Exelon patch site rotation

Common Questions and Answers about Exelon patch site rotation


Avatar n tn Exelon patch is on back order from the manufacturer until October 24. What alternatives are there?
Avatar n tn My husband has been prescibed the the 9.5 exelon patch but we still have a supply of the 4.6 patches. With them being so expensive can I use two of the 4.6 patches at the same time until we run out?
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar n tn It would be helpful if the Exelon Patch advertisers didn't feel it was necessary to have their information on continual scroll. There is a reason why I don't read rolling credits at the end of a movie, too. They usually roll too fast to read and simply hurt my head and can trigger migraines. Most of the time I don't see rolling adds, but when I do, I'm put off. Uh...I did not search for anything that would have had anything to do with this particular advertiser.
Avatar f tn t calming her down any, and she did not refil the prescription. 2 months later she had another bad dream and the doctor was notified. He then prescribed exelon. My question: If she does not have Alzheimer's disease, why would he prescribe either of these medicines for her? If this is dimentia, aren't there other drugs out there for that or even drugs that have a claming effect? From what I have read about excelon, I am not sure if it is compatible with her heart medication.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Recently, she started back on the lower dose of Razadyne. Her neurologist doesn't think the medicine is the cause of the nausea, though it could be aggrivating whatever is causing it.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar n tn Bill, I'm a long time diabetic and from that perspective, I encourage you to use sites other than your tummy. Even with rotations, and especially if you're taking multiple injections a day, a normal size human *will* wear out that area. Just think about it as 365 days a year * number of shots per day * number of years you have/will have diabetes. That number gets huge for spreading around a relatively modest surface area.
Avatar f tn I feel at such a loss in trying to help my Mother. I've gone back to Neurologist and am awaiting his advise, but he doesn't appear to be emphathetic to this issue. Her GP defers to the neurologist. My 81 yr old Mother in middle to late stage Alzheimer's. She is not on any anti-anxiety med except for Paxil which was prescribed about a month ago. She gets aggitated during the day at times and especially sundowners time.
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone else has lingering red/bruise marks at the injection site. I have taken 6 shots so far and still have a red bruise mark at injection site after six weeks. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is typical. Could someone please help me out here. Kinda nervious about giving the shot tonight.
Avatar m tn can i combine 225mg. of effexor xr with exelon or dexamphetamine to help my sedated or lethargic condition?
Avatar m tn I too have the same problem with patches. I also change my patch every 48 hours rather than the typical 72 hour rotation. Prior to doing this, the third day was quite painful for me..I have chronic joint pain from Ehlers Danlos and the repeated dislocations that I suffer. The first two days were always good and I required very little break through medication. The third day I would be gobbling the Percocet.
Avatar f tn Hi Everyone- Thanks for all the responses. I appreciate it. Blisters are so far only on my legs. I use abdomen and I have a friend do my upper arms. So I hit one general area once a week so I'm on a 6 week rotation. Blisters are not running. Just raised, so no open wounds. I will get a second opinion but I was surprised to not see anything on any forum about this, makes me a little concerned that this may not be a normal side effect but perhaps an allergic reaction?
2062955 tn?1330913008 I had my Decompression on 10/24/11 This evening My wife noticed that that at the top of the incision site is a pretty big dent maybe 1/2 inch or so- I shave my head daily so its pretty noticeable and its not normally there. I have definitely had an uptick in symptoms the last few days including some pretty bad headaches Is this something that has happened to anyone else?
Avatar n tn I also have learned in my experience that doing daily elbow rotation exercises can increase rotation in the elbow to help make up for the loss in rotation of the wrist. It works but takes a really long time to develop extra elbow rotation being more right handed seemed to give my right arm more elbow rotation then my left arm for instance.
Avatar f tn I have not let up with my doctor on trying to find out what is going on. I have been tested for infections a total of 6 times in the last 12 months all negative except once with yeast. Another thing the white place with bumps and redness around is very close to the spot from my primary outbreak, which only consisted of pain in groin area and 1 dime size lesion. So I am having a hard time understanding why it seems to be getting worse and why my ob or whatever seem to be coming more often.
Avatar m tn After removing the cast there was a lot of stiffness during rotation of the wrist (both pronation and supination). after about a week pronation was about 95% with no pain however suppination although improved still remains stiff and tight with pain when i do rotation. There is a alot of pain espeacially in the mornings when im up from bed in the outer Ulna bone area. I do wrist exercises as often as i can despite the pain in rotation. My questions are as follows: - is this pain normal ?
Avatar m tn (2) Does it mean that if I implant toric in only one eye, I am stuck with wearing contact lens in the other eye all the time, even though I may occasionally prefer not to wear contact lens due to dry eyes or other reasons? (unless maybe wearing eye patch in one eye =) ) (3) Any drawback of toric lens? Is rotation still a concern? I understand the part on additional cost. Thanks!
382218 tn?1341181487 Disease-modifying therapies requiring frequent, self-administered injections can be particularly troublesome for some patients, as they may result in localized skin reactions at the injection site. A variety of injection-site reactions (ISRs) have been reported, including pain and erythema, lipoatrophy, abscesses and infections, necrosis, rash, swelling, and lumps.
Avatar n tn s system is different, therefore, it probably takes longer in sme than others. I went to a google site, and here is what I found out: The amount of time it takes for the amount of drug in the body to reduce by 50% is called the half-life. It takes approximately five to six half lives for the drug to be cleared from the body. The half-life for fentanyl patches is 9.5 to 12.4 hours. Multiply that by 6 and it could take up to 74.4 hours to clear the drug.You can do the math.
Avatar f tn Remember the dance, the Macarena from a few years ago? The copaxone rotation site reminds me of the moves to that dance - LOL Stick with it - it gets easier and you will quickly put aside all their charts and aids and figure out the best way for you to do these injections.