach and intestinal tract. There are natural ways of cleansing and healing both of these potential problems. I'd look into seeing a doctor who practices integrated medicine or a naturopath if you don't know how to use natural medicine.
7758733 tn?1402589420 Ib IS that bad. It affects your babys undeveloped liver and thins your blood. Drink more water!
3122657 tn?1357432602 Ibuprofen is bad for our livers. Try getting a massage if you can. Bromelian, a natural supplement made from pineapples helps reduce swelling but it takes time to work. Also, make sure you're drinking lots of water, and getting some exercise. Try some yoga too. Pot brownies worked the best for my back pain.
Avatar n tn Is tramadol just as bad as other opiates? Is it a opiate like the rest or is it an anelgesic? My doctor gave me a prescription but I have not taken them yet.
2105146 tn?1334593783 t mean the acetominophen is inherently toxic to the liver. In fact it is less dangerous to the liver then NSAIDs. For people with advanced liver disease the only analgesic that should be used is acetominophen. "people with advanced liver disease are advised to totally avoid all NSAIDs." As stated in the article above, NSAIDs can worsen complications of advance liver disease which can cause life-threatening events. ANY drug taken in excess can be dangerous.
689265 tn?1251130087 just had my 2 year old at the drs for a check following a fever and told him I'd used calprofen ( children's ibuprofen ) initially when trying to bring his temperature down. He hit the roof!!! He said ibuprofen is proven to cause kidney damage and should NOT be made for children at all, he's on quite a mission to ban it. Just thought i'd let you guys know. fortunately, i'd only given my lad 2.
543518 tn?1245322027 Thanks everyone for the comments. I really hadn't researched how each is metabolized by the liver and/or kidneys. I can't take the triptanes because I have terrible reactions to them. I have tried blood pressure meds, anti-seizure meds, herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage, ice packs, just about everything. Thanks again.
Avatar f tn The problem with ibuprofen or tylenol is that you can cause liver damage that doesn't manifest immediately. An amount like 10,000 is too much for the liver to absorb at one time, and there can be considerable damage that you don't realize at this time. I think you should go to a physician, relate what you have told us, and get appropriate testing. Also,maybe some therapy.....that's helpful usuallly to everyone. Keep me posted. Good luck and God bless.
Avatar n tn i have been taking ibuprofen for about 2yrs i want to stop how long will it take for my body to be clear of them
Avatar f tn Okay, I KNOW that I remember being told by the liver doctor who performed my biopsy that if I do need to take a pain reliever that I should take Tylenol. My OB/GYN doctor just told me to take Advil for cramps because it isn't metabolized in the liver. I rarely take anything, but if I do, which is less risky? Liver biopsy one year ago found no significant tissue scarring. My recent ALT enzyme levels are slightly lower than before, 61. My other enzyme levels are normal.
Avatar n tn You should really talk to your doctor as everyone is different. OTC ibuprofen generally says you can take 200 mg. every 6 to 8 hours. Your doctor may say it's okay to take more. At one time, I got a prescription for ibuprofen (which cost me less than buying it OTC.) My prescription was for 800 mg.ever 4 hours. But you have to make sure to protect your stomach.
1148241 tn?1294052796 Anything you ingest by mouth is eventually going to go through your liver. From what I've read, ibuprofen isn't as hard on the liver as tylenol (acetomenaphen or paracetamol), but still be careful to take no more than what the label says, and tell your doctor you're taking it. If it works, your doctor may direct you to take more than what's on the label, but again, follow instructions, dosage and timing carefully. Stay away from the "extra strength" formulas.
1323278 tn?1298122488 All i take, due to my paranoia about drugs in general (thanks, adverse reactions of the past!) is Panadol, which is paracetamol, similar I think to your Tylenol? But I have to take it daily lately too. I was just today at my dr and asked if I might be getting rebound headaches from taking too much, but due to other things going on and my age and gender, he was more inclined to think it was menopause-related. GUess that's off your list though!
Avatar m tn I myself have liver problems and the answer to your question would be the Darvocet. While Ibuprofen is hard on the stomach itself and does have a negative effect on the liver, the tylenol in the darvocet will have a greater negative effect because of it's compound. Neither is good for the liver but if you were to choose the safer of the two, it's the Ibuprofen. I have done my share of research on the effects of medications on the liver. I have to be so careful of what I take.
Avatar f tn Being u are only 15 id tell someone. Ur liver could b damanged for tht much. I understand it is a very scary thing but u need to get help and fast. Please dont treat this lightly as u could get seriously hurt. Please update us on whats going on.
Avatar f tn They tell me not to take tylenol or ibuprofen cause its bad for your liver. Please help me by telling me if you know any pain killers that I can talk to my doctor about taking that doesn't have tylenol or ibuprofen in it that will help aleviate my pain?
2059782 tn?1342033162 you CAN alternate between tylenol and ibuprofen for a bad fever. staggar the doses according to how long they last. for example, if the medicines last 4 hours each, take tylenol at 4pm, ibuprofen at 6pm, then tylenol again at 8. you MUST watch the dosages on the label and how often to take them, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!. ALSO, you cannot take more than 3000mg of tylenol (also called acetaminophen) in one 24hr period. it's toxic to your liver.
Avatar f tn Although I do agree with what Livelife says, it is better coming from your doc as he/she knows your medical history. Your doctor knows how to weigh the risks and benefits of the drugs he prescribes for you.
318582 tn?1248118551 is hydrocodine bad for liver........
789911 tn?1368636783 Of course it depends what kind of condition your liver is in. If it is functioning normally you can take iron. If you have iron overload because you liver isnt working well, then of course you cant take it. I have minimal liver damage and also had low Iron. and also needed the procrit. Anyone chime in please.