
Eczema face arms

Common Questions and Answers about Eczema face arms


Avatar n tn Okay, it does have its similarities to eczema in looks. But why only my face? Usually its on arms and legs. It doesnt get dry like eczema either. I just use a regular bar of soap on my face just like I always have.
Avatar f tn I was given ammonium lactate from a dermatologist for my eczema and serve itching on my arms. My arms looked like I had a sunburn and tender. I have discontinued the use of it. Now my skin is so thin in that area, everytime I bump it I get blood blisters,sometimes my skin tears and bleeds very easy. I have had my blood checked, it all came out good. Do you think this is caused from the ammonium lactate? Will my arms ever get back to normal.
Avatar f tn My son had eczema. I used eczema lotion I think it was aveno along with eczema otemeal baths. It's a powder that comes in little packets you put in the bath water. I also used dreft baby detergent and organic sent free soap for the bath. Also don't bathe baby too often that will dry the skin out even more.
Avatar f tn Now why would eczema break your face out with red bumps? eczema doesn't break out in bumps. Actually has no bumps. 99% of doctors mistake another thing for eczema. Now if you had ACD, then that would explain much more. Allergic contact dermatitis, and not to be confused with contact dermatitis, which doctors do mention. Contact dermatitis is from a contact with chemicals.
Avatar f tn t cause me any kind of discomfort, theyre just there. The same goes for my upper arms and back. I had eczema when I was younger, so I tried using an eczema lotion but that does not seem to help. THis does not feel at all like the eczema flareups that I'm used to. What's wrong?
Avatar n tn i wasnt sure if it was just an in grown hair from shaving or if it was something else. Then about two weeks ago i broke out in a rash on my arms and my back and a few spots on my face. i do get eczema but im npot sure if it is that or not.
Avatar n tn My skin dramatically improved after that but up until after i gave birth my skin returned to how it used to be as a child, and all over my body too. ( before pregnancy I only had it on my arms and sometimes my face ) I want to keep it as organic as possible and I've had bad times with steroid creams because they would work and once you stop using them the eczema would flare up or come back.
Avatar f tn I'm in high school, and have had eczema my entire life. It was on my face, hands and arms when I was younger, but I grew out of it for a while. It only stayed on my arms, in the bend of my elbows, for my whole life. However, for the past year and a half or so, things have been getting worse. At first, the eczema on my arms got really bad again. As a result, the elasticity there is pretty much obsolete.
Avatar m tn My 3 year old daughter has had 2 spots on her face for a couple of months now. Whilst they have faded, they have not gone away. At the end of last year, we went to the doctor as she had a rash in the creases of her legs and arms, as well as a bit of a body rash. The doctor at the time said is was either interior/impetigo (I cannot remember which now) in any case those rashes went away, leaving just these two spots on her face. There is a slight indentation on one on the spots.
Avatar f tn m completely excited about it but it seems like overnight my skin has gone down hill. I have rashes on my arms and a bout of eczema on my face. My self esteem has gone down hill too. I've put on some weight, obviously. My boyfriend still says he loves me and I'm still beautiful but dang it's hard to believe sometimes. Anyone else ever feel this way halfway through? Any advice would be awesome!
334090 tn?1203804738 My son had eczema all over his face and I used vaseline every day, I would caution against anything with cortisone at that young age, long term use does have side effects.
Avatar f tn He has been prescribed several creams, none of which work very well. The eczema is on his lower legs and arms, is extremely itchy, large areas are raised, crusty, and often bleeding & infected due to his scratching. The doctors have suggested he have allergy testing. All of this makes sense to me based on the research I've done, but my husband has one other symptom that the doctors say is part of the eczema, but I haven't seen it mentioned in any literature.
Avatar f tn I find water irritates my skin (including my palms), afterwards my skin is very dry and bright red (where my ezcema is, which is mostly my arms, legs, chest and face .. pretty much everywhere when you think about it lol). I find it's mostly warm/hot water, so I try to shower/wash my hands with colder water, which helps a little with the dryness. You could maybe try that.
Avatar f tn I had very minor Eczema on the inside of my arms (elbow area) before pregnancy. Now at 34wks it is driving me nuts and doubled in size. I take warm bath with oil in it (i ran out of bio oil so used canola lol still helped a lot!) Then I just rub a lot of moisturizer on it!
Avatar f tn I have it around my mouth and i am ashamed to talk to people face to face because of it. I tried almost every creams for eczema and it has helped but then it comes back. Just want to know how to get rid of it for good, im just not sure what im allergic to because if i knew i wouldnt be eating or go near the things that is causing it to come back. I cry sometimes because of it.
Avatar m tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but these white spots can be due to hand eczema, contact dermatitis, flat warts, pityriasis versicolor or vitiligo( less likely). Flat warts are about the size of a pinhead and usually appear on the face, but can also appear on arms, knees, or hands.Other possibility is of eczema. It is a form of chronic dermatitis (rash).Allergic reaction is one of the important causes of eczema.
Avatar m tn I am a 53 year old male. I was in generally good health. Just the usual stuff. Blood pressure and cholesterol but otherwise OK. A year and a half ago I started getting some itchy patches on my back. They got a little worse and mostly covered my back then went down. Then I started to get this all over my trunk then legs and arms.
669375 tn?1225747543 I have dry red flaky spots on my arms that turn white and was wondering what they were please help!!
Avatar m tn I saw a dermatologist today for a rash under my arms and groin area. He said it was eczema and prescribed me Vanos. On Vanos' site it says not to use in groin area and underarms. Any thoughts? Is this safe? " Because VANOS® Cream may reduce levels of hormones that regulate your body’s immune system and energy levels (HPA-axis suppression), treatment should not last longer than two weeks or use more than 60 grams a week.
Avatar m tn Being that I have been to dermatologists many times in the past and the latest episode did not respond to their suggestions/medicines, I ruled out eczema, this time. I had also seen them for itching on my arms, which are now scars. I saw them twice for that condition, and was prescribed the same treatment twice, which never worked so excuse me, if I lost faith in what seems to be imcompetent dermatology services, in my area.
Avatar m tn she massaged my body with oils back,chest,arms,hands,head and face. after leaving i went to csv and got some face wipes to wipe the oil off my face. around 3 am i started having an itch monday thoughout the day the itch has gotten worse my face itches and so does my head it randomly itches in around my temple area near my eyes and top of my head and near my chin also i now have pain and itch in my hand.
440120 tn?1211724496 ll I woke up the next day witch is today and my eyes lips were swelled up and I had the hives all over my inner arms my chest the left side of my face and ALL OVER MY LEGS so I went to the ER once again and they gave me a steroid shot and a Benadryl shot and gave me a perception of steroid and Benadryl most of the swelling has went down in my face the hives are not noticeable on my arms or face and my legs are looking much better but I was wondering if anyone had the same Symptoms as me and figu
9807151 tn?1406762059 I've always had eczema on my upper arms and thighs. Now it's all over my arms and legs. Honestly, I haven't found anything yet that works. I've tried scrubs and such and nothing helps.
Avatar f tn ve been feeling a burning sensation on my face especially around my chin and upper lip. There are no visible rashes. It burns from time to time especially during really hot weather. My back burns as well when I walk outdoors, most especially when I'm sweating. My face tends to feel hot around the mouth area but elsewhere is fine. Is it an allergy? If it's not burning, I'll feel a cold sensation on my back and arms.
Avatar m tn Oh yes, and i have also had a return of eczema on other parts of my body since the face started redenning. I have what looks like eczema on my neck, under my arms, the joints of my legs and my inner thigh..