
Hoarders anonymous meetings

Common Questions and Answers about Hoarders anonymous meetings


Avatar n tn If you are uncomfortable being at one of those meetings go to the chairperson and ask for info. on pills anonymous meetings. As John said tho, it may be hard to find these in your area. Good luck , keep postin, much love...
Avatar m tn Personally I have only been to AA meetings, but I'm assuming that they're almost identical. My sister did the 12 step program and went to AA. Part of that 12 steps is admitting that there is something higher than you. Not necessarily a god, definitely not specifically a Christian god, but a being that shows that you are just part of this world and not in control of this. This is to help humble you as well as help you see that you have choices. You can choose sobriety.
Avatar f tn NA Is an anonymous program. If you are in with the right group it should stay that way. Besides, you are the only professional in the group. You would be surprised. So they need to feel safe just like you.
Avatar f tn I'm with Vicki...If you scope out the meetings and pick one you like and are comfortable with the people, you will be fine. Your boyfriend is making excuses.....dump him and stay clean.You can't make him want it...he has to want it for himself. Untie the boat anchor and swim for the surface. It's your life you are gambling with if you don't....
Avatar f tn Congratulations on your first meeting! I've been going for many years, but when I walked into my first meeting I felt i was finally home. I wasn't alone with my disease anymore. I was desperate and felt hopeless when I went, and when I drove home from that meeting I was filled with hope. My first meeting was AA. Alcohol was always my first drug of choice, but by then I had all the other drugs going also. So I always said "I'm a cross-addicted alcoholic".
Avatar f tn Hey there - I need to start meetings but freaked to see someone I know. You all will tell me that it is anonymous and part of the process to keep it private, but I want a meeting where I don't know a soul. :( Any tips? Driving two hours away? :) Also, it looks like NA options are way more limited, which just seems to open up the possibility of seeing someone. And if not meetings..have other people found different ways to get same level of support? Thanks for any/all suggestions!
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar n tn What you could do immediately is look into a 12-step program like overeaters anonymous (specific for bulimia) and/or narcotics anonymous. These meetings of hope are everywhere through-out every day. Call or go online now to find the meeting closest to you. If you choose, you could go to these free meetings daily to get support and learn ways of coping. You could also call your previous treatment team to get some direction.
Avatar f tn If there is stuff rotting away and yes a serious hoarder you should call the city and put in an anonymous tip and they'll come investigate and tell him he has to make it safe. But me I would just go to a family members and stay there for a bit. Hoarders have a weird attachment to their items.
1905493 tn?1322482556 ) It is the forerunner to NA (Narcotics Anonymous,) CA (Cocaine Anonymous), and others. There are like dozens of these types of programs all over the world. Since AA is the oldest, there are meetings virtually everywhere. NA is also very prevalent in the US. It is a twelve step program that took created its charter from AA's. It is like a sister organization, but with no official affiliation to AA. NA is very uplifting, and is for anyone struggling with any type of drug.
Avatar m tn Closed Meetings Alcoholics Anonymous, meetings are generally closed meetings unless otherwise stated. Closed meetings are limited to members and prospective members only. It is up to you to determine if you qualified for membership. Do this based on the following criteria from Tradition 3 of the 12 steps and traditions of alcoholics Anonymous Tradition 3: The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. Best of luck.
Avatar n tn Look up SAA (sex addicts anonymous) they are where I started my healing with my addiction. If you put SAA into Google you have to scroll down a bit because there is an airline with those initials. But the site is a great way to find meetings in your area or if face to face is not something you are ready for there are phone and computer meetings available to us as well. The very best of luck to you. And... One day at a time.
Avatar f tn Using the phone book or Google, look up Narcotics Anonymous and find a meeting you can get to. It is safe, truly anonymous and will absolutely guide you to saving your life. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Don't wait, dear!
Avatar f tn I go to AA cos addiction is addiction,,most are cross addicted Alcoholics anonymous and Narcotics anonymous and u will get a is better to call the phone number listed on the sites cos often the organizations do not update the places and time for the meetings..when he goes he will get a pamphlet with a list of all meetings that is correct/up to date he is lucky to have u on his side//people who have this disease need support....lots of it...and he is trying..
Avatar f tn It will help you get to the roots of your addiction and learn the tools to do life clean and not use to solve problems. Give it a try, you may need to hit a few different meetings to find your "home" group and you'll know when you do. You have so much to gain from going. Another option is to get a therapist and preferably one that specializes in addiction.
Avatar m tn ok so i quit doing oxycontin cold turkey (160mg) a day. I'm now on day 6 (finally getting life back in order) and i have a couple questions about aftercare. I don't ever want to go back to the way i was before so im trying to figure out: 1) Does it cost money in canada to meet with a counsellor? (don't really want to go to the meetings) Kind of looking for a step by step program type thing to keep me clean? 2)Can you keep it anonymous and not release your name?
Avatar f tn Someone suggested Overeaters Anonymous. I started to attend meetings. I go to face to face meetings as well as phone meetings. The phone meetings are OA HOW meetings just using the phone. There is a Wednesday night phone meeting. The number is 559-726-1300 then there is an access code: 136342# Hope you try it.
Avatar f tn I am not trying to be quarrelsome but I have not heard of any 12 step meetings where participants are required to sign a confidentiality contract. If such meetings exist,they must surely be the exception rather than the rule. In my own experience, I have never before encountered as large a gaggle of gratuitous gossips as I did in NA. @Dovecottage- There are alternatives to 12 step meetings if you ever find that they are not suited to you. There is..
Avatar f tn Before I post on these forums can anyone tell me how private it is? By giving an email address to make an account are you traceable or can you ask for advice knowing it's anonymous?
Avatar f tn The best way I found to do that is to find a meeting like cocaine anonymous, narcotics anonymous, etc They will help you, love you, and understand whAt you are going through better than anyone one else can. Keep up the good work, my dear!
Avatar f tn Have just googled, alcoholics anonymous and then taken the first option that came up and it does give a full list of meetings, just put in your area, then town etc. Narcotics anonymous and al anon are the same, just google which you want and you will get a full list of meetings. I do hope he goes to the treatment centre. All the very best.
Avatar f tn I found some online NA groups/meetings just by googling "online NA." That way, you can work the twelve steps, be in a support group, attend meetings, etc. and it's all anonymous! I haven't tried them yet but looked for the same reasons - small town, don't want others to know, etc. Good luck.
Avatar m tn I also work the OA HOW program. I go to face to face meetings as well as phone meetings. There is also a book available on the Mayo Clinic website that is excellent. Hope this helps you.
675718 tn?1530033033 I went into AA, back in 1987. I went to my meetings faithfully, got my 90 day pin. I worked the Steps for a long time, and though I don't go t meetings anymore, I still work through the 12 steps. Because of all my illnesses, especially chronic back pain, I just can't sit through a meeting. I end up on so much pain, but I still read my daily devotional, and talk to my friends on the phone. I'm so grateful, to be sober!!!
1514613 tn?1385092718 EA, Emotions Anonymous, OA, Overeaters Anonymous, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, NA, Narcotics Anonymous, and all the off shoots of AA are wonderful programs where like minded people in a group setting get together to share their hopes, their strengths and their struggles and find some relief. I am not sure how many of these groups are still working or available in cities across the world, but they are free groups and usually meet on a regular basis.