Flaxseed and breast cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Flaxseed and breast cancer


Avatar n tn As far as I know, studies about flax seed and cancer are still in their infancy stage. The cancer more frequently associated with this is prostate cancer. I'm quoting this text from the american cancer society website: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_1_1x_Flaxseed_Ginseng_Show_Promise_for_Cancer_Patients.
16702 tn?1234090645 The best example, is Lilian Thompson PhD’s work that showed that oral ground flax seed reduced breast cancer size to one half between the time of diagnosis and surgery. A strong phytoestrogen may actually make the disease worse. Again the list that follows is incomplete because of the lack of research money and interest: Coffee is a known phytoestrogen. Coffee is commonly known to make fibrocystic breast disease worse.
Avatar m tn Maillard V, Bougnoux P, Ferrari P, et al. N-3 and N-6 fatty acids in breast adipose tissue and relative risk of breast cancer in a case-control study in Tours, France. Int J Cancer. 2002;98:78-83. 15. Fritsche KL, Johnston PV. Effect of dietary alpha-linolenic acid on growth, metastasis, fatty acid profile and prostaglandin production of two murine mammary adenocarcinomas. J Nutr. 1990;120:1601,1609. 16. De Stefani E, Deneo-Pellegrini H, Mendilaharsu M, Ronco A.
Avatar m tn I did read that certain people who carry a specific Gene, found out with special bloodwork done by gynocolgists, are more likely to get ovarian, breast and also colon cancers. I never had the test, but my father died of colon cancer and my mom has breast cancer (DCIS). Increased estrogen also plays a part. Are you in menopause yet? I thought I was. but just got my period after 1 whole year of not having it, so now am wondering if the upsurge in hormones is behind all of this.
Avatar n tn I have read and heard about Dr. Budwig's protocol regarding cancer and heart disease. Are there any studies done on this mixture of cottage cheese, flaxoil, flaxseeds, berries? If yes. Where can I find this infomation?
Avatar n tn Hello -- I have been trying to find out whether consuming flax seed would interfere with the efficacy of the taxol / herceptin treatments that I am receiving for my breast cancer. I understand from a study done at the University of Toronto that flax seed may help to eliminate breast cancer. However, I would not want to consume anything that would interfere with my regular medical treatment. The cancer is in the left side of my lymph system. It is estrogen-receptor and HER-2 positive.
Avatar m tn Hi I have gotten the breast cancer diagnosis and my head is spinning. I don't know what to do what to think....etc. I was told I have two areas in my breast that need removed one is cancer and one is precancerous. The surgeon I met with yesterday told me that I would have to choose on a lumptectomy or a mastectomy. I was also told depending on the lymph node involvement I would either need chemo, radiation and hormonal receptor meds.
Avatar n tn I think with these great scores and low risk factors and a reduction w/ other breast..chances are great. What do you think? Seaching for information out there regarding patients who choose not to take tamoxfin with early stage and low risk; who choose masectomy instead of Lumpectomy. continuing vitamins, flaxseed oil, omega 3, veggies, cutting down meats etc. Flip MRI and mammo every 6 months. Excersise with normal body weight.
421683 tn?1233438087 My theory is even if it does not help regress the cancer it certainly prepares your body and gives you a better chance at handling the chemo and fighting 110%! i have actually heard of a number of things that have worked well for a number of people. Flaxseed oil is really good and i take that daily! it shrunk a male friends tumor on his pituarity gland and is ideal for treating cancers.
Avatar f tn Atole de leche which is boiled white rice with milk and sugar and cinnamon its good and made me get engorged which means too much milk lol any thing with milk will help u produce ur own I think
689528 tn?1364135841 Ugh, okay, so I continued my search (sorry for all the posts- I hope they are helpful!). And according to the Mayo Clinic: "The use of flaxseed or flaxseed oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended. Animal studies show possible harmful effects, and there is little information in humans. Flaxseed may stimulate menstruation or have other hormonal effects and could be harmful to pregnancy.
974298 tn?1324833193 I used to take flaxseed everyday earlier as i had read it helps to improve frtility but then my new RE asked me to stop with the flaxseed after looking at my test results becos he said flaxseed can cause estrogen dominance and hinder ovulation... Good idea would be to check wth a nutrionist or a dr i guess!
Avatar m tn Once Hair loss has accoured it takes a good six months to see improvement. Hair and Nails after Cancer and or any type of surgery can cause hairloss. I suffered hairloss after a TT and RAI going hypo is the cause!! Once the Hormones are leveled out the hair loss will slow down mine has!! I cut off ALLOT of hair. Trimming it to a shorter legnth can really help if your hair is real heavy, for sure. But do not give up! It will slow down with a correct doasage on the meds.
414018 tn?1268611672 oestrogen cells back to good ones and is especially good for breast and ovarian cancers. I also take a supplement every day.. but where you can also get the extract is from juicing broccoli! Raw juices can honestly save your life..i would have to eat 2kg a day of broccoli to get what i get from the supplment and juice! Also green vegetables juiced are really good for you and ovarian cancer they contain lots of phtyo-nutrient vitamins and anti-oxidents!
Avatar f tn Also, for men concerned about prostate health, some studies have shown a possible link between the ALA fatty acids in flaxseed oil and prostate cancer. In general, omega-3 fish oils have been shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health so I wonder if you have some sort of special situation that would cause your internist to recommend against it. Please contact him to find out why.
Avatar n tn She was detected with a diabetes a month ago. 5 years back, she has was treated for a breast cancer - operation followed by chemo therapy and radio therapy - Cancer surgeon says she is out of cancel now after periodic follow ups. Neuro physician has ruled our neuropathy saying that her reflexes in the legs are good enough. Currently we are consulting a psychiatrist and she is on following medicines since last 13 days.
9023883 tn?1402943375 Rolled oats. Flaxseed. Brewers yeast. Go online and look up lactation cookie and smoothie recipes.
974298 tn?1324833193 I am taking both EPO and Flaxseed Oil at the same time, is it harmful to take both at the same time? I am trying to work on my fertile CM but it doesn't seem to be working at all. I first started taking EPO alone in June and it worked but it hasn't worked again since then. Would appreciate ur response.
Avatar m tn You really only need to drop your LDL by 20 points, which is not very much. Do a low fat diet, not empty carbs like breads, sugars and pastas. Add fruits and veggies as well. The easiest way is to cut out fast foods so if you indulge in burgers and fries, stop and that alone will bring your number down. Is there a reason why you don't want to take a statin?
Avatar f tn The worst doctors blame everything on MS. Now that I have Cancer the Cancer doctor says everything is MS and the Neurologist points to the Cancer. The pain Clinic treats symptoms and does not care what is causing it. The only important thing is to figure out if something is caused by muscles or nerves since they are different medications. With Ms it usually is both at some point. The intestinal stuff is no fun at all. Mine has gotten better.
Avatar f tn I asked my doctor (RE) about taking 81 mg of baby aspirin to encourage blood flow to the uterus but she said the effects are not proven and therefore she does not use it in her practice. I'd still like to try it, however..particularly because my menses was especially "clotty" this month (sorry tmi!). But I also take flaxseed oil and I want to make sure that taking both of these won't be an issue. I'm on my 4th round of clomid 100 mgs, days 3-7 with progesterone supps.
Avatar m tn s CARE) done between 1994 and 1998 showed there was no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former users of birth control pills. Two newer studies (2011) confirm that oral contraceptives are not associated with breast cancer–specific or all-cause mortality. In general, most studies have not found an overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.
Avatar f tn Residual infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast. fibroadenoma of breast, fibrocystic changes of breast including fibrosis and apocrine metaplasia, Estrogen and Progesterone positive and HER2/Neu positive. Predictive marker at 2+ and fluorescence in situ Hybrization fish report not amplified. Biopsy pathology said: Insitu and invasiave well differentiated carcinoma with mixed features of ductal and lobular differentiation.
Avatar f tn Two nights ago I started to get a pain down my left arm and tingles in my left hand. My mum has both breast taken off to breast cancer. I am very frightened that I have this. What do you think?