Fear of speaking up in meetings

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7163794 tn?1457366813 Glad it went well, I have told my story a few times, very scary I do behind the walls at a work relies program, I have a big fear of speaking in meetings, last time I was asked to do it I said yes, chickened out and scheduled my neck surgery a week before to get out of it, I have 13 years, thank you for being strong and sharing that, it inspired me.
Avatar f tn It a place you can feel comfortable and let go of those secrets in your head which pile up and pile up. Being able to release the pent up stuff is very important. Its like cleansing the body and mind...
Avatar f tn Hey Kathy, I agree with guv and gnarly on this one. You will never find a more accepting group. You are a member if you say you want to be one, period. You've earned your spot. Of course you'll be anxious about walking in but that anxiety will go away quickly. Closed meetings are defined as meetings for those with a problem or those thinking they have a problem. I have been to both the open and closed meetings and don't believe you have anything to fear from either of them.
7680419 tn?1399056811 ll love it, imagine a group of us from MH in a room, doubt you feel close to all of us, you may not even like some of us, but we all kind of accept each other, as long as we have a desire to be better, no matter how you are when you show up. My favorite meetings feel just like this place, but with real 3D hugs.
Avatar f tn I think its because when you look to the same sex for support, there is less chance of distracting things getting in the way of getting clean. Less chance of romantic feelings starting up...
654183 tn?1225309036 I have heard people say they have to leave this site after awhile too because they fear the constant reminders may harm their sobriety. Then there are those that the more meetings and more things they participate in the better they are. I think everyone is different in that respect. I would say the important thing to look for more than meeting attendance is that the person is not forgetting where they came from.
Avatar f tn Then he put on a condom, before he could get the head of his penis good inside of me i asked him to stop. The next day i asked my did he have anything and he got very offended. He stoppd speaking tp me.. 3 weeks later i got tested for STD and everything came back clear, On April 15,2010 I went to my doctors and got HIV tested, becasue o was always nasuse,tired, and forgetfull. Nothing came back, now i have lower abdominal pains and jus now ive been having what i think are night seats.
Avatar n tn this is day two of being off vicodin . I went to two meetings yesterday and they were a great support and gave me hope and strength to battle this disease.. The diahrea is starting to kick in though..
Avatar f tn There is nothing to fear at the meetings. I know it is hard to walk in the first time but you see once you get there. You will be among people just like you who will guide you and teach you to live life without the use of drugs. You need to talk with your prescribing physician about the cravings. You should not be having any while on Suboxone. Keep posting and let us know what is going on.
Avatar f tn I got sober/clean living in a small town of 8000 ppl in 1983.I had a former job as a juvenile probation officer and i used to drink/use in the morning as an excuse(lousy) due to so called job stress!LOL!i wore these big tinted glasses thinking no one knew!the first AA meeting i went to was being chaired by a young man whose girlfriend was a former probationer of mine!His jaw dropped when I walked in and he said"this is a closed meeting for alcoholics only"!!!
Avatar m tn Trump destroys what the "the establishment" Republican Party is all about, so I'm ALL FOR HIM. This country has been trying the same thing, over & over & over, for the last 60-years... and look where it's gotten us, and WHO it's gotten us. Of course, none of you really like him, and that's okay. That's what makes this country mediocre...
Avatar m tn Hey everyone, Believe it or not, I still check in frequently and check on you guys. Things are really going great. I'm coming up on two and a half years at the end of October, have a great job, and am in Graduate school. Between meetings, school, work, and family, I barely have time left to breathe. Sarah, I messaged you a while back on your birthday....guess it got lost "in the mail". Jimmy, it's great to see you here and contributing.
Avatar f tn I was the only woman but I totally identified with what they said better than some other meetings. Do get a sponsor. It sounds like you are very alone with this in the center of a circle of friends who use. This is doomed without support. Start with meetings. At least you know that everyone there can identify with your goal and won't work against it.
1183666 tn?1274275146 m positive the vast majority of us would rather streak through Wal Mart than get up in front of a group of people. (Would anybody notice us in Wal Mart? Somehow I think we'd just "blend!") I suppose there are a number of things you could try before it was your turn to be on stage. Deep breathing, relaxation techniques, visualization...............personally they don't work for me, but that doesn't mean they won't work for you.
Avatar f tn Hi all! I have a question. ...I am starting my ct off 11 years of 3 up to 10 lortab a day. I know how and why I got addicted, and I know why I need to quit. I don't have access to any pills, and have no desire to go sneaking about to get some...but I know mentally its going to be a struggle. ...would N/A meetings help? I am seeing a therapist, or is this just something I need to power thru day by day by day? Please help if anyone has any answers....
Avatar f tn ) The mission is the same in both AA and NA. It can be summed up in the preamble reading that opens all AA meetings all over the world: "Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism." That's it in a nut shell. Both AA and NA programs are non-religious, but there is a spiritual side to the format. Nobody is in charge.
696149 tn?1314320959 Well, I spoke of it a few days ago......that is getting off the Vicodin and I just took the last 4 I had. I am terrified of what I'm probably going to face. Usually when you fear something, the bark is worse than it's bite, but in this case, the bark is just as bad as the bite, if not worse. Still, all I have to do is get through 1 week.
Avatar f tn Do not be so hard on yourself, we all have to work on ourselves in recovery. People in meetings understand that (most do or they should). Alot of my recovery work is on my "character defects" if you will. When we improve our lives in all aspects, physical, emotional, spiritual, then we have a way better chance of staying clean-thats my opinion anyway. We are not perfect any of us by a long shot, look where we are at?!
Avatar m tn There are no failures here may be some will relapse but that does not mean we have failed. only what we all as addicts have in us all a relapse.Im so more up for this fight that im happy to wake up the next day clean and still here some dont get that second chance.Im taking my second chance im grabbing it with both hands and wont let go.We all deserve what we are fighting for mine is my freedom freedom from drugs.
Avatar f tn Though the US has continued to make big gains in productivity over the last decade, nearly all of the benefit of those gains has gone to the wealthy, not the workers. American CEOs earned 411 times as much as average workers in 2005, up from 107 times in 1990. In the economic expansion of 2002-2006, the top 1% captured nearly three quarters of income growth. http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~saez/saez-USto pincomes-2006prel.
Avatar f tn I express no opinion on the subject but I did find this interesting. "Glossolalia is commonly called "speaking in tongues". For other uses of "speaking in tongues", see Speaking in Tongues (disambiguation)." "...Aside from Christians, other religious groups also have been observed to practice some form of theopneustic glossolalia. It is perhaps most commonly in Paganism, Shamanism, and other mediumistic religious practices.
Avatar f tn Hi I am new to this. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety. I am still on anti-depressants. I have this wierd fear of throwing up. It is to the point, where I don't even want to eat. When someone is around me who is feeling sick I freak out. I hate living like this. I get so stressed out about it. I then get discomfort because I cannot pass a bowel movement because I am so tense and then right away I think that my stomach pain is going to cause me to through up.
7100466 tn?1392032316 hello there don't feel ashamed of relapsing i have done it several times and now in order to stay clean i have to do something i don't want to do to stay clean go back on suboxone i have been off it for 3 weeks now but using most days of the week i would start the detox process from roxys and not be able to get past a day or two don't beat yourself up just pick yourself up dust yourself off and try again its all we can do do you go to any meetings?