
Hormone adh effects

Common Questions and Answers about Hormone adh effects


Avatar f tn The standard treatment for ADH after surgical removal is Radiation and possibly also Hormone Therapy such as Tamoxifen or one of the other drugs with similar action. You need to discuss this with your Oncologist to determine the pros and cons as they apply to your specific condition. It is however the norm as treatment for ADH. Regards ....
Avatar f tn My dr said that I didnt need radiation or hormone therapy that she got all the adh and clear margins she took a big amount out to make sure she got it all
Avatar f tn Antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin) is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary gland. ADH deficiency is known as diabetes insipidus. Symptoms are frequent thirst and urination. Treatment is desmopressin (synthetic replacement for vasopressin) - taken 2 to 3 times a day.
Avatar f tn t state your age but since you have been on Prempro you must be post-menopausal and different drugs are usually recommended for post-menopausal women. All these drugs have side effects BUT not all side effects are experienced by everyone. I congratulate you for following thru with this .. it is important.
Avatar n tn The usual treatment is wide excision of the area of ADH followed (possibly) by Radiation and depending upon the hormone response some type of hormone therapy. I would think that the Dr. that ordered the imagery followed by biopsy has advised you about what to do next. Regards .....
Avatar f tn Carbamazepine may cause SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone), since it both increases the release and potentiates the action of ADH (vasopressin).This raises blood pressure by inducing moderate vasoconstriction. Thus you could say it is an indirect side-effect of tegretol. ref:http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn I would think you might have been recommended some treatment following the diagnosis of ADH. Often lumpectomy is followed by radiation and possibly hormone therapy. How long ago was your surgical biopsy?? No referral to an oncologist ?? I seem to have more questions that you but additional surgery and Oncology referral is usually standard for ADH.
Avatar m tn Radiation is often advised and then, depending on the Pathology report, Hormone therapy may be also recommended. If the Hormone testing (ER/PR) is positive then Tamoxifen could be advised for 5 years. Chemotherapy is only used when a diagnosis of "true" Cancer is made. ADH is sometimes referred to as "pre-cancerous" due to the fact that it does increase one's risk of developing breast cancer in the future. Regards ....
Avatar f tn tamoxifen. I am deathly afraid of the side effects as I am 44 years old and premenopausal and do not want to trade one disease for another. I am also concerned about the difference in diagnoses. I'd appreciate any input regarding how to manage this situation. I have an appointment with an oncologist as per my surgeon's suggestion for July 13. What should I be asking?
Avatar f tn On needle biopsy stated i had adh and borderline dcis on excisional biopsy it was not their.Was going to have 1st biopsy read by vanderbilt waited for a month and dr never sent it.I am so done has i have had trouble with mamo for 6 yrs and a number of biopsy's no one understands the aniety of all this.
Avatar f tn ADH is a condition where the cells lining the milk ducts experience abnormal growth. This condition is NOT cancer and will NOT become cancer although it is often referred to as a Pre-cancerous condition. It does increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer in the future. This is sometimes left alone but the breasts are monitored more closely than usual. Sometimes the area is surgically removed and some form of treatment recommended following surgery.
Avatar n tn As a rule the entire area is surgically removed followed by radiation and possibly hormone therapy. ADH is often referred to as pre-cancerous but in fact it does increase your risk of developing breast cancer in the future. ADH isn't usually found by a lump but rather by microcalcifications seen on mammogram. I'm not sure how to advise you as this is quite a problem. From what you say you only had the excisional biopsies and not a lumpectomy with clean margins and any other treatment.
Avatar n tn A diagnosis of ADH usually calls for surgical removal of the area and sometimes followed by additional treatment such as Radiation and Hormone Therapy. ADH although is NOT cancer, it does double your risk of developing breast cancer in the future. The procedure would be most likely to mark the area with a tiny wire inserted in the Radiology Dept thru a very small needle. You would then go to the OR where the tissue in question would be removed surgically.
359574 tn?1328360424 I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much. Makes my minor complaints so...well, minor. I have had a question bugging me that I finally found the answer to: Why do I only have trouble in the daytime, but can sleep most of the night? It's because we are blessed with a hormone called ADH, anti-diuretic hormone, that slows production of urine when we are asleep. Your bladder simply isn't filling as quickly as when you're awake.
Avatar m tn I am Panhypopituitary not so much from from my pit surgery but my thyroid, adrenals, ovaries etc were all removed. Lost growth hormone as well and so the only thing I have is ADH. After surgery it takes a bit to get managed to normal and then settle. I still see my doc every 6 months for testing and I am 14 years out. MRIs become less often after 10.
Avatar n tn s at least secreting prolactin (a prolactinoma), but these things tend to secrete more than one hormone--what are his ACTH, TSH, GH, FSH, LH, and ADH levels? These are all hormones secreted by the pituitary, and I imagine he's had these levels monitored at one time or another. I really think that pituitary tumor is causing a lot of these problems...ADH is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary and improper secretion of this results in diabetes.
Avatar f tn I am know that this is probably an over reaction, but I do not want to entertain the possibility of BC. I have just turned 40 and have 2 small kids, the chance of this ADH being something more serious and then metastasizing is something I want to avoid at all costs. So, I am right in thinking a second opinion is needed before I go any further? Thanks.
Avatar f tn Alcohol inhibits the secretion of ADH(Anti Diuretic Hormone) so the kidneys produce more urine and the body becomes dehydrated!
139792 tn?1498585650 Our brain produces a hormone called AntiDiuretic Hormone (ADH) during sleep, which makes our kidneys to produce less urine while we sleep. Since you are faking sleep using the drug, which is a Central Nervous System suppressor, at least in your case, I would think that the drug alprozolam may be preventing brain from producing ADH, which in turn causes the frequent urination.
Avatar f tn My blood potassium has varied from 3.5 to 4.3 (ref. 3.3-4.8) from 2007 to 2013 (21 meauserements, mean 3.76). During the same time, my blood sodium has been 140-147 (the upper reference limit varies a little, 144-145, lower limit is 137) (28 measurements, mean 142).Thus potassium has always been normal but sodium sometimes over normal. A water deprivatiion test (without NaCl infusion and without ADH) was done in April 2009.
Avatar f tn I'm getting some pituitary tests done in a few weeks (ACTH, ADH, IGF-1). Since I'm on hormone replacement I can't get an accurate LH/FSH test but I had that tested in 2002 when I was off birth control for a couple months and they were both low. I also have an appt next month with a pituitary endo specialist. I'm hoping they can look at my MRI again and see if anything was missed.