
Heartburn natural living

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn natural living


535822 tn?1443976780 Been getting some acid reflux/heart burn recently well last few days , is there any natural supplement I can take or any ideas I can use , I have taken a OTC acid reducer but I would like a natural way ..
Avatar f tn To any Pregnant woman who gets a lot of heartburn or a lil restless an uncomfortable specially at night.... Try to take a Magnesium supplement if you don't wanna take to many tums an over the counter medicines. I am 29 Weeks and get a little uncomfortable at night this is my first pregnancy an i don't like taking any over the counter things, I'd rather go all natural... So I got this stuff called CALM.... it's a natural Magnesium supplement and work's great for me!
Avatar f tn I'm ****** right off right now, heart burn 24/7, what's that all about!? I'm just living of milk, water and liquid gavascon and I'm just sick of it, it's like lava boiling in my throat, I can't eat anything without getting it and I just don't even want to eat because I know the outcome is just going to be heart burn...
Avatar f tn Try a glass of milk
Avatar f tn I've been getting heartburn at least once a day and I'm against medication and pills I'm all for natural things so if anyone can tell me how they got rid of their heartburn naturally?
Avatar f tn This is my first pregnancy and I am 19 weeks and 2 days today, and I get heartburn like crazy! I never got heartburn before getting pregnant. Any natural suggestions on how to ease it? Because it's starting to hurt and even keeping me from sleeping properly at night.
Avatar f tn So I am 40 weeks today and started doing natural ways to induce labor as I am fed up !! I just ate almost a whole fresh pineapple and am now having contractions. Has anybody had luck with eating pineapple and labor !?
Avatar f tn You could take antacids that are pregnancy-safe or try a more natural approach. Certain foods also cause heartburn. Like iceberg lettuce, citrus juices, spicy foods, & etc... look it up online.
Avatar n tn I have been living with heartburn for a long time now an have seen a doctor about it Im going back to doctor again an hoping to have the scope put down to find out what it is, could it be a ulcer? or something worse thats coursing this for me...
993545 tn?1249456679 and it does say that the medication (buspar) im on can cause heartburn but it burns on the right side and its not constant just kind of random pain. Is it jus my anxiety freakin me out or is it heartburn.. or is it something else i need to worry about?
Avatar f tn It treats morning sickness and heartburn. It is clinically proven a safe choice with natural ingredients, so you do not have to worry about anything harming the little one.
Avatar f tn I got terrible heartburn at night!! It actually wakes me up with the pain, and it keeps me up till morning... please!! Suggest away.. anything that can help.
Avatar n tn Heartburn is killing me and am u pals take glucose?and why is it that sometimes i dont feel tha baby's movement?is it normAl?
Avatar f tn Help! I hv terrible heartburn, I need a safe alternative to Tums bc they taste so yucky and mk us nauseous!
Avatar f tn Please Help Do Any Of You Ladies Know Any Ways To Get Rid Of Heartburn Besides Medicine? It Keeps Me Up All Night Long .
Avatar f tn No matter what I eat! Now I get heartburn.... Wasn't like this until last week!!!! 34 weeks today.
203342 tn?1328737207 I know this isn't nearly as serious as so many others on here but I was hoping someone could help me out. I have terrible heartburn tonight and I'm not allowed to take antacids because I'm on Entecort for my Crohns. Is there anything else that will help with heartburn?? I feel pretty yucky tonight. :( and it's too late to call the doctor's office. Anybody got any good suggestions? Thanks so much.
Avatar f tn Omeprozole is what my dr prescribed me. I had terrible heartburn but taking the Omeprozole every day really helped I haven't had heartburn in weeks. You can get it over the counter or ask your Dr for a prescription.
Avatar f tn I am 10 weeks pregnant and my heartburn is out of control. I try taking tums and rolaids but for some reason they make me very nauseous. Does anyone have any other remedies to get rid of heart burn? Any advice would be nice.
Avatar f tn Please help everything gives me heartburn didn't have any at all with my daughter but now I'm burning up lol...
Avatar f tn Im 32weeks today and suffering extreme heartburn anyone know any remedies????
Avatar f tn This is the 5th night I've woken up throwing up because I've been getting heartburn. I'm soon to be 36 weeks. I've been taking tums and Pepcid OTC and it's not doing anything. Is there something else I should be trying? I'm scared one of these nights I will choke on the throw up because I'm sleeping when it happens.