
Fetal development of premature baby

Common Questions and Answers about Fetal development of premature baby


Avatar n tn This is her second pregnancy and she was told today that the baby had a cyst on the right side of the brain. Can someone tell me what this means?
Avatar f tn My MIL swears by this myth but I feel it is ridiculous. She totally beleives and says that a baby can be born at 7 months but can not be born and survive at 8 months. I don't understand why and how did this even get started?
Avatar m tn Leaking or rupture of membranes –This may be a gush of fluid or a slow constant trickle of fluid. This is due to a tear in the membrane. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) can also result in low amniotic fluid levels. Post Date Pregnancy- A post date pregnancy (one that goes over 42 weeks) can have low levels of amniotic fluid, which could be a result of declining placental function.
Avatar f tn is important to fetal lung development. The fetus gets all of its oxygen and nutrients through the placenta and umbilical cord---a process called fetal circulation. Read more: http://www.livestrong.
Avatar f tn I personally think it's selfish and foolish to drink during pregnancy. Your putting your baby's health at risk and fetal development during the first trimester is crucial. Any alcohol use during pregnancy can result in a child being born with FASD. To me it's not worth the risks.
Avatar f tn The fetal heart undergoes a considerable amount of growth very early in pregnancy. The most critical period of its development is between three and seven weeks after fertilization, when a simple heart tube assumes the shape of a four-chambered heart. In fact, the heart actually begins beating by the 22nd day of life.
Avatar f tn This is very dangerous, and can sometimes lead to lifelong damage. Fetal alcohol syndrome refers to a group of birth defects found in children born to mothers who drink too much alcohol.
Avatar f tn My friend had a baby at 27 weeks and another at 30 weeks. ..
Avatar m tn Intrauterine growth restriction refers to the poor growth of a baby while in the womb. Specifically, it refers to a fetus whose weight is below the 10th percentile for its gestational age. Symptoms Currently pregnant with a feeling that the baby is not as big as it should be Uterine fundal height less than expected for gestational age Treatment IUGR increases the risk for intrauterine death.
Avatar m tn Fetal cardiomegaly (heart enlargement) is determined by looking at the ratio of the fetal heart circumference to the fetal chest circumference. When is baby is of such advanced gestational age as 37 - 38 weeks, the baby is already large and it's position in the uterus may make it hard to see body structures at the best angle to make these measurements. If you are looking at something from an odd angle, it might look large (or small). So there is a good chance that this is not accurate.
Avatar f tn The most common cause of a fetal heart rate irregularity is premature atrial contractions (PACs) that arise from the baby's upper heart chamber and are usually benign. You should avoid caffeine and stimulants and keep well hydrated. If they persist, your doctor will likely refer you to a pediatric cardiologist for a fetal echocardiogram to document the arrhythmia. In most cases, these self resolve.
Avatar n tn I think that would the best thing for you to do and thats what they are there for. It could be a build up of gass or the baby possitioned a certain way. This is a great place to see if sonme one else experienced the same thing however you are an individual and the only one that can give you the best answer is your dr. he/she knows your body the best.
Avatar f tn Rabies Because of the potential consequences of inadequately managed rabies exposure, pregnancy is not considered a contraindication to postexposure prophylaxis. Certain studies have indicated no increased incidence of abortion, premature births, or fetal abnormalities associated with rabies vaccination. If the risk of exposure to rabies is substantial, pre-exposure prophylaxis also might be indicated during pregnancy.
Avatar f tn However, it sounds as if you are describing isolated early heart beats (as opposed to sustained fast abnormal heart beats). Examples of this would be premature atrial contractions (PACs) or premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). These are quite common during the second trimester in the developing heart, and usually disappear by the third trimester or soon after birth. They are also benign and don’t typically cause any problems.
Avatar n tn If you break embryonic and fetal development into thirds then when you are in your 28th week the baby begins its final third of development. (Gestation is 266 days or 38 weeks of development). So either way you look at it you are in your 3rd trimester!
Avatar f tn Hi! Yes, that is too early to see a fetal pole or cardiac activity. In ten days, you should see a nice change with development of a little "grain of rice" with a tiny flickering heart beat. I wish you the best!
Avatar f tn I see a lot of women posting about their doctor thinking they may have a premature baby. How does your doc know? What tests do they do to find out?
Avatar m tn There is no safe amount of alcohol you can drink. Fetal brain development damage can occur with just one drink.
Avatar m tn When I had my 5-day FET, I was wondering how early was too early to test also. I tested 5 days post transfer with a hpt and got a negative. But both of my betas were positive, so it must have been too early. Now I am 14 weeks pregnant! :) During this time, my friend sent me the following information, which was SUPER helpful! Hopefully it will help you too. Best of luck and lots of baby dust!! What Happens After an Embryo Transfer?