
Exelon patch for dementia

Common Questions and Answers about Exelon patch for dementia


Avatar n tn The Novartis patch, called Exelon, was previously approved for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s and it remains the only federally approved patch for the disease.
Avatar n tn My husband has been prescibed the the 9.5 exelon patch but we still have a supply of the 4.6 patches. With them being so expensive can I use two of the 4.6 patches at the same time until we run out?
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar n tn My mom suffers from this lewy body dementia, and i wish there was something more effective out there other than aricept or exelon... If anyone knows anything about REMBA, please drop me a line.... I thank you and good luck to you ,or your loved one!
Avatar f tn Mother had been experiencing dreams, nightmares really centering on the things she fears the most - abandoment, loss of control of her money, being pushed down the stairs, etc. These dreams were very real to her and she would then argue with her husband about why he said he wanted to do these things to her. He, of course, knew nothing of these "conversations and situations" she thought were so real.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Recently, she started back on the lower dose of Razadyne. Her neurologist doesn't think the medicine is the cause of the nausea, though it could be aggrivating whatever is causing it.
Avatar f tn Then whatever they say something is going on and you need to seek more answers for him, ask for another opinion, ,as he has had a diagnosis of early Alzheimers maybe this is part of it, there is a new med coming up called Rember', it should help a lot of people Google it to get the latest information, it is on the 3rd year of Trials , hopefully be on the market in a couple and passed by the FDA ..
Avatar f tn Pain management Dr gave her Norco, and the fentanyl patch starting at 25mcg. We have progressed for the last ten year up to 87mcg and cut out the Norco. She has a pinched nerve in her lower back about 2 months ago and was in severe pain. We admitted her in the hospital for approx 2 1/2 weeks. The Dr upped her patch to 100 mcg and gave her #1 Norco 1 3Xday, and ibuprofen. She is also on hypertension and cholesterol meds.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar n tn It would be helpful if the Exelon Patch advertisers didn't feel it was necessary to have their information on continual scroll. There is a reason why I don't read rolling credits at the end of a movie, too. They usually roll too fast to read and simply hurt my head and can trigger migraines. Most of the time I don't see rolling adds, but when I do, I'm put off. Uh...I did not search for anything that would have had anything to do with this particular advertiser.
Avatar f tn t seep in. If it is elsewhere. .put seran wrap over patch and tape around edges. To make sure your patch sticks better clean area with an alcohol wipe before applying. .wait for it to dry..then can also buy one of those big waterproof bandaids and place it over patch..but usually the don't stay on long. So last thing u cud do is once placed.
Avatar n tn In 1998 my husband underwent whole brain radiation for treatment of brain tumor with dx of stage iv melanoma (no primary was ever found). About 5 years ago he began to exhibit behavior changes which have gotten worse since then. He is delusional, on disability and is taking Zyprexa, Amantadine, Namenda, Cymbalta and excelon patch. Still, he seems to worsen. He now has symptoms of Parkinsons with balance issues. He is 55 years old - much to young to be this dibilitated.
Avatar n tn If he is on the morphine patch - that can do it as well. My mother passed away from respritory failure due to ALS in 2004 and in the last few weeks she did say some pretty strange things. She talked to my grandfather - laughed and joked with him - and he died like 10 yrs before that. Another time - I asked her how she was feeling and she said "I like cheese - I really do - it tastes like chocolate" - All of that happened pretty close to the end.
Avatar m tn can i combine 225mg. of effexor xr with exelon or dexamphetamine to help my sedated or lethargic condition?
Avatar n tn my husband had been on Fentanyl 100mcg q3days for 15 years. Could this be the cause of dementia like symptoms? he's been off it for two years but still takes hydrocodone prn. he had a mild stroke 10 years ago and still has TIAs periodically. is this related?
Avatar f tn I feel at such a loss in trying to help my Mother. I've gone back to Neurologist and am awaiting his advise, but he doesn't appear to be emphathetic to this issue. Her GP defers to the neurologist. My 81 yr old Mother in middle to late stage Alzheimer's. She is not on any anti-anxiety med except for Paxil which was prescribed about a month ago. She gets aggitated during the day at times and especially sundowners time.
Avatar f tn until I pitched a super fit and finally got him worked up to a patch but it took days and took a toll on him. As he had previous bone pain before going to the hospital, my guess it that it is spreading faster.
Avatar n tn My 79 year old father sustained a TBI when he was knocked out for about 20 minutes. He is on Namenda and Plavix, is it possible that Adderall could help with his short term memory loss. Before the accident he lived on his own.
Avatar f tn Hello my peeps. Sorry I've been MIA - but those of you who know me, know the multiple medical reasons why. Anywho, I went to my neuro again today (now I see her every 2-3 months instead of every month). I had told her that my primary sent me for another neuropsych eval because of the issues I told her I was having. I had the testing at the University about 3 wks ago & won't get the final results until the 18th.
Avatar n tn I had dementia symptoms with B12 malabsorption. In my case due to autoimmune pernicious anaemia. I had severe B12 deficiency. It took a month for my memory to start improving after weekly B12 injections. I switched to 2000 mcg daily of sublingual (under the tongue) B12 spray which I find superior personally. I have permanent nerve damage. *** Excerpt from Livestrong - Be Aware of Alcohol's Effects on B-12 Absorption..
Avatar m tn I have known many people with this illness. For some it is best to be in a care place where they will not get hurt, for others the siblings decided to care for the parents at home. I hated watching a woman friend to my Mom who was placed in a home and just was in bed till she died, maybe that was best- but it was hard to watch. I don't know if there is any connection, but I read once about Gluten and Memory loss. You might read up on that and just see... I really don't know.
Avatar f tn All the while I am trying to hire additional care givers for the one with dementia....and it has been very difficult....we didn't have enough hours to offer, now we have emergency hours and I still can not fill the hours since I do not know if they will continue to give us these hours once the new fiscal year starts for her waiver on July's just frustrating to get her the care she needs, and now her sister needs help's hear breaking....but I am fine....
Avatar m tn I have been on it for a week and its helping me, although I am very bloated which does not work well for a recovering eating disorder/alcoholic, (just saying). Is it too dangerous for me because of my blood flow. Will the bloating subside? I have stopped eating mostly again, but I am more worried about the blood?
Avatar m tn If anyone in your family has experienced dementia at a young age (before 65), you and other family members may be at increased risk of developing frontal lobe dementia (FTD) – also known as Pick's disease. A new blood test may reveal your specific risk. In 1892, Czechoslovakian neurologist Arnold Pick first documented a type of dementia in which degeneration of cells occurs in the cerebral cortex (the outer layer of the brain) where cognitive and behavioral functions are controlled.
Avatar n tn Is there any kind of help for people in the first stages of dementia beside Namenda.? Is there anything in the health food stores that can be taken.? And does vitamin B1 help.?