
Gas causes weight gain

Common Questions and Answers about Gas causes weight gain


Avatar n tn I believe that prevacid can cause weight gain ..seems so many babies are now diagnosed with reflux we used to call it cholic and wait for it to pass now seems they put them on meds.Still your doctor would know the answer, I think its the meds and whilst you child ius on them he may gain weight.good luck once he is off the meds he may go down to a normal weight.
Avatar n tn I thought I read one time, that highly compressed gas in the abdomen can cause weight gain too. Because as my stomach gets more distended, I'll gain around two pounds and the abdomen is hard, not sloshy from water. And my doc said it wasn’t water. Finally, if the stomach, why would I have symptoms, yet show nothing on the endoscopy? Can something like a a weak musocal linings cause the symptoms, yet not show anything on the endoscopy?
Avatar f tn Your weight will vary from day to day, especially after something like this. No, this is not the weight gain everyone talks about. The reason for that weight gain is mostly because now that the gallbladder's out, people think "Oh, it's OK for me to eat all these foods again!" (Pain is usually a deterrent to bad behavior, and a painful gallbladder will force you to eat healthier.
Avatar n tn Then I would say with those symptoms of weight gain unable to lose and if you mean constipation by irregular bowel movements, and feeling tired- definitely get your thyroid function checked because those can be symptoms of hypothyroidism (sluggish thyroid function) which can be treated if that's what you have! What did your doctor base your diagnosis of acid reflux on? Did he look down your throat? Did he look at your esophagus?
Avatar f tn Late night snacking and poor sleep too can cause weight gain. Polycystic ovary too causes weight gain, hence has to be ruled out by an ultrasound of abdomen. Certain medications like antidepressants cause weight gain. Also the diet should contain more of green leafy vegetables, fruits and protein and less of spaghetti, potato etc.
Avatar n tn Late night snacking and poor sleep too can cause weight gain. Polycystic ovary too causes weight gain, hence has to be ruled out by an ultrasound of abdomen. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult your doctor and get investigated accordingly for this. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
1426120 tn?1283039272 Certain medications like antidepressants cause weight gain. Polycystic ovary too causes weight gain, hence has to be ruled out by an ultrasound of abdomen. If the above causes are eliminated then you can join a weight trainer and a nutrition expert and follow their advice and lose weight under their guidance. Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
8101930 tn?1420001456 I have been doing my prenatal work out 3 times a week and taking my dog for walks lots now that it is nice out. Is this too much weight to gain so early?? Anyone else gain weight in first trim??
1835320 tn?1326270501 Certain medications like antidepressants cause weight gain. Polycystic ovary too causes weight gain, hence has to be ruled out by an ultrasound of abdomen. If the above causes are eliminated then you can join a weight trainer and a nutrition expert and follow their advice and lose weight under their guidance. Do discuss this with your doctor and get yourself examined. Take care!
Avatar f tn Thanks ladies ♡♡
2131661 tn?1340229152 19 weeks you could feel and see her movement on the outside.....the weight loss is normal....I would gain weight one doctor visit and lost it the doctor to be concerned because the baby and I are healthy...I didn't pick up weight until around 20 weeks now I've gained 18 pounds lol...and for me I didn't get the flutters I got hard straight foward kicks....she wasn't playing around lol..
Avatar f tn people were just freaking me out because excessive weight gain causes issues for the baby so i was just put me at ease..thanks!
Avatar m tn I just heard that Gallbladder Removal causes one to tremendous weight gain? Does anyone know if that is true? If it is true, I may cancel the surgery and deal with the pain and risks of cancer. My days of being fit would be destroyed? or is there a way of continuing to lose weight after Gallbladder removal? Has anyone experienced tremendous weight gains after have their Gallbladder removed?
Avatar f tn My appetite, sleep and health are generally all fine otherwise, with no noticeable weight loss/gain, no fatigue, no fever. I would say it is more discomfort from bloating/trapped gas rather than pain. Any ideas? Thanks. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/233435'>pain in left side under rib cage</a>.
Avatar n tn i would like to gain weight,i used to have alot of weight while in high skool but wen i finished,my body reduced drastically,i now weigh 56kg ,i hate my weight,i would like to weigh 65-70kg,please help me.
Avatar n tn It could be your meds, thyroid or both. I hope you went to an Endocrinologist for the testing. They can do a more accurate test than a GP. I tried to tell my GP for years that I thought I had thyroid problems, but every test he did came back normal. Finally, he agreed to send me to an Endocrinologist with the explanation that they can do more through testing. Sure enough, I have hypothyroidism. I am now on medication for it.
Avatar f tn And my doctor says I gained too much weight so fast to slow down. How much weight are you actually suppose to gain in total thru out ur entire pregnancy. ?
Avatar f tn Our daughter had her total colectomy in 2009, and still has to stick with a very limited diet (potatoes, rice, tofu, white breads). Her weight is very low, and the doctor wants her to gain weight, but it's almost impossible. On occasion, she will try eating vegetables and fruit but it always causes cramps and even more frequent trips to the bathroom. We would love to hear how your son eats, and manages to be so active and healthy! Please give us your son's web site, if he still has it.