
Estrogen patch and ivf

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen patch and ivf


Avatar f tn They are having me increase my Progesterone shots from 1cc to 1.5ccs and get an Estrogen patch. The nurse says that this doesn't mean that the procedure didn't take but I am worried. It sounds like a bad sign. My question is for other people who have had IVF. Has this happened to you? Did it mean you weren't pregnant? I am being paranoid or should I prepare myself for the worst? I have had IUI twice and this is my first IVF.
Avatar f tn I was supposed to start my estrace (E2) patch today (10 DPO) and then onto an IVF stim at the beginning of next AF. So this morning, I stuck one of the patches (.1mg) on my left rear cheek and after about 6 hours, I had very bad chest pains. I have never felt like that before. It hurt badly to take deep breaths and I was just lying on the bed afraid to move because my chest was hurting so much.
Avatar f tn so if i had a ystectomy at 39 and took hormones for years and then stopped and now back on them at 50 wii it help me with dryness,sweats,energy,sex life...i think its making me feel tired and giving me dierehha..
216278 tn?1308861082 After a lot of tests, etc., it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month?
Avatar f tn Had my first blood test and my progesterone is 84 and estrogen at 47. I was told estrogen is low, to increase from 1 estrogen patch to 3 and I'm freaking out wondering if this will affect the outcome of things. During the 2WW I've had mild cramps and other minimal symptoms and wonder if what I'm feeling or not is a good/bad sign. Anyone with similar numbers? Do you know if low estrogen levels affect the implantation process?? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!! Good luck to all!!
945508 tn?1259156758 My levels estrogen and progesterone were never checked!!!! Not even after 14 days and the pee-on-the-stick test. I'm on my 4th trial and around day 2-3 after transfer I usually KNOW it didn't take b/c everything relaxes (the tonus of my vagina, the boobs, everything).
778044 tn?1299542934 Have you had any resolution to this? I've recently realized the patch exposes me to 60% more estrogen, after battling endo for 15yrs. I strongly believe my dr has overlooked this, & that it's one of the reasons I now suffer from widespread chronic symptoms. He refused to switch my b.c. - stating that my ONLY options were the 3 that keep him on my payroll: get pregnant, go back on Lupron, or full hysterectomy with add-back (none of which are cures).
Avatar n tn re made of estrogen. I had a baby last April and he seems fine and the pregnancy went super-duper great.
Avatar f tn I think that stress is very common after ivf transfer. We put so much of our hopes on ivf! Some people try to take a vacation and relax but it's difficult. I am sure it does not affect implantation. My dr put me on estrogen pills w/o checking for my estradiol levels. I started taking them right after transfer (I had a day 3 transfer). I don't think you should be concerned. Good luck to you! I hope ivf works for you.
Avatar f tn I went and bought OPK's the day he cancelled my cycle. I think its just too early for me to ovulate. it's only day 10. Yes, he is going to change the protocol once again. He is trying to find something that works. I'm hoping the next time is the charm. thanks.
Avatar f tn I am on my second ivf attempt using donor eggs. I am on estrogen pill, patch, progesterone caps and progesterone shots. Anybody with positive outcomes? They transfered 2 embryos on Aug 13. I am so frustrated- yet hopeful this works.
Avatar f tn s going to prescribe me hormones to inject and take orally to prepare my body for IVF. I know all cases are different but how long did you have to take those pills and/or hormone injections before your Dr began the actual IVF?
Avatar f tn I had a hysterctomy almost 3 years ago at the age of 35 for a borderline serous tumor. My oncologist put me on an estrogen replacement patch and I have been using them ever since. With all the stuff in the news lately about HRT and their new findings, I would love to know your opinion. Are these studies only on women who have gone through natural menopause or do they also include women who were put into surgical menopause at a young age?
178345 tn?1242536246 wondering if it has to do with the hormone patch??? I am eating well and losing weight (on purpose) so I dont know what is wrong..tomorrow I am seeing my primary MD..Just thought if anyone has any idea...please share..
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage but in terms of getting eggs and ones that made it to blast, - it was a success. I am gearing up for my 2nd fresh IVF and I am seeing a new RE and he said he would do the same protocol. My previous RE said lupron is an older IVF method. I'm assuming this is your first IVF?
898000 tn?1242956625 I took it until 11 weeks when I stopped both estrogen and progesterone. My RE did say, however, that the estrogen is not nearly as important as the progesterone, and like Helen said, some women don't use it at all. I was on the patch, so I basically just changed it every 3 days. wfaMiracle: It also says not to take progesterone while pregnant, but without it, an IVF pregnancy would most likely fail. So it's totally fine to take both hormones in early pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I remember that prior to starting treatment in Sept 09, I read somewhere that being post menopause would be a negative strike against me but I still opted to NOT take estrogen. I have been in surgical menopause since 1996, I took estrogen for 10 years and then quit because of the increased chance of breast cancer after taking estrogen so many years. I finished treatment (without taking estrogen since 2006) and I achieved SVR.
Avatar f tn We had our IVF transfer on June 18th - two 8 cell, top grade embryos transferred after three days. I've had sore breasts since the transfer ( and before) and fiigured that was from the progesterone but it has been coming and going in the last day. Also, yesterday, I had some mild pains on the sides and below my belly button and today, I feel like I do when my period is about to start - tired, pain in my uterus and legs, cloudy........
1052633 tn?1311872678 s going to affect my ability to have a successful IVF procedure. has anybody else been diagnosed with high estrogen but had a successful IVF?
215752 tn?1278004771 That is the wrong info, it 100% happens and is happening to me, And is not from low progesterone! It is from IVF meds like Femara, Estrogen Patch, Menopur.
Avatar f tn I had my fet last week and today a week from transfer i had blood work done and estrogen is 519 and progest 8.7. (prior to transfer it was 1099 and pro was 15.2)they want me to up my dose on estro vag and orally and keep same on prog supositories. since we don't know exactly what day embies implant, Im wondering where i stand with these numbers, also knowing blood test aren't accurate for progesterone suppositories, how do they come up with a number?
Avatar f tn I have some ideas abt Ivf but not iui , cause am doing Ivf day 7 on meds and am really worried didn't get so good news yesterday.
Avatar n tn I had two failed ivf and I had never checked my estrogen level after each transfer. Is it something your doctor should do it? After each transfer I was injecting progesterone oil for two weeks until the blood work at the doctor's office. What is that Estradiol for?
1268796 tn?1332893451 I had grade C embryos as a result of the long lupron protocol. My RE thinks that it was not a good protocol for me and my Estrogen levels were all over the map. my E2 started high and I was a quick responder with too many follicles, dropped the stims dose but it still went up. they were worried and tweaked the protocol and ended up with a drop in estrogen and had to trigger me right away.