
Hoarders tv without pity

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Avatar f tn Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
Avatar f tn So.... my husband's parents are hoarders and I've never been to their house but our daughter has. She's 3 years old. We have a little boy on the way and I just don't know if I want my kids going over there especially if I'm not allowed to.. Idk how bad the situation is and I know my husband is embarrassed. I've never talked to my in laws about it. They make me uncomfortable as is. I have been distant from them for the last couple months.
3828469 tn?1358462325 Eck I can't even walk into cluttered houses without getting a headache, I cannot imagine living in such filth!! I especially couldn't imagine bringing a child into that.
359574 tn?1328360424 I get up, exercise, go to work, come home, watch a lot of TV and waste time on facebook, and go to bed. Every other month I go to a brain aneurysm support group meeting, but that's not very social, and most of them are dealing with post-rupture and post-surgical issues. And it's far from home and dark when it ends at this time of year. Hubby has his model railroad hobby, and he goes to meetings and to friends' houses to run their trains.
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar f tn Oh my gosh yes. I'm so sad 24/7 and even though I know it's not him, all he does is say how sorry he is and that he's trying to be the best husband possible. And then I end up crying even more! How do they deal with us.
Avatar m tn At the moment l still have excellent 20/20 vision distance vision without glasses , if l go with mono focal distance lens is there any risk l could loose my good 20/20 vision or need to wear glasses to have good distance vision . if for example they get the eye or lens focus measurement slightly incorrect or dont place the lens in the exact right spot. l am prepared to wear glasses for reading but dont want to have to wear glasses for distance such as TV or driving or outdoors .
1310633 tn?1430224091
710423 tn?1271161074 I hate this place. Last night was first night i went thru the night sweats, leg cramps, back ache, insomnia (even though I had taken a xanax)...I woke to every noise, or every movement from Sam, and was in constant pain. And with dropping from 7 of them a day to 4 of them a day in 2 days, I didn't think it would be such a bad jump seeing how I had cut the 40 per day to 20 without any problems, and then 20 to 15 , and then 15 to 10.
Avatar m tn What happens when you wake up one day and you realize nothing matters? Like the tv shows you like watching you just don't care to watch any more, or video games you just dont care to play no more. What if you wake up and you don't want to go outside, or care to drink you're morning coffee? What if you know that you are that reason other people, family or friends are being kept down?
Avatar f tn There was another one where a woman offered baby stuff for free online and when the girl when to go get it (she was 9 months pregnant) the lady kidnapped her, tied her up and successfully cut the baby out of her womb. Crazy people.
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar f tn I'm 23 years old and I know I have problems!!!! because I spend most of the time in front of my computer and I watch over 8 movies a day without getting tired!! sometimes I don't get out of my bed all day long, but I hardly sleep.. I just lie down in my bed all day and watch movies, even usually I forget about eating or drinking, there are times that I thank god because I didn't forget breathing while I was watching the movie...
Avatar f tn I hope I get better soon these muscle relaxers give me a bad attitude but if I don't take them I literally can't move without being in excruciating pain from my neck all down my spine. It's miserable and I just wallow in my sorrow.
Avatar f tn t trust it). As a retrospective study without a convincing explanation of how the symptom scores were taken and how if at all the blinding was done I somehow doubt it myself.
276730 tn?1327962946 Nice numbers!!!! It's a pity we can't photocopy them and frame them and put them above the TV - REALLY well-deserved certificate lol. Congrats again Charm.
Avatar f tn Naw, sorry to hear that and I sure can understand the pity-party even though Im not there yet ;) As for the pinched nerve. I was going to a chiropractor a year ago after my spine had come out of place, anyway she told me that she could even help with chiropractic during a pregnancy to help the spine with all the connecting nerves to function better which would be beneficial for the whole pregnancy. So my advice to you is to go to a chiropractor that can handle a pregnancy!
Avatar f tn Last night I was having a pity party for myself because of my bipolar. I tried to think positive thoughts to help me see things in a more positive frame of mind and to calm my anxiety. Perhaps some of these ideas will help you to feel better also. - first, I AM NOT bp. I HAVE bp. There is a difference. I am more than just bp, it is simply a disorder that I have, like any other disease.
Avatar m tn Mike, what does cdu stand for? ( I know, it's probably very obvious but I'm having a moment.) Anyway, I used to watch intervention and the stories always tore me up. Some made me so sad and some made me so mad. I can't watch it now because I don't have TV yet (cable or a dish). I know that must've been a disturbing episode for you but like you said, use it for an incentive. I think our children are one of the best incentives for making us want to get clean.
Avatar f tn Anyone here have tried transvaginal ultrasound?Its my schedule on the 11th for tvs,and im kind of worried. Hihihi,cause its a bit awkward I guess. So,how does it feel??
Avatar f tn Lol my daughter watches TV now at almost 5 months! She watches bubble guppies and the Disney Channel shows. It's the only thing that stops her from crying sometimes!!
2177836 tn?1355173877 t want TV to be my babysitter but I hope she does see TV and dinner as family time if that makes sense lol
Avatar m tn Hmmm...I guess Im lucky Im not daid, lol, I kinda did this to myself to get through w/d. I had xanax and flexiril and ambien. Between the xanax that I have "extra" (I never take as many in a month as prescribed because they are "as needed"), some flexiril I had left over from a MVA, and some ambien, I stayed "asleep" for about 3-4 days, just waking up to drink or get a small snack.
Avatar f tn I miscarried 11 days ago and I am still having a Pity Party.