
Hoarders anonymous

Common Questions and Answers about Hoarders anonymous


662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar f tn If there is stuff rotting away and yes a serious hoarder you should call the city and put in an anonymous tip and they'll come investigate and tell him he has to make it safe. But me I would just go to a family members and stay there for a bit. Hoarders have a weird attachment to their items.
Avatar f tn Before I post on these forums can anyone tell me how private it is? By giving an email address to make an account are you traceable or can you ask for advice knowing it's anonymous?
Avatar f tn Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
Avatar f tn So.... my husband's parents are hoarders and I've never been to their house but our daughter has. She's 3 years old. We have a little boy on the way and I just don't know if I want my kids going over there especially if I'm not allowed to.. Idk how bad the situation is and I know my husband is embarrassed. I've never talked to my in laws about it. They make me uncomfortable as is. I have been distant from them for the last couple months.
Avatar f tn I know a lot of people inquire about AA, NA......There is also a group called PA (Pills Anonymous) There aren't as many groups as the others, but they are out there. You can usually find them through local Hospitals. I hear they are really good groups if you can find one in your area. Nauty...........
Avatar m tn So can anyone recommend a way to get an anonymous STD test? Would lying about my identity to Planned Parenthood have worked? I could go to a different location and try again I suppose. Thank you. This forum is a wonderful resource.
Avatar f tn I know exactly how you feel. The only rooms that aren't messy at my place are the bathrooms & the babys room lol! I work full time & when i get home I'm like why bother?.. Hopefully i get a day or two cleaning spurt & get it done!
Avatar m tn Dear expert, I wonder if you are aware of any possibility for anonymous HSV II and HPV test?
Avatar n tn What does a scar on your sclera look like? I have tried to search photographs of what a scar after any type of eye surgery looks like, but I cannot seem to find one. Does anyone have experience with scarring ON their eyeball?
Avatar f tn The house is never clean. They are hoarders I swear. The 17 month old had batteries in his mouth one day. They let them run into the other room and say, 'he will be fine' then wonder why he gets into stuff. I've tried explaining to hubby but he gets angry at me and says I'm over reacting and they're fine. I am soo pissed right now.
Avatar m tn A pair of family members living in my house due to their parents' poverty are extremely out-of-control. They're breaking our possessions, the 7-year-old just threw and broke a glass, and they're so violent that they often choke each other. Their mother does not watch or discipline them half of the time, and when she does, they do not listen or improve, no matter what's done. I'm afraid they may hurt me or my loved ones. What should I do?
Avatar f tn Anonymous is watching and will not stand down if Karl Rove and his Crossroads PAC overthrow our government by stealing the 2012 election. Rove has taken steps to ensure that Americans believe this election is a close race -- too close to call. This provides cover to step in and rig the numbers to elect Mitt Romney and proclaim that, because it was a tight race, Rove's candidate was able to squeak through a close election. If Rove believes this -- he is making a mistake.
Avatar n tn Almost 9 weeks ago, I had a tiny conjunctival nevus removed from the surface of my eye. My eye is still pink/red in the area even after all this time.... Is this normal??
1514613 tn?1385092718 EA, Emotions Anonymous, OA, Overeaters Anonymous, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, NA, Narcotics Anonymous, and all the off shoots of AA are wonderful programs where like minded people in a group setting get together to share their hopes, their strengths and their struggles and find some relief. I am not sure how many of these groups are still working or available in cities across the world, but they are free groups and usually meet on a regular basis.
Avatar f tn No groups have been suggested to me or offered. I feel out in left field all alone. Are there any hoarders in this company, and what are they doing to deal with it?
Avatar n tn PLEASE listen to my story as it is getting very scary. i went for a rapid HIV test at a site that is listed as ANONYMOUS. when i got to my appointment i didn't have to fill out any paper work AT ALL.. i didn't get admitted for about 45 minutes, and the man who came out of post-test counselling was infected (he was crying uncontrollably and they sat him in the waiting room before i was called in).
Avatar f tn s there. A simple google search or anonymous call Planned Parenthood can help you find a free anonymous clinic nearby. You can also learn how to better protect yourself in the future. All the best.
Avatar m tn (I was given a number and to call to make an appt for my results so I do not know if it was anonymous). The sex didn't include anal and it lasted about 5-10 minutes before I forced him away and no cum. Also, I havent had flu symptoms, but I get small bruises very easily on my legs.. Please help.. Scared and depressed..