
Fear of crowds term

Common Questions and Answers about Fear of crowds term


324396 tn?1297350712 Maybe the real question is....what symptoms does one exhibit if diagnosed with agoraphobia? As DJ as said the term is from the Greek, I believe, meaning 'fear of the marketplace'. I am diagnosed with it....and that is one aspect of disorder. Took time for me to get comfortable shopping for groceries. Generally other words are used these days by psychiatrists....but severe untreated agoraphobia has the power to keep one imprisoned in his/her home. The onset can be gradual..
Avatar n tn Deep breathing excersises work really well for me. I have agoraphobia (fear of crowds, open places, fear of people- totaly not fun!) So staying calm is number 1 on my things to do every day. Also take time for yourself, have a warm bath, read a favorite book, tell yourself it is okay to put your feet up from time to time.
Avatar f tn I am 25 years old. I've lived with my grandparents for the past 10 years. I moved in with them due to issues with my mother being an alcoholic and things generally being unstable in that environment. My grandma has always been controlling. I hated jobs I've had but stayed there for fear of her being mad at me for quitting. Any time I didn't show up at work or school, she would be highly upset with me; often ignoring me for days and threatening to kick me out of the house.
Avatar f tn I have had on and off anxiety for years but able to manage. Past 6 months anxiety out of control. Basically fear of something happening to me and I won't be able to get help or fear of being "alone". Sounds ridiculous and irrational but cant get past it right now. Cant even drive alone. Very crippling. Even if I go in a store I have to know where my husband is parked and make sure he has his cell phone on. Worst anxiety I have ever had. Taking Ativan now. helps a little.
Avatar n tn yes, same! Lost it at 6.5 weeks in November. I hadn't any trouble before with my first two so it was a real shock. I find every time there's extra discharge (sorry) I think it's blood! And I feel quite grateful every time a smell or a meal makes me feel nausea as that means it's still there. I only have one shot at this again because of my age, and the ages of my other two so it's very hard to get to a place of peace.
Avatar f tn Since it happens only in crowded places, you probably have fear of crowds. Try deep breathing in a crowded place. Hum a tune or do mathematical tables in your mind to keep your mind engaged elsewhere so that the subconscious fear does not overtake you. Try and see if this helps. Take care!
1854861 tn?1333474904 I'm six and a half wks pregnant with my first child. My biggest fear so far is miscarriage. I hate to worry so much because I know stress can cause miscarriage itself. Is there any way I can ease this fear? I'm almost 23, active, stable long term relationship, no history of miscarriage in family, quit smoking day before pregnancy confirmation, non drinker, no drugs. But this is my first child out of MY uterus.
Avatar f tn Are any if you ladies reaching the end of your pregnancy and going to see fireworks? I'm 9 months pregnant due the 24th and I really want to see fireworks but I jut feel sooo pregnant and huge crowds and drunk people just do not sound like a good time to me! But I really want to see fireworks... Idk what to do! What are you ladies doing for the fourth??
459494 tn?1206384140 Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves disease (while serving in the Armed Forces) and treated with 29.9 milicuries of radioactive iodine 14 years ago and am just now coming forward with some questions. Why do I feel like I'm so different than other people? Why is it so easy for me too fly into an almost uncontrolable rage (road rage) when confronted with other peoples stupidity and or ignorance? Why is it that crowds bother me?
Avatar f tn s a great place just to vent, I am sure if I was diagnosed with MS I would be elated to have a name for my weird symptoms and then it would be fear of the unknown, so it would be a normal reaction. I hope you have lots of people to support you, talk about how you feel, if not access this phone line as they are great, caring and informative.
443185 tn?1211671293 t get to see many fireworks, but I did go to a cincy reds baseball game and I noticed that at certain points, when the crowds would yell at the same time my little one would move around.
Avatar m tn When I was at the carnival this week and it was crowded with so many people where I'd never been around that many people before I think I went catatonic because I went into a stupor and kept zoning out staring at the crowds and such and couldn't focus or anything else. People would talk to me and I couldn't focus on them. I don't do good around large crowds and this was way more than I'd ever been around before.
595125 tn?1219834270 What you descrive is a panic attack when you have this intense fear, then you become afraid of the fear and so on until it becomes a vicious circle. You came to the right place! You should browze a lot of these threads as you will quickly see that you are not alone in your fear and anxiety and you will perhaps learn from how others have coped with it.
Avatar f tn If you start giving in to the fear and start avoiding the places that you fear (which will become many over time), it just reinforces to your mind that there is something to fear. The more you can push yourself through to endure those moments of panic, the more the opposite message gets relayed to your brain, the message that there is nothing to fear. Therapy can be a huge help with this also, learning how to handle that urge to flee, etc.
Avatar n tn Agoraphobia is a fear of being in places where help might not be available. It usually involves fear of crowds, bridges, or of being outside alone.
Avatar n tn Probably the best way to describe diastolic dysfunction is that a normal LV diastolic function may be clinically defined as the capacity of the left ventricle to receive a LV filling volume able in its turn to pump an adequate stroke volume, operating at a low pressure regimen.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm 35w1d I would like to know if anyone knows why I run out of breath just by walking 5 or 6 steps I don't get up to fast or anything like that.does anyone knows???
Avatar m tn I will be flying to Philippines in 2 days I normally have a MASSIVE fear of flights. This time round, I anticipate my fear of flights will go crazy because I will be going on an OLD aircraft (A340 model, possibly around 20 years old plane!) So how am I to stop this fear? Can i take Xanax? I checked with my insurance provider, and they say I can claim for Xanax, so looks like I can get a psychiatrist to dispense some for me.
4043310 tn?1355912647 s helped me so far is to think positive and talk to people around you so everyone is aware. Fingers crossed all of us will go full term. Message me if you need a chat?
Avatar f tn So I'm 17 weeks pregnant, so I've got a ways to go before I have to face this but I am so scared, not that I can't do it or that something is wrong with my baby, but that something will go wrong with me after delivery. Like a bad bleed, tearing badly, or like an intense headache from pushing. I know it sounds pretty silly but all of a sudden that's what my biggest fears are. I just feel like I've always had bad luck and that's what seems likely to happen to me.
Avatar f tn When I was pregnant with my son I had dreams about lots of people of the same gender. In crowds. I knew I was having a boy before my u/s because of my dreams I had dreams of men, and women dressed as men. It was so weird. Now that I'm pregnant with a baby girl. I have dreams of my ex's but never anything good always scary and weird.
Avatar m tn I have a daughter who has anxiety attacks when she goes into large stores at Christmas time, or any time when there are big crowds, so she has learned to do her shopping when the crowds are the lightest and her anxiety level stays at normal range. I hope this helps.....
Avatar f tn Face your fears daily. meditation and sobreity take 3 to 4 months to level your brain.
Avatar f tn Could a psychiatrist help with a fear of solipsism? Since October 2012, ive been fearing, 'what if nothing was real, or someone created by my mind' I cant take it, its constant, im so depressed, afraid and lonely. It feels like ive lost my family! I cant rationalize with the thoughts, I can think of a very convincing reason why its wrong, but I keep what ifing. Is there any way meds could help with this? Im so afraid ill be like this forever.
Avatar f tn I did sex with sex worker and I used condom provided by here 2 days back . She gave oral sex on condom and I did vaginal sex with condom And once in a while i had slightly pain under my stomach and near my groin . I'm afraid because I don't know her health status and I am fear I will get std from her. When I have to go for test .