
Filgrastim injection site

Common Questions and Answers about Filgrastim injection site


2022648 tn?1328711666 making injections is so easily, i know do them with both arms and even without looking at the site of injection...of course i dont need to pay attention because if i get a vein it is even better with my treatment but anyway just follow instructions here
Avatar n tn Filgrastim is also prescribed as pegfilgrastim (called Neulasta). My doctor used the 500 neutrophill count as a cut-off, so every time I got down around 500 I used Neulasta. The interferon drops neutrophils and platelets. Some people can do okay with low neutrophils but just as many end up with kidney and sinus infections, etc., that make you even more miserable.
Avatar f tn Hey so my injection site is extremely bruised and it worries me its almost a dark purple.. Has anyone expire mixed this? My other shots were unusual as well but I have sensitive skin but they were read and like the size of 2 quarters. Itchy and just a large lump.
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone else has lingering red/bruise marks at the injection site. I have taken 6 shots so far and still have a red bruise mark at injection site after six weeks. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is typical. Could someone please help me out here. Kinda nervious about giving the shot tonight.
Avatar m tn Are you talking about a medical injection from a doctor? if yes then what was the injection for? If it was an allergy shot then it will swell and some meds. will cause swelling and at times bug bites will also cause swelling.
Avatar f tn Several people here have used it. Actually, what gets whacked is a component of the WBC call neutrophils - sometime referred absolute neutrophils or ANCs. These are a separate line item on a CBC report. Docs invoke the use of Neupogen at at different levels. I found the use of Neup to be a non-event, no side effects. Others expereince bone pain and injection site soreness. It's much better to use Neupogen than to reduce the dose of the Peg.
422881 tn?1257603579 I would like to avoid injecting in my thighs if possible due to the irritation at the injection site and the fact that my legs ache so massaging them would be difficult coupled with the irritation. I just took my 4th shot so no irritation there yet, but the first 2 places have a brown colored appearance and the 3rd site is still red, itches, and feels like a bad sunburn. All these splotches are not quite as big as a tennis ball.
Avatar f tn I was using copaxone I did have a itch at the injection site and a lump that lasted for days sometimes weeks. Blistering I never experienced.
Avatar n tn m a Nurse and today a lump appeared right after the injection site with screaming pain. This has never happened. He just gets a little stinging and that's it. What did I do wrong? I pinched the skin, swabbed just down, massaged for two mins. and the lump, it has gone down, why?
Avatar n tn It never went away or even really faded though. Injection site # 2 developed same area of redness exactly three days after shot but this time there is some itching today also. The only other difference is that there was some bruising this past time also. We have been using the Gold Bond and the Aveeno as we read about here. The skin has not developed any flakiness, bumps, etc. it is just red. Hubby is starting to fear that he will have 24 of these spots on his body which will not go away.
997730 tn?1254278376 The last 3 of my injections have left dark circular bruises at the injection site. Previously, I did have some redness, but not bruising like this. (I'm on my 19th week) At first I thought that maybe I somehow caused it during the injection. But then the next week, I had the same kind of bruise. Now, after the last shot, this is the 3rd time I've had a bruise, and I used different spots for these 3, where I didn't have this kind of problem before.
1216595 tn?1284933208 Ive got a really swolen red injection site , anyone else had problems , Ive been in and out of a sweaty delirium all day long but thats due to not sleeping enoug and late nights ....weakness in unreal and panic attacks when I go out ...hate it ...
Avatar m tn Are you rotating your injection site? Also, choose the "fattiest" area for your injections. I had to give up on the thighs because of the pain, but using the tummy was like slicing thru butter! Maybe a cold compress would help.
Avatar n tn But its 4 months since then i have a hard spot like a rock or peanut of around one inch at the injection site. It pains only if i press it. I am really worried is this serious. Its four months now and not going away.
1770279 tn?1321073078 I started developing little rash at the injection site w/ some itchiness around week 15, i used gold bond and that seemed to help a bit. All of that ended after treatment, it took about 2 months after for all the skin issues to clear. good luck,, make sure you use the alcohol and let it dry before injecting, it just stings more if the alcohol is wet.
1711722 tn?1356487554 I find that the injection sites start itching about a week after the injection. The injection sites also have a lot of itchy, red bumps around them. I take a Benadryl at night and apply hydrocortisone cream. I use hydrocortisone cream during the day too. It works for the injection sites. Aquaphor might work for your tummy sites. I was using just my thighs up until injections 11 and 12.
493068 tn?1224765315 my stats seem to go up and down so I only have to take it now every 2 wks. It is unknown whether filgrastim (Neupogen) increases or decreasses an individual's risk of developing cancer. Based on limited long-term data from healthy people ( if a person is healthy why would they need neupogen in the first place ) who have received filgrastim, no long-term risks have been found so far. good luck to you....hope this helped!
962875 tn?1314210036 Her oncologist plans to give her an injection of Neulasta (pegfilgrastim ) each week during this phase of tx. I know that this medication is used to reduce the chance of infection related to the decrease of neutrophils associated with some chemotherapies, but that it may also cause some unpleasant or serious side effects... My understanding was that in the past it was usually given in response to a drop in neutrophils, documented by blood tests, rather than prophylactically.
Avatar f tn Neulasta is a peglated version of Neupogen which is also know as filgrastim. It's used to stimulate production of neutrophils, a component of whilte blood cells. It can be taken less often than regular 'ol Neupogen. I found it rougher than Neupgen in that it had some side effects, mainly bone pain. I found Neupogen to be side-less. Aranesp is Darbepoetin Alfa which is like Procrit (epo). It is also taken less often than Procrit.
Avatar m tn Do you mean filgrastim? And are you saying Dengue fever? It would be a surprising though perhaps not impossible use of filgrastim. Dengue is usually treated by pain managers and sometimes hospitalization and a blood transfusion. Anyway, if you have a legitimate prescription from a doctor, you should be able to fill it in the United States.
233622 tn?1279334905 You say "how can you mess this up" but I did at first, I hadn't listened properly when the injection procedure was demonstrated to me and I wasn't massaging the site after the injection, according to the nurse this could have meant that the drug was just "sitting under my skin". I must admit that massaging hasn't made much difference. My MS nurse seems more concerned about the reactions than I am.