
Flomax muscle pain

Common Questions and Answers about Flomax muscle pain


Avatar m tn t seem to be a great drug since it lowers blood pressure too much, I almost fainted on losartan and flomax. Is it true it permenently exhausts you and causes muscle weakness?
Avatar m tn what is happening is that the semen is being released into your bladder. The flomax is designed to relax the urinary sphincter muscle so the semen, when you ejaculate, takes the path of least resistance- which is into your bladder... it's a weird concept but that is what is happening.
1580703 tn?1651904887 I was given cipro and Flomax for pelvic pain and a UTI. the pain was through the whole pelvis and also individual veins or spermatic cord. does Flomax permanently shrink your prostate or reduce testosterone levels? I read one forum where people where saying they had a permanent loss of strength, could not throw the discus as far?
Avatar f tn I have endometriosis and after my first surgery 8/06 I began waking up with my bladder full and in pain. As time has gone by the pain has worsened. I went to a urologist and I don't have any kind of infection or UTI. I have been checked several times. My urologist referred me back to my gynocologist because he did a cystocopy and didn't find any IC. My gynocologist decided to do another sugery removing adhesions, endo and doing a hydrodistention and cystocopy.
Avatar n tn pain just before and during urination, sometimes persistent minor pain in the penis, dull pain at the front above the penis, slower than ever start to flow, more slow dribbling at the end, and reduced volume, so even more incomplete bladder emptying, and so of course more frequent urination, though not nocturia. He has never had urinary infections in the past, and has not changed his lifestyle/eating/drinking habits lately.
Avatar m tn t figure out why i was retaining urine(no infection), and figured it was because i had taken some muscle relaxer and percocet the few days before this happened. and that the muscle relaxer probably effected my prostate which caused me to retain urine. when i got my perscription for the xanax the pharmacist told me the xanax could have the same effect on my prostate as the muscle relaxers. and i really don't want to go through this again. so i'm not taking them till i see a urologist.
Avatar m tn I have SEVERE lower back pain(Continually) my doctor gave me Cipro (Antibiotic) thinking perhaps I had an infection, I've finally taken all the antibiotic, however the lower back pain still present. Are there other proven symptoms I may have that I am not aware of, doesn't hurt when I urinate, however I don't always empty my bladder, I take Flomax(without Flomax I probably wouldn't even be able to go to the bathroom. Anyone experience this. Thank You.
Avatar m tn This condition is very frustrating because sometimes there is no explanation. But medications that relieve muscle contractions ( Flomax and other alpha blockers) usually ease the symptoms when the problem is prostatic. Make sure there are not other meds that aggravate it such as anti-histamines or decongestants which can make a prostate miserable. Avoid cold, and warm the area with hot baths.
Avatar n tn I'm not sure where you're getting the info that stent removal has all this pain attached to it. Have you had a stent before and had severe pain when it was removed? I've had a stent and there was discomfort when it was removed but not the severe pain you are indicating. There may be a burning sensation for a day or two afterwards when urinating, and even then the amount of that burning sensation differs from person to person and male to female.
Avatar m tn Anybody experienced a side effect from Flomax of acute leg pain? I mean, ACUTE. I'm also on Cypro (for prostatitis). BUt the leg pain didn't begin until I began with Flomax, three days ago. MY doctor says, take Tylenol. But it offers only brief and incomplete relief. The pain itself diminishes, epsecially during the day. But it's there and I can't explain it.
Avatar n tn Having done some research before recieving your reply, I did come across information regarding the use of tamsulosin, also known as Flomax, being used for orgasmic pain. The only problem is if you are on Viagra therapy you cannot take Flomax because of the interactions. You can stop the Viagra but then taking Flomax will be of no use if you are not able to acheive an erection without Viagra.
Avatar m tn When you stop the FloMax your symptoms of weak urine flow and penis, scrotum and rectal pain will return. You might want to discuss the permanent use of FloMax with your doctor or a urologist. Trust me it is better to be on FloMax than to have the TURP to deal with the prostate.
Avatar m tn I have recently been taking flomax for kidney stones two days ago. Last night when duing sexual intimacy when I orgasimed there was no semen at all! It feels like I am just busting off a big one but there is absolutely nothing! The same thing happend tonight. Me and my girlfriend are getting kind of worried. Is this a normal side effect? And if it is how long does it normally last?... I mean its not something that can cause serious or permanent damage is it? PLEASE HELP ME!
Avatar m tn I did not associate it with flomax until recently. Is it harmful if I stop taking the flomax and is this the cause of my retro? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/226027'>Retrograde Ejaculation from Flomax......permanent or not?</a>.
Avatar m tn Sometimes it would be treated with antibiotics other times Flomax. Either way they all resolved easily after a week or so. fast forward to a month ago I had an external hemorrhoid develop and also had urgency and frequency. Doc said it was related to the hemorrhoid and gave me a cream. the issue resolved within a couple days. A month later I went to an urgent care prior to Christmas for the same issue and the doc said prostatitis after doing a DRE. Said it was firm but culture was clean.
Avatar m tn Normally during an orgasm, the bladder muscle tightens and the ejaculate flows through the urethra and out the penis. When you have BPH, the flow from the bladder and prostate are greatly restricted and usually force the ejaculate into the bladder. Flomax helps reduce the size of the prostate and permits freer flowing urine.
Avatar m tn Flomax can reduce the amouht of seman that you produce. It would be unusual though to have this production reduced down to zero unless the man was ejaculating very often. In general terms Flomax is a useful medication with very few side-effects..
Avatar m tn light headness after cataract surgery and Dr was told about Flomax of which I am still on 2 years later
Avatar f tn Yes, when I have a stone or stones, I'll have a much more frequent urge to urinate than when I don't have a stone. I've also experienced a very slight burning sensation at times with a stone too. Are you on anything like Flomax? I've noticed a more frequent urge since I've been taking Flomax too. Not sure if that's the Flomax, or just my age coming into play.LOL!
Avatar n tn He takes 5 mg blood pressure med and he takes Flomax daily. When he first started taking Flomax; which he needs to be able to urinate or as he says to keep his plumbing working, anyway, he would have dizzy spells. His doctor said this was normal, a side effect of Flomax. But now lately he has been passing out; I think that is unusual for any medication and I'm worried there may be something else going on.
Avatar n tn i was having pain in my left testicle, which eventually I found out was pain radiating from a back injury. The pain was the only problem until I went to get checked out by a urologist who misdiagnosed me with prostatitis. I was givin medcations obviously with no improvement and after the medications he decided he wanted to give me a prostate massage And rapaflo.
Avatar n tn If your doc prescribed Flomax for the kidney stone, more than likely that is the issue, as it is also prescribed for prostate issues, and is a blocker, like the above poster mentioned. I know this, as I have the same issue... The Internet is a lovely thing...
Avatar m tn Update. Had a cystoscopy/cystography done yesterday, with a machine that did not record the results, but ony view. I viewed the display too. The Dr said my prostate is enormous, and there's no way I'd be able to urinate without surgery. I tried to urinate on my own for a few hours after that procedure, after my catheter was removed, and while I could at first, later I couldn't.