
Fainting and gastric bypass surgery

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting and gastric bypass surgery


Avatar f tn What a coincidence. im watching TLC a baby story & the mom & dad both had gastric bypass surgery . They're also in their 40s , with a healthy pregnancy & healthy baby !
Avatar n tn You need to sit down with a doc who specializes in this form of surgery to see if you're a candidate. And make sure you consider both bypass and banding. There are side-effects to any type of procedure. Some can be more easily handled by one individual than another, so you'll need to do a comparision and consider what you can live with and what you can't.
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery in 1981. Recently I have been losing weight in leaps and bounds and my dr is afraid I may have blockage down near my stomach and if I'm not better by my next appt, he is going to send my to a Gastroenterologist. See I would eat and then throw up. Today I am fine, but the day is young. I have been taking nausea meds and also cough meds today and they seem to have helped. Could someone help if they have ever had this problem before.
3660320 tn?1347816593 I had Gastric Bypass and am not allowed Nsaids and I react badly to Aspertame and sugar free now. Any ideas what I can take?
Avatar n tn I urge you guys to come read it because it might help in your talking with the doctors. ALSO...ccunurselmg, hang in there. Be WARY of having the lapband done and only do it as a last resort because there are more studies coming out that it actually can aggitate Crohns a whole lot more than they once thought. This is because the piece is on the outside and can rub and irritate the stomach and surrounding areas. Hang in there...
Avatar m tn Diets set you up for failure. You need to create a healthy way of eating that keeps your metabolism running on high and keeps your glucose levels from rising and dropping too much. This is done by eating every 3-4 hours, foods that are healthy to include fruit and whole grains, low carbs, protein, etc. I have heard of the bypass surgery curing diabetes, but the surgery comes with some big risks, and it's own problems.
Avatar f tn I am TTC and i also had Gastric Bypass done. Though it has been over 2 years (April of 07) i just wondered if anyone knows anything about getting prego after this or anything that i should know about that might happen. Any advice would be nice.
Avatar n tn So, you had gastric bypass and not the sleeve? Normally if it was gastric bypass, the surgery cures gerd . by removing the stomach, there are few cells to produce acid. Question, have you gained weight back at all recently? What type of bypass did you have? There are a couple of different ways they do it.
553970 tn?1215380533 im going for a gastric by pass surgury and having the roulon roux, how long does it take to clear my system from nicotine, and what are the complications of it?
563738 tn?1217064910 At your weight, its critical that something start happening or your life will be shortened dramatically. If it has to be gastric bypass, then get a good surgeon and begin a new life! Best of luck to you!
Avatar f tn I had a scope about 2 months ago and now I have been told since I have esophageal and reflux I that I need gastric bypass. my surgery is set for June 20th. I am very comprehensive knowing I need bypass. After reading comments with problems from gastric bypass, why would this be the best method? I didn't know of any issues with reflux. I have never had problems in the past.
Avatar n tn anyone on here had gastric bypass and if so have yall found that we dont absorb meds like we used to
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery and became hyperthyroid took RAI and am hypo now. Just started armour thyroid after years of taking levothyroxin. does anyone have an idea of how the meds would be absorbed?
Avatar f tn Before they do a surgery like gastric bypass you have to loose a certain amount of weight before they will work on you. My mom had it done about 5 years ago and she was on a strict diet plan..its expensive and I believe with diet and exercise you can achieve the same results..
Avatar f tn 10 year post distal gastric bypass (open) patient. Developed fissure and finally an anal fistula. Treatment? Additionally!!!! Vit D deficiency ............taking 50,000 mg 2x's a week.............still no help. What is treatment for vit d and malabsorption? Developed osteoporosis. I am a 51 year old female. Help, my Physician is not sure what course of action to take with me........I am sure other patients have had this type of surgery (distal). Causing 5 to 7 bowel movements a day..
Avatar f tn I had weight loss surgery (gastric sleeve) 7 months ago and recently found out I am 9 weeks pregnant. The doctor wants my to triple my food intake which I'm not sure is possible. Has anyone else become pregnant after WLS?
Avatar n tn I'm about 5 weeks out from my gastric bypass surgery and am having quite a bit of acid reflux problems.(all else is going pretty well tho') I'm trying to not eat too late or eat anything that might generate the acid, but it's awful when it wakes me up at night... I feel like I'm breathing through mud and the spit-up is foamy with yellow acid.
3106099 tn?1341488881 I had an RNY gastric bypass 2 years ago and have lost 130lbs. I just found out I am pregnant finally after trying for so long. Is my pregnancy going to be harder due to the surgery?
1346046 tn?1297156080 Hi there, has any had gastric bypass surgery? If so, how is the journey going? Are you glad you do this? I am in the process of having it done. I have just met with some people and still have more appointments to go to before I have this done.
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery 14 years ago. In the past 2 weeks I have felt like there is something stuck in my stomach. Sort of similar to not chewing something large and swallowing it. Is this something common with gastric bypass at all or something else I should worry about? No fever but on occasion I do get a sharon pain under my rib and feel like I could belch a lot.
Avatar m tn Hi, My uncle has obesity problem, he weighs 215 kg's approximately, He wants to have a Gastric Bypass Surgery or any other what doctors suggest "he is not on any exercises". So is it possible for him at this level to have this surgery? or he has to loose some weight first and what are suggestions please?
611067 tn?1458591483 There are many possible reasons for your stomach pain, and frankly, because you had gastric bypass surgery and you are describing this pain as killing you, and hurting really badly, a visit to your doctor is warranted. As a matter of fact, you should be seeing him or her to discuss this whole topic. He or she would be in the best position to recommend an effective and appropriate treatment for your pain, and would be the one to prescribe it.
870200 tn?1240459551 I have a close friend that had laparoscopy surgery, having a gastric bypass. She had a bile leak and she is now in ICU heavily sedated on a respirator, her pancreas has shut down and she has this black liquid coming out of her mouth. What are her chances of recovery? and what kind of complications will she have?
2112617 tn?1334326066 Seven months ago, I has a gastric bypass and since then, lost 120lbs. My cardiologist has put me on HCT 25mg. That was two weeks ago. Now it seems as though my weight loss is at a standstill. What do I do? My starting weight before wls was 325. I am now 214. My ideal weight is 150. Help.
Avatar n tn They are really bad. The nausea and vomiting started as soon as I woke up from the gastric bypass surgery and it has been a problem every single day since. However, before my pseudotumor cerebri was diagnosed, I had a lot of nausea and vomiting but it wasn't like it is now. They have checked for ulcers and stricture and ruled it out. My headaches have not gotten any better since the surgery.
Avatar n tn I had gastric bypass 2 years ago.Shortly afterwards,I developed nocturnal seizures and syncope.Multiple ct/mri's revealed nothing.A holter monitor showed multiple slowing and stopping episodes of my heart.I had a pacemaker placed.Have you ever heard of vagal nerve damage after this surgery?Would it cause these symptoms?