
Fainting and vagal response

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting and vagal response


Avatar n tn My six year old daughter recently sprained her ankle. As she was crying and clutching her ankle in a seated position, she fell over and her body went totally rigid ..she remained stiff and tonic for about 20 seconds and was completely unresponsive. She had never done anything like that before and all I could think was that she was having a seizure. When she snapped out of it all she said was, "I am so tired.
1298247 tn?1288290953 This is called vagus nerve stimulation. Large bowel movements press on the vagus nerve and cause a person to lose conciousness...the fact that he doesnt remember anything is questionable..The vagus nerve runs directly from the brain stem, in front of the ears and down the neck towards the chest and abdomen. It branches off in several places to provide communication with the brain to a number of organs, such as the heart and the stomach.
Avatar f tn Given the Vagus Nerve controls both impulses sent to the body related to blow flow, and pitch correction, would changing the quality and consistency of my singing regime help the overall blood flow and circulation in my body?
Avatar n tn believe it or not I had Verticle Sleeve Gastronomy about a year ago mar, and just within the last maybe 2-3 months i been getting these night time shaking episodes... upon waking they kinda go away and stop, then just yerterday i had a vagal response, (fainting episode) I have never had such things happen to me before.. please I am worried now seeing your similar posts as well..
2086477 tn?1332611994 Oh I also meamt to add that most likely your vagal nerve is being stimulated when you urinate resulting in fainting. Many people also do that with bowel movements or laughing for example. Its called neurocardiogenic syncope. You night ask your dr about that.
1124887 tn?1313754891 My brother actually was passing out from coughing which the doctors determined was a vagal response. He is on BP meds now and has not had a problem since. I don't know if it still is, but his resting HR used to be in the 90's. I take a beta blocker for tachy, but the symptoms remain for me. The laughing, yelling, and coughing all seem to be the same type of event, so is there a connection?
Avatar n tn I have to seriously watch my fiber intake to be regular. When I slack on the fiber, I get backed up and the fainting spells begin. I have actually fainted 4 times. Teach her to put her head between her legs or to lay flat on the floor with feet slightly raised when she feels a spell coming on. Different things can cause the vagal response for different people. My doctor also didn't seem concerned, but it is a very frightening experience. Best of luck to you and your daughter.
Avatar f tn It doesn't sound like a vaso-vagal response to me either. This happens when you are holding your breath to push a bowel movement or give birth...It does sound like a possible seizure though. Did anyone happen to witness the onset? After a seizure it it very common to be completely wiped out and sleep for hours. Definitely see your doctor. Have you had any medication changes or any changes to recreational drugs or alcohol use? Not assuming anything, just had to ask. Keep us posted.
Avatar m tn Seen a nurse practitioner, she ordered tests, and most of those came back normal, but she said she believed I had a vasal vagal response, but my head felt very hot very quickly as soon as the fit of coughing started, and lost conciousness behind the wheel. Just remember waking up, probably lasted less than 30 seconds. Can I get some insight into this please, as I live in a town where the hospital is not very well liked for its' service. Thanks to anyone who can help .
2132141 tn?1335678074 I have heard of urination syncope, where the vagal nerve (10th cranial nerve) gets over stimulated during urination and causes reduced heart rate, sweating, flushing, nausea, and even fainting (a vasovagal response can be triggered by several different things...take a look at Wikipedia's page on Vasovagal Response.) also, you might look up urination syncope... It is usually benign, but it can also have an underlying medical condition that needs to be looked at.
Avatar n tn She had a holter monitor last year that showed 49 episodes of ST and a heart rate that was average 96 and had a high of 166. New doc repeated holter and said it was normal. She has increased fluids and salt in her diet dramatically. Now she is being sent for a tilt table test but the docs are really confused. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn I am 41 years old, when I go to have a bowel movement I have been fainting, vomiting, breaking out in sweats, my lips turn almost gray and they go numb, I am not constipated and it literally takes the life out of me, it takes at least 2 days before I am feeling like myself . Does anyone have any idea why I am doing this.
403255 tn?1278813266 I ate cereal bars and dried fruit all day Thursday and Friday and was fine, no fainting so it must have been low blood sugar. Also I have noticed I have not gained any weight in the last week so my calorie intake is down.
Avatar n tn She came to almost immediately and said she felt fine. Just prior to fainting she had been sleeping for about 12 hours and also had had nothing to eat or drink for close to 14 hours. When we took her to the ER they found that her QT was 459. The next day the EKG was repeated and was 441. The pediatric cardiologist who read it called the second reading 'high normal" What is the probablility with this faint and with these numbers that she has long qt? I am terrified of course.
Avatar n tn He has it because he has unexplained fainting. He has seen a cardiologist and a neurologist and has had many tests done so far, including, regular and 24 hour EKG, regular and 24 hour EEG, ultrasound of the heart, MRI of the brain and blood tests. The cardiologist is thinking vasal vagal syndrome.. I want to make sure and rule out long qt or any other serious heart problems.
Avatar f tn I was sitting in class and yes stressed, and i got lightheaded, my heart was racing again. Lastnight in my sleep or trying to sleep my heart was racing and it felt funny. I feel more like hyperaroused almost all day? Anyone know what should i be doing or having the doc test me more for?
Avatar n tn Drinking water seemed to help rid me of the seemingly pattern of fainting and regaining consciousness and it happened on two nonconsecutive days both the same situation, the element of heat outside being a possible factor, and the lack of any overpowering physical activity.
Avatar f tn Hi there. I got your note and wanted to come offer some "advice" and perhaps ask some questions. I would assume you may not have the answers to some of the questions, but perhaps you might want to ask your doctor some of them. First, I'm curious what the symptoms of your daughter's vasovagal syncope are. I realize that she faints, but has she been tested on a tilt table? What does her heart do? Does it race or does it slow down?
Avatar m tn She went to the hospital, and they have failed to find a diagnosis 3 times, and she is still fainting in the middle of classes. I'm worried that she'll get seriously injured very soon if these continue... Last time it happened no one was ready, and we almost didn't catch her in time. They are preceded by dizziness and a quickened pulse, as far as I have observed, and they happen more often when teachers are yelling at the class, sometimes it just happens out of the blue...
1540549 tn?1292975313 I have read the expert forum's doctor in response to your questions, and there is some very good and he helpful information given to you regarding your condition and symptoms. You are asking for medical advice when to see your doctor as related to when symptoms develop...your treating doctor is in the best position to answer the questions you have as (s)he has your health history, concomitant conditions if any, medication you may be taking, and a current workup on your health condition.
Avatar n tn You probably fainted because of the massage. Massage of the carotid arteries will produce a vagal reaction and cause someone to faint. This was an old technique of stage hypnotists. Decades ago it was standard practice in an ER to massage the carotids when someone came in with an extremely high heart rate (i.e. a cocaine overdose).
211940 tn?1267881266 Does Multiple Sclerosis affect the Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X) I have been having lots of black outs (aka fainting or syncope), and I noticed when these occurred my blood pressure falls to around 85/40 (sometimes even lower). As I starting researching fainting (over the Internet), I learned quite a bit about it, and some of the perceived causes. One perceived cause is damage to the Cranial Nerve X, the Vagus nerve. The Vagus Nerve works on several areas of the body.
Avatar f tn Sinus arrhythmia may be aggravated by any factor that increases vagal tone. This arrhythmia is pretty benign and is a common finding usually producing no symptoms. Are you currently taking any medications that were listed on the Long QT list?
Avatar f tn t need to see him/her, but if you are anxious you need them explaining. The fainting could be a whole host of things, like vagal reaction or just a passing virus or overheating, but it definitely needs further investigation if it keeps happening.