
Fetal development month by month baby

Common Questions and Answers about Fetal development month by month baby


Avatar f tn One of my friends had the due date for her first changed multiple times. I think it ended up at least 1 1/2-2 months earlier than going by lmp and baby was full term in development.
Avatar f tn what month do the baby move up in your tummy like I can only feel the baby Way at da bottom I will be 15weeks tomorrow
Avatar f tn 6 months is usually an age where your son would be seen by his pediatrician. You should bring up your concerns at the pediatric visit so that his doctor can evaluate him for any signs of developmental delay. Babies can have a range of development that can still be within the normal range, but your pediatrician will have a better idea of how your son is doing after a complete physical examination.
Avatar f tn My 14 month old boy was a preemie by 1 month. He is not walking yet and only babbles mama and dada. Also, when he gets excited, he bites the back of his hand very hard and throws his head forward. Although we can stop him from doing this if we intervene right away, it looks weird! Are these biting episodes and lack of walking and talking a sign of something wrong? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn I can tell you, From experience that a baby's heart is fully developed by week 18, which is why doctors do fetal echos between 18-24 weeks, it's the soonest they can visualize the heart without the bones getting in the way or "shadowing" it, and also the latest for them to detect holes and other issues. There are many cases when a baby has a hole or two early on and as the baby grows and the heart continues to grow the holes close or get smaller on their own.
Avatar n tn Can you please suggest me whether this is a serious problem are this will be automatically corrected once my baby is born, will there be any serious congestion for my baby to move inside the amniotic sac and will it be tough for the baby to breath. Please help this is my first baby and we are more eagerly waiting for our baby's birth Thanks in Advance Vijay Shankar.
Avatar f tn Breathing in the Womb Babies do not actually breathe in the womb---at least, not in the usual sense. Fetal lungs are not fully functional, and are not even able to fully expand, until after birth. During the later stages of gestation, the fetus may "practice" breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The fetal lungs do not process the amniotic fluid, the way fully formed lungs process air, but experts believe this "breathing" is important to fetal lung development.
Avatar f tn It's definitely better to go by weeks. If people ask just politely tell them weeks is more accurate and how many weeks you are.
Avatar n tn He is a beautiful, happy baby and we are unsure of whether or not to mention this to them. She is now pregnant with baby#2 and intends to have the same type of birth . I am quite concerned that she is doing more damage than good by having a baby this way after looking at the lack of progress from #1.
Avatar f tn I personally think it's selfish and foolish to drink during pregnancy. Your putting your baby's health at risk and fetal development during the first trimester is crucial. Any alcohol use during pregnancy can result in a child being born with FASD. To me it's not worth the risks.
Avatar f tn I was always told it was ok, but now I hear that it's not. Best bet would be to ask ur doctor! To me it's not worth the risk of baby being born with fetal alcohol syndrome. To oppose what was said above me, alcohol won't cause down syndrome, that's a chromonal defect that happens at conception.
Avatar n tn Choroid plexus cyst From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Choroid plexus cyst Classification and external resources ICD-10 G93.0 ICD-9 348.0 Choroid plexus cysts (CPCs) are cysts that occur within choroid plexus of the brain. The brain contains pockets or spaces called ventricles with a spongy layer of cells and blood vessels called the choroid plexus. This is in the middle of the fetal brain.
Avatar f tn Concerning motor development, progression is more important than timing. If each month your infant has been getting more and more of her body off the ground -- such as going from crawling to standing to cruising (walking while holding onto furniture) -- this is a normal progression regardless of the timing. "Your baby's doctor will focus not only on her motor development, but on the development of all her other skills, such as hand, language, and social skills.
Avatar f tn To date, he can only say between 10-15 words, but he babbles all of the time (he will say googoo gaga like a baby). He has been in speech therapy for a year now, and he still only says 10-15 words--the same number as when he started. Some of my concerns are that my son is not speaking more than 15 words, doesn't really answer questions when asked, or vocalize his wants or needs. If we ask him if he is hungry, he will sit there. If i say, "yes, no?
Avatar m tn She is full term baby delivered by c-section with birth weight of 7.12lbs. She had a breathing problem after birth which was due to improper absorption of fluid in lungs for which she was kept on nasal canula oxygen for 4 - 5 days in NICU. She had diaper rash couple of times. She had Viral meningitis (Undetectable virus) at 50 days old for which she was in ICU for 3 days. In her 7th month she had cold and otitis media of one ear for which she was given antibiotics.
Avatar f tn When I found out I was prego with this baby I went to the hospital for pains and they said I was like only a week pregnant. But when I went for blood work I was about 3 weeks. And hen I went to the doctor I was right at about 4 weeks. So it's hard to tell.
5492154 tn?1374801006 Im going by what everyone else goes by 40 weeks. Look it up. Of course not evey has there baby at 40 weeks some up to 4 weeks early. But im just going by the 40 weeks that we're suppose to be prego. And idk why you don't understand what im trying to say. Im not going by the calendar im going by 4 weeks 7 days a week which is 28. I was clear and even did the math.
Avatar f tn I dont have a question I'm just having a hard time and I need someone to talk to but my husband is at work for another seven hours and no one else even knows we're trying to conceive. Another month has gone by and we're still not pregnant! We both want this so bad but so far we havent had any luck. Its so hard sometimes. I'm not going back to school next semester (a decision that was really hard for me) so that I can have this baby and focus all my efforts there.
Avatar f tn I am suppose to have one every month due to being high risk having two open heart surgeries plus the one medication I take supposedly causes decrease in fetal growth. The sonos every month are to monitor my son's growth, but haven't had a sono since me & my husband found out what we were having back in October.
Avatar m tn My daughter, will be 2 in a week and I am worried about here development. Initially she was great.. walked @ 11 months could tell body parts i.e. nose, mouth, ears etc. now she only sometime responds to her name.. only has about 20/30 words (cannot use 2 together mind) When I try to say a word she will look @ my mouth and try to copy me.. She sometimes tip toes around the house (not often)..she will laugh for no apparent reason. When she is with other kids...
Avatar f tn I'm at 21 weeks fetal development and i have been told that my child has half a heart and his only half of his kiddneys i'm asking what are most out comes?