
Estrogen and prostate cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and prostate cancer


Avatar n tn Hello -- I have been trying to find out whether consuming flax seed would interfere with the efficacy of the taxol / herceptin treatments that I am receiving for my breast cancer. I understand from a study done at the University of Toronto that flax seed may help to eliminate breast cancer. However, I would not want to consume anything that would interfere with my regular medical treatment. The cancer is in the left side of my lymph system. It is estrogen-receptor and HER-2 positive.
Avatar n tn 1 When absorbed, DIM promotes estrogen metabolism to produce healthy and cancer-protective 2-hydroxy estrogens,2 and minimizes the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes,3 thereby reducing cellular inflammation. Activating these pathways encourages remarkable weight loss and hormonal balance and provides many other benefits towards healthy aging.
326352 tn?1310994295 mother diagnosed post-menopausal DCIS, maternal aunt diagnosed post-menopausal Stage II then IV then died from complications of breast and lung cancer, father diagnosed 15 years ago with prostate cancer (which is also an estrogen related cancer) and died from prostate cancer 2 years ago, maternal uncle (only 1 of 7) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Maternal grandmother had stomach cancer. Paternal grandmother died of old age.
Avatar m tn Rather, prostate cancer can metastasize to the breast. (Remember that it remains prostate cancer; the cancer cells are prostate cancer cells, not breast cancer cells.) All mammals, male and female, are born with breast buds and ductal cells. At puberty girls' breasts develop and the ducts enlarge and also grow lobules to make milk. Even though male breasts do not undergo this development, breast cancer can still occur in the breast ducts.
Avatar m tn I was on androgel for several years with good libido results before discontinuing due to prostate cancer. After brachytherapy for my cancer, I am in remission, and after 2+ years resumed taking androgel. I am on androgel again, and have high Testosterone levels (about 1000), but my libido has never recovered. I also have had hypothyroidism, but have been taking synthroid for it for many years with no adverse impact on my libido. Does anyone have a suggestion for what to do?
6708370 tn?1471490210 //
Avatar m tn I was trying to learn more about if there was dangerous effects of eating to much dairy. Mainly butter and how much hormones like estrogen were in say a pound of butter. I only ask because I did something stupid last week and I ate a pound of butter in one sitting after seeing others do it on youtube.
233616 tn?1312787196 estrogen liver fibrosis ....and get 684,000 hits. Apparently the benefit to protecting the liver is well documented and the research has been around for a while. Yet my liver doctor didn't mention it, or suggest I go back on it.....but I did it through my endocrinologist as soon as I found out. I'm wondering how many ladies in here are aware of this, have any doctors told you??? or whether any men have considered a small dose to help slow the progression of this disease?
394052 tn?1203100849 These are all on maternal side. Brother now with prostate cancer at age 55 and me with stage 1b clear cell ovarian cancer at age 55 (no sign of disease now). I realize with older people and cancer, the docs have always told me, well they were just old get cancer, which has always annoyed me as I have been doing medical transcription for 40 years now.
1137554 tn?1263237018 Men with harmful BRCA1 mutations also have an increased risk of breast cancer and, possibly, of pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, and early-onset prostate cancer. However, male breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer appear to be more strongly associated with BRCA2 gene mutations (2–4).
1616953 tn?1443835511 My two uncles have (had) prostate cancer. One had the type that spread quickly and he died rather young. The younger uncle was a little more careful about (Fairly) regular physicals and having a PSA done. He caught his prostate cancer in time that chemical castration and hormone therapy is keeping him around for a while. He doesn't much care for the estrogen side effects. I'm not sure how he deals with not having testosterone. Anyway my PSA went from 1.
Avatar m tn Having higher than normal levels of estrogen though are linked to prostate cancer and heart disease. And they are probably going to want to make sure there is nothing like a tumor in your testes. There's also all those other things like enlarged breast tissue, loss of muscle mass and erectile dysfunction that can happen too if estrogen gets too out of control for a dude. None of this is to scare you, but just that you want to follow up on this.
Avatar f tn For ovarian cancer experts may use risk estimates similar to estimates for people with a BRCA1 mutation and for pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma, experts may use estimates similar to those for people with a BRCA2 mutation. Q. My doctor recommended that I have BRCA genetic testing. I'm not sure that I want to have genetic testing, but I do want to understand more about the cancer in my family. If I do decide to have testing, how can I go about getting the test? A.
Avatar n tn I had an estrogen positive cancer and am conservative with phytoestrogens like soy. Here is some info you may find interesting, from Wikipedia: Phytoestrogens, sometimes called "dietary estrogens", are a diverse group of naturally occurring non steroidal plant compounds that, because of their structural similarity with estradiol, have the ability to cause estrogenic or/and antiestrogenic effects.
Avatar f tn I just remembered how my hair fell out a lot after my first child was born, before I was hypoT. Maybe ANY hormonal imbalance contributes to hair loss? We all know how a limping thyroid throws the entire hormonal (aka endocrine) system out of balance. Perhaps once our thyroid is balanced, we still have to contend with getting all our other hormones balanced. Maybe having our thyroid back up and running isn't enough to repair and balance the rest of our system that got out-of-whack.
Avatar f tn If you go on you tube and enter non invasive procedures for prostate cancer detection or prostaye cancer biopsy needle tracking and you see videos fron universities and prostate research and other different type entries. Any doctor of urology will also tell you it is possible but rarely happens which is not the all together the truth ..I have been researching this and other prostate information for 6 plus years. But enough said ...
Avatar f tn Well, management protocol of prostate cancer is not as well defined as other cancers and largely depends on the stage of the cancer. For localized lesions, gamma knife may be a suitable option with results as good as surgery and better results for maintenance of urinary continence. It would be best to discuss the pros and cons and the expected prognosis in detail with your treating oncologist. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar n tn My pathology report showed that my ovarian cancer was estrogen receptive/reactive. So why is HRT okay? My local gyno-oncologist and my gyno-oncologist at the Fred Hutchinson Center in Seattle both indicated it was okay. I like being on estrogen, but I am concerned because it seems risky. What is your opinion?
587083 tn?1327120262 Also what about the underarm deodorant that contains aluminum,could this cause cancer?My mother is 93 and never had breast cancer but my sister had it last year,was operated went for 6 weeks on radiotherapy and now she is doing just fine. Please give an answer to my question.Thank you.
Avatar n tn Testosterone comes from your testes as well as from the adrenal glands so they should check out the adrenals as well. Both estrogen and testosterone are redundant systems. Estrogen and testosterone are very related (you know how when a baby is formed, the same parts go to form the ovaries and testes, so it just a matter of how much of each hormone which gives us characteristics).
Avatar f tn He had a biopsy and he had Gleason 7 cancer and atypical cells in another area of the prostate. After his prostate removal surgery, the atypical cells turned out to be Gleason 6, or 3 + 3, which is slow growing cancer. This is what I have learned with our journey and what you need to remember.... 1). This is a highly curable cancer if it is present. And if it is present, you cannot change it but only deal with what is in front of you.
Avatar m tn t try OTC medications as they can mimic soy in the body, which cancer cells can view as estrogen. It sounds like you have your cancer under control. So, talk to your doctor and see if you can come up with some alternatives that would help you with the side effects. Best wishes to you.
Avatar n tn You could probably think of people with breast cancer who had spouses with prostate cancer as both cancers are pretty common. Since prostate cancer is common, you may also hear of spouses with other cancers – uterine, cervical, etc. There is a good screening method for cervical cancer, talk about it with your doctor. This has reduced the number of cervical cancer cases substantially. This is much better than being scared.
Avatar n tn Towards the end of last year I was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer, gleason 10. My psa was 18.1. I have since had the DiVinci surgery (which I fully recommend) and I am not undergoing radiation. None of the existed before Spiriva!!!! I found out that if you are on Spiriva 2 years - 5 years your chances of getting prostate cancer is 50%. If you are over 60 (I am 62) the chances are 90%.
Avatar n tn In general it is believed that asymptomatic men (which would mean without any symptoms referable to the prostate, and indirectly probably have a smaller prostate size) would also harbor prostate cancer as they age. About a third of such men would, but majority may remain without symptoms and die of other things such as old age.
Avatar n tn If your dog is neutered, it will stop the levels of testosterone, which could cause prostate swelling and prostate cancer too. It would take a while to max. effect because he'd still have SOME testosterone in his system for a bit. But it would be a quicker option than medication. But it would be a good option only if he's generally in good fitness and condition for his age. The anaesthetic might stress him if he has heart or lung problems, or some other health problem.
Avatar m tn Roche and Inovio Pharmaceuticals partner on Inovio's prostate cancer and hepatitis B immunotherapy products Sep 10, 2013 BASEL, Switzerland and BLUE BELL, Pa., Sept. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) and Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Avatar m tn There is a book that came out last year discussing prostate surgery pros and cons...written by a doctor and a patient. very informative...sorry I forgot the title.