
Estradiol ivf levels

Common Questions and Answers about Estradiol ivf levels


Avatar n tn Well, the doctor who did my transfer told me to take 2 estrodial per day and 3 prometrium per day and shot of progesterone every other day and I wasn't due to go back until my pregnancy test 10/7. However, I was unhappy with several lapses in care that I received along the process so I switched and they immediately started doing my blood levels every 3-4 days. I guess it helps them to keep your hormones where they need to be to support pregnancy.
Avatar f tn FSH: 4.5 and Estradiol 59. The levels yesterday 3/29/10 (day 10) were: FSH: 9.7 and Estradiol 163. I am using OPK's per the direction of my fertility doctor on cycle days 12-21 (I started early and have been getting negative results - not surprising since I know that it might be too soon to ovulate). Does anyone know how to interpret these day 10 results? Thank you!
1287560 tn?1272216521 Hello, just wondering if any of you lovely ladies know much about hormone levels, mine have come back but my gp is off till next week-anyway I am 41 years fsh 7.1, LH 1.3 eostrodiol 147, underneath the receptionist said it said "no action required" so I am thinking these must be normal?
Avatar f tn Day 6 of STIMS, estradiol levels 41 and only 3 follicles. Doctor increased my Gonal F from 225 to 300 IU and continued with Merional 150 IU and Decapeptyl 0.1mg. Has anyone else had these kind of results? This is my first round of IVF and I am so disappointed. The doctor had expected more follicles. My question is, by increasing the dose could more follicles produce at this stage since I'm already on Day 6?
398459 tn?1262186144 TSH 1.88, FSH 7.1, prolactin 24.4, and estradiol 46.4. My MD said after the first test that the results indicated decreased ovarian reserve due to the FSH level. After the second test, he said only that even though my FSH level was normal, it "still doesn't bode well for pregnancy". That is all that I was told. Any thoughts? How "abnormal" (or normal) are my results? Will IVF be an option for me? Thanks for the help...
1222208 tn?1307696161 Your FSH is great! (measures ovarian reserve). I think the other numbers are great, too! (not sure about prolactin) One of your tubes is blocked? That will decrease the chances somewhat, but plenty of women have conceived with one tube. At our age, though, we all have the time factor to consider, so IVF would be an excellent option. I know it's very expensive. We're considering it but I have no idea how we'd pay for it! I have a very high FSH. Last year it was 22!
400358 tn?1320234443 I think your estradiol level should be about 400 per mature follicle. Low levels means that many follies are not mature yet. So, I guess your doc wants you to stim for a few more days before scheduling a retrieval. Sorry about your RE being unavailable. That totally sucks&!
Avatar f tn been trying to have a second baby the past 3years on off cycles of clomid, IUI among others then 4months ago discovered low amh which means low ovarian reserve and my RE didnt recommend IVF but i wanted to try so he gave me a short intensive course of merional and only 1 follicle appeared with low Estradiol level so he cancelled IVF and did IUI 2weeks ago and just got my period so it failed.....i have read about DHEA and bought it...
Avatar f tn I did not stimulate well on my first IVF attempt because the Lupron oversuppressed me and my estradiol levels were always very low. I ended up having two blasts transferred (one was a grade 1 and one was a grade 1.5). On the third and fourth days after my transfer I became exhausted and hungry all the time. I also had implantation bleeding. Then my symptoms went away. I ended up having a chemical pregnancy. I am now in the 2ww of my second IVF attempt.
Avatar f tn Hello, we did a fresh IVF 01/16 and I did my blood test 8dp5dt came back 332 and 10dp5dt came back 501. The nurse called and left me a message saying so sorry that this cycle is not going as we planned. I am waiting to hear back but from what I see my levels went up...what am I missing?????? Please help!!!
Avatar f tn We did IUI last month but it was unsucessful. All levels are normal except estradiol which was above 80. Up untill two months ago she had LH surge every cycle. Now all of the sudden nothing. Last month no surge on opk but on ultrasound she had a good follicle so we did the IUI. Has anyone had success with preg when estradiol is high? If so we would love some advice.
1328473 tn?1335874467 I have read that high estrogen levels can cause "bad" eggs. We recently completed our first IVF cycle that resulted in a pregnancy but I m/c between 6-7 weeks. My RE did not have much info on why it happened. My Estrogen was 7800 at the time of retrieval, which I know is high. Can high estrogen levels cause my eggs to be bad and in turn result in the m/c?
Avatar f tn Hi! If you were my patient, I would advise you that it is too early to tell about advanced follicle development. As you are probably aware, your FSH and Estradiol levels are sub-optimal for success. Two other things to consider if you don't conceive this time around--studies being done on DHEA in many locations (seems to improve both ovum quality and reduce genetic abnormalities is the fetus) AND "Natural IVF"--best to Google that --takes advantage of the naturally elevated FSH.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Lupron and Estradiol leading up to my IVF. I am having awful headaches and some nausea with the estradiol. Did anyone else experience this and does it go away? Thanks!
691236 tn?1311199974 I had my trigger shot yesterday at 9am. My doc prescribed estradiol, prometrium (both in pill form) and progesterone suppositories for the next 2 weeks until my pregnancy blood test. Anyone else on these and do you know why? My doc just said my hormone levels were very low and he wanted to me take these to sustain the embryo if it does implant. Any knowledge/expereinece you have is greatly appreciated! Thanks girls!
1047147 tn?1328906154 Is this a temporary estrogen fix as i would call it, will my fsh levels rise again.. The Re says my levels are perfect right now and will proceed with putting me back on lupron and etc....
Avatar f tn 6, Estradiol 72, Day 10 FSH 16.1, Estradiol 482). We are planning to start IVF this cycle. During my baseline today, I had only 5 total antral follicles, and my ovary size was smallish. I am extremely discouraged. I started Acupuncture 3 weeks ago, and wish I had started sooner. Can in still help me conceive or have a successful IVF cycle with these results? Thanks!!
1493378 tn?1288707991 i still don't know what to think right now, i'm so stressed and worried that this cycle might be cancelled...with my 1st round (failed) of IVF, my estradiol level was 21 pg/ml & my prolactin level was above normal, but the doctor prescribed dostinex for elevated my estradiol level was <21 pg/ml & prolactin level again is above normal...i'm so confused & gettin' nervous right now...
216278 tn?1308861082 After a lot of tests, etc., it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month?
Avatar f tn I'm sorry; you're right that I meant LH level, not FSH level. Clearly I am not a doctor! I appreciate your help and am wondering if this changes your answer? Also, do you think that the 500mg B6 supplement I've been taking could cause my LH and Estradiol levels to be low? Thanks so much!