
Flaxseed cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Flaxseed cancer


Avatar n tn Hi there. As far as I know, studies about flax seed and cancer are still in their infancy stage. The cancer more frequently associated with this is prostate cancer. I'm quoting this text from the american cancer society website:
Avatar n tn Some holistic health enthusiasts believe that cancer patients are deficient in essential lipids that cottage cheese mixed with flaxseed can replace. The scientific journal “Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift” published a study in 2012 that determined that cancer diets, such as the Budwig, diet do not cure cancer and can have adverse health effects.
16702 tn?1234090645 If cancer cells were placed alongside flaxseed in a petrie dish, the cancer cells grew. This has yet to proven with live subjects, but in the meantime I have eliminated flaxseed. I am relaying on the essential fatty acids contained in hemp seed oil and in 5 almonds for my daily intake.
Avatar f tn Also, for men concerned about prostate health, some studies have shown a possible link between the ALA fatty acids in flaxseed oil and prostate cancer. In general, omega-3 fish oils have been shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health so I wonder if you have some sort of special situation that would cause your internist to recommend against it. Please contact him to find out why.
421683 tn?1233438087 Has anyone else been trying ginger for ovarian cancer? I noticed a small forum here about 1.5 years ago, but nothing since. I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago with Stage 3 ovarian cancer. At my request, I still have my uterus and one ovary (with the hope of having children). I went through six Carboplatin-Taxol treatments followed six months later with nine Patupilone treatments as part of a clinical trial.
Avatar n tn Hello -- I have been trying to find out whether consuming flax seed would interfere with the efficacy of the taxol / herceptin treatments that I am receiving for my breast cancer. I understand from a study done at the University of Toronto that flax seed may help to eliminate breast cancer. However, I would not want to consume anything that would interfere with my regular medical treatment. The cancer is in the left side of my lymph system. It is estrogen-receptor and HER-2 positive.
Avatar f tn Has anyone heard of the vitamin B17 "cure for cancer" ? anyone tried it? What have we got to lose?
Avatar n tn At a semenar I attended once they talked about eczema. Or bodies don't produce the essential acids our skin needs so we must get it through our diet. Try an omega 3 supplement or flaxseed oil. Also, I've heard that the sun and tanning bed will help clear up severe cases. Then you have to worry about wrinkles and skin cancer though.
689528 tn?1364135841 m here to tell you this is only a possibility if you over consume flaxseed. Like everything else in life too much of the flaxseed will be a bad idea, especially during pregnancy. Take caution on the intake of flaxseed and your pregnancy will not endure any complications. Flaxseed will actually be more beneficial to your pregnancy than harmful. The reason being is because flaxseed is a major source of omega 3 fatty acids, which is highly recommended during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Avatar f tn I added 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to my diet for the past year. I was very discouraged when I received the results of my lipid panel results. Last year: total chol.=238, trig.=59, HDL=101, LDL=125. This year: total chol.=240, trig.=67, HDL=98, LDL=128. My bad numbers went up and my good number (HDL) went down. Why? (I am a 60 year old female. I exercise regularly (jog and ballet), I am 5'2" and weigh 92 pounds.
Avatar n tn When my wife was preparing for an operation, her lab work showed her liver counts to be very high, near 200. The Dr. said, many things eaten could raise these levels. They wanted to know if she had eaten cereal with flaxseed and said flaxseed could have a large effect. I mention this so you'll know if it happens to you.
7584600 tn?1392261434 I HAVE read so many conflicting things..Is flaxseed oil bad for the liver or not!
414018 tn?1268611672 My theory is even if it does not help regress the cancer it certainly prepares your body and gives you a better chance at handling the chemo and fighting 110%! Personally from my experience here is what i can contribute: i have actually heard of a number of things that have worked well for a number of people. Flaxseed oil is really good and i take that daily! it shrunk a male friends tumor on his pituarity gland and is ideal for treating cancers.
974298 tn?1324833193 um I am not sure about the flaxseed... I have no info on it!!! but it won't hurt just to try it for one cycle and see how you do!!!
Avatar m tn I have been to my family doctor and he says its IBS and I have no real need for further testing. I personally am terrified its cancer or something. I have urinary issues and a sense of burning in the prostate area following defecation. It sometimes is relieved by passing gas. Its almost always relieved if i pass mucous. I don't really understand what can cause this. I have been to a urologist and put on antibiotics for prostatitis.
Avatar f tn Is the "flaxseed meal" you speak of come already ground up? I have read that flaxseed does no good unless it's ground up.
974298 tn?1324833193 I am taking both EPO and Flaxseed Oil at the same time, is it harmful to take both at the same time? I am trying to work on my fertile CM but it doesn't seem to be working at all. I first started taking EPO alone in June and it worked but it hasn't worked again since then. Would appreciate ur response.
Avatar n tn I buy the liquid gels and also grind whole flaxseed and mix it into a healthy smoothie drink. (Obviously, the flaxseed is to be taken orally--never directly to the eye!
Avatar f tn I asked my doctor (RE) about taking 81 mg of baby aspirin to encourage blood flow to the uterus but she said the effects are not proven and therefore she does not use it in her practice. I'd still like to try it, however..particularly because my menses was especially "clotty" this month (sorry tmi!). But I also take flaxseed oil and I want to make sure that taking both of these won't be an issue. I'm on my 4th round of clomid 100 mgs, days 3-7 with progesterone supps.
Avatar f tn Does anybody take flaxseed oil.I've read a few articles on how its supposed to help sufferers of panic attacks.
Avatar f tn I also do yoga/stretches for stress reduction. Be sure to take your vitamins. I read flaxseed and garlic is good.
Avatar m tn You really only need to drop your LDL by 20 points, which is not very much. Do a low fat diet, not empty carbs like breads, sugars and pastas. Add fruits and veggies as well. The easiest way is to cut out fast foods so if you indulge in burgers and fries, stop and that alone will bring your number down. Is there a reason why you don't want to take a statin?
408448 tn?1286883821 He said the tumor by the liver had originally been the lymph node there that the cancer just took over. Pathology shows active cancer in a spot on the small bowel and on one spot in the diaphragm. Same mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Will see what Dr. LeLinqister thinks when I see her on the 18th. I know for sure I do not want the rest of that folfox chemo. I am open to discuss anything but that. Being grade 1 I am going to ask about the estrogen receptor drugs.
Avatar m tn I did read that certain people who carry a specific Gene, found out with special bloodwork done by gynocolgists, are more likely to get ovarian, breast and also colon cancers. I never had the test, but my father died of colon cancer and my mom has breast cancer (DCIS). Increased estrogen also plays a part. Are you in menopause yet? I thought I was. but just got my period after 1 whole year of not having it, so now am wondering if the upsurge in hormones is behind all of this.
Avatar n tn I take Evening Prim Rose, 1500MG, Bioten 1000MG, Centrum Silver for the calcium ( I am 30 it is for older people) as well as 2000mg of flaxseed all at night before bed!!! My Doc approved this. I have had real bad ahir loss and I needed to make sure I am doing all I can to not lose it all. I have lost half my hair plus I cut 12+ inches off. It *****. I was Diagnosed Papillary Carinoma with lymph node spread. Partial Thyroidectomy on may the 5th to be exact them a TT the 27th of may. What a trip.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if drizzling flaxseed oil onto salad, orange juice and other foods is OK for people with MS? I heard that flaxseed oil is supposed to help patients with MS a lot. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids.