
Ear candling wax removal

Common Questions and Answers about Ear candling wax removal


1622527 tn?1301644622 First, candling doesn't remove ear wax, it supposedly melts it so it can drip out on its own. But all double blind studies show that the only wax dripping out is the wax of the ear candle, not ear wax. On the other hand, as I said, it's used by a lot of people, and has been for centuries, so if it makes you feel good, that's okay by me. Certainly didn't do anything for me when I tried it.
Avatar m tn I was dumb enough to try ear candling even though studies show it doesn't do what is intended. People swear it helps them and I had been having congested ears. Long story short hot wax from the candle dripped into my ear and now I am in pain. This morning a piece of "candle" wax came out of my ear but I am almost certain there is more in there. My hearing is muffled and when i move my head while sleeping the crackling wakes me up. Any advice or solutions?
Avatar n tn I need to get so wax out of my ear but I don't want to spend 200 dollars at the doctors. The last time I used a lavage kit from the drug store it didn't work too well and I got an ear infection and I don't think sticking stuff in myself is a good idea. Are there any sort of businesses I can go to less expensive or am I better off simply getting someone at home to help me?
7781741 tn?1394137708 ve cleaned her ears out with cotton balls every day since I discovered the infection and it seems to be getting better, just not quickly. All that is coming out is ear wax, too... So I'm wondering if it wasn't caused by a buildup of wax? I wish she were easier to keep still. I'd try ear candling. That'd be asking for an accident, though. My next plan is to try some lymphatic drainage... IF I can find a diagram of the lymphatic system in canines...
Avatar m tn Hello, I went to see a doc this morning for my right ear. I have had a cold for about a week and last night my right ear plugged up, start ringing and discharging fluid so I figured I had an infection. The doc said that the right ear was indeed infected although it had no wax build up and the left had a large amount of wax build up wasn't infected. He told me that I should get a ear wax removal kit for the left when I have the time.
Avatar n tn The list ER i went to the doctor told me I had a lot of wax in my ears I went home and used a ear wax removal kit but no wax was out and still the same problem! What sholud I do. Also for the past 3 months I have been getting a rash around my neck. Do you know wht this might be?
Avatar m tn On Monday morning I woke with an ear infection. I went to the doctor right away and was given Otic Edge, told to continue an antibiotic I was already on, to call if it wasn't felling better in a couple of days, and to schedule a recheck for a week later. Thursday, my ear still felt plugged, I was getting sharp pains, and ringing so I went back to the doctor. He said that there is alot of drainage in there and it kinda looked like swimmer's ear.
19681496 tn?1482424837 t improve hearing on my affected ear (right one), ringing is also there and is very disturbing , since last 5 days I have been prescribed soda glycerin drops so doctor can clear wax over the ear drum as he thinks that wax is culprit, and he also said that my ear drum has been scratched , any idea ? sorry for writing long and Thanks .
Avatar f tn ve been applying them twice a day beginning that Sunday night, since I had already applied another general ear wax removal aid (drops) in the morning. I am still not able to hear 100%, I have certain sensations like the sound of sand in a bag being shaken or radio static. It's kind of hard to make out at times. That usually occurs with loud noises or walking around. Accompanied with that, instantaneously, my vision shakes. I began with a cold 2 weeks ago, upper respiratory congestion.
Avatar n tn Why did my left ear stop producing wax, or at least the normal brownish thick wax it used to that my right ear still has ?
Avatar f tn I can hear but, it feel like I have pressure in my ear and as though the right ear only. I also hear slight ringing at times including small clicking noises randomly. I have a 3rd follow up appointment w/ my ENT on Thursday. The 2 hearing tests at this point show loss of low frequency and voices sound high pitched in the right ear. Should I be going to a specialist? I suggested that I had water in my inner ear but, the doctor will not agree.
535822 tn?1443976780 I have noticed that my left ear seems to have ear wax, I have had it before, have you any ideas how to remove it other than going to get the ear washed out, I tried some drops but it seemed to make it worse .Sound is muffled on that side more since I used the eardrops.
Avatar m tn I usually also do a no-no and stick a Q-Tip in after wetting it with HOT water to wipe the inside of the ear. There are ear wax removal preps but I find Hydo Per better. My doctor suggested vinegar and rubbing alcholo 50/50 I like hydrogen peroxide best. I have had wax removed by the doctor/nurse and that was when I just couldn't get it out.
Avatar m tn Two weeks ago I started having clogged ears with mild ear pain went to urgent care dr said no infection cleaned my ears out told me to get over counter ear wax removal drops. Was told in day would feel much better. But I felt the same . I went back and another dr told me that lots of times it turns into ear infection after wax removed so he gave script for medicated drops. Took for a week like dr told me and pain and fullness still there.
20910642 tn?1627445346 A month ago, I bought a household non-professional ear endoscope for ear wax removal. It provided a feature for me to also take videos and pictures while I am using it. I noticed that there is a "flat" and asymmetrical large mole/melanoma on the surface of my ear canal of my right ear. Initially, I thought it was just dried wax, and I tried to dig it a little harder, and due to the friction, it was inflammed - so I stopped.
Avatar f tn t resolve itself in about a week, then maybe a visit to your doctor is in order. You can try one of those OTC ear wax removal kits and see if that helps. If not, it's my guess that you have EXCESSIVE wax build-up which only a doctor or RN should attempt to remove. And remember..........never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear!
Avatar f tn s assessment with the exception of the antihistamines. This will have no effect on your situation. If ear wax was the problem, then removal of this is the answer. If you suffered a ruptured ear drum, these usually heal on their own without a problem. But again, any hearing loss or dizziness should prompt you to be see right away.
Avatar n tn Definitely don't use Qtips. There are ear wax removal kits. I would try those. I'm from PA and right now the allergies and my sinuses are so bad so it could be taht too. Good luck Kam...
Avatar f tn Okay, I'm the go to source for getting the wax cleaned out of one's ears. It's been happening to me twice a year ever since I moved across the country many years ago. And so I've had it done a whole lot of times, and sometimes they hurt you and sometimes they don't. All those who do it use different tools, which is pretty weird. But I've never ever had it done the way you describe -- nobody's ever just started digging in my ear.
Avatar n tn But in case there is indeed presence of impacted ear wax, never attempt to try a self-removal of the ear wax because it might do a more serious damage to your ears. It is better to have a physician remove the ear wax. Other causes of unilateral tinnitus can be the presence of acute ear infections, but some medications that a person with ear infections are using specifically antibiotics might be ototoxic and may also cause unilateral tinnitus.
Avatar f tn I'm only 3 to 5 weeks pregnant but just started with horrible ear blockage in my left ear. Tried ear wax removal kits and holding my nose and blowing and all that but no luck. Can't hear anything and it kind of hurts. Every now and then it will pop for a split second but no relief. Anyone else have this or a solution?
Avatar n tn May be wax, and only after removal of wax one can make out if something else is there. Since you have lymph nodes in neck on the same side, and on the side of face near the ear, one wonders if you have some infection in the ear area. Even a boil can cause the lymph nodes to enlarge. Since the inside of the nose hurts, the problem may lie there. How long have you been having morning nasal stuffiness ?