
Ear candling ear wax

Common Questions and Answers about Ear candling ear wax


1622527 tn?1301644622 First, candling doesn't remove ear wax, it supposedly melts it so it can drip out on its own. But all double blind studies show that the only wax dripping out is the wax of the ear candle, not ear wax. On the other hand, as I said, it's used by a lot of people, and has been for centuries, so if it makes you feel good, that's okay by me. Certainly didn't do anything for me when I tried it.
Avatar m tn I was dumb enough to try ear candling even though studies show it doesn't do what is intended. People swear it helps them and I had been having congested ears. Long story short hot wax from the candle dripped into my ear and now I am in pain. This morning a piece of "candle" wax came out of my ear but I am almost certain there is more in there. My hearing is muffled and when i move my head while sleeping the crackling wakes me up. Any advice or solutions?
Avatar n tn I need to get so wax out of my ear but I don't want to spend 200 dollars at the doctors. The last time I used a lavage kit from the drug store it didn't work too well and I got an ear infection and I don't think sticking stuff in myself is a good idea. Are there any sort of businesses I can go to less expensive or am I better off simply getting someone at home to help me?
Avatar n tn I started washing again the same way and the vertigo is almost gone again. Also, the wax balls are gone. First, can too much ear wax really cause vertigo, or is this a coincidence? Second, if so, what is the safest method to clean the wax away? Shower water under pressure makes me a bit nervous. Thanks.
7781741 tn?1394137708 ve cleaned her ears out with cotton balls every day since I discovered the infection and it seems to be getting better, just not quickly. All that is coming out is ear wax, too... So I'm wondering if it wasn't caused by a buildup of wax? I wish she were easier to keep still. I'd try ear candling. That'd be asking for an accident, though. My next plan is to try some lymphatic drainage... IF I can find a diagram of the lymphatic system in canines...
Avatar f tn I can hear but, it feel like I have pressure in my ear and as though the right ear only. I also hear slight ringing at times including small clicking noises randomly. I have a 3rd follow up appointment w/ my ENT on Thursday. The 2 hearing tests at this point show loss of low frequency and voices sound high pitched in the right ear. Should I be going to a specialist? I suggested that I had water in my inner ear but, the doctor will not agree.
Avatar m tn On Monday morning I woke with an ear infection. I went to the doctor right away and was given Otic Edge, told to continue an antibiotic I was already on, to call if it wasn't felling better in a couple of days, and to schedule a recheck for a week later. Thursday, my ear still felt plugged, I was getting sharp pains, and ringing so I went back to the doctor. He said that there is alot of drainage in there and it kinda looked like swimmer's ear.
Avatar m tn I usually also do a no-no and stick a Q-Tip in after wetting it with HOT water to wipe the inside of the ear. There are ear wax removal preps but I find Hydo Per better. My doctor suggested vinegar and rubbing alcholo 50/50 I like hydrogen peroxide best. I have had wax removed by the doctor/nurse and that was when I just couldn't get it out.
535822 tn?1443976780 I have noticed that my left ear seems to have ear wax, I have had it before, have you any ideas how to remove it other than going to get the ear washed out, I tried some drops but it seemed to make it worse .Sound is muffled on that side more since I used the eardrops.
Avatar m tn the only thing is I am flying to Cancun the very next day(friday) my left ear feels fine should I postpone the irrigation until I get back...can excessive ear wax cause my left ear to get infected.....
Avatar m tn // , I am unsure if this is more wax buildup or a perforated ear drum, but I will not be using any more drops in that ear until I can be certain its not a perforated ear drum, she has no pain to touch, she is not complaining about pain, I don't see any redness or sign of inflammation or infection. She displayed zero symptoms and I am unsure if that is typical for a perforated ear drum. She can hear through that ear just fine as well.
19681496 tn?1482424837 t improve hearing on my affected ear (right one), ringing is also there and is very disturbing , since last 5 days I have been prescribed soda glycerin drops so doctor can clear wax over the ear drum as he thinks that wax is culprit, and he also said that my ear drum has been scratched , any idea ? sorry for writing long and Thanks .
Avatar n tn Why did my left ear stop producing wax, or at least the normal brownish thick wax it used to that my right ear still has ?
Avatar n tn but i have pain in my left ear and have wax also. but no hole in left ear i really vey confused to what can i do? is it necessary for operation for my right ear? please give me a quick reply?
Avatar n tn He then checked both ears and said there is some wax in the right ear which he is going to remove. He used 2 instruments in removing the wax from my right ear; One was a rather long rod and the other a wax remover vacuum. First he used the rod for a few minutes and said that the wax is stuck inside the ear and could not remove it with that rod; Then he used the wax remover vacuum where after a few minutes he said that he removed the wax ( did not show me).
Avatar n tn what happens if ear wax is removed before clearing up infection and thus ears become more infected?
Avatar m tn Hello, I went to see a doc this morning for my right ear. I have had a cold for about a week and last night my right ear plugged up, start ringing and discharging fluid so I figured I had an infection. The doc said that the right ear was indeed infected although it had no wax build up and the left had a large amount of wax build up wasn't infected. He told me that I should get a ear wax removal kit for the left when I have the time.
Avatar f tn She pulled out quite a bit of ear wax which, to my surprise, was dark brown in colour. The ear wax was in both right and left ear though the left one never caused any problems. She told me everything was fine and that I should avoid getting water into my ears (I rarely swim though). Now, one week later, my ear is still very itchy. I don't think this is normal, especially because the other ear doesn't seem to bother me. Is there anything I should worry about?
Avatar f tn I seem to accumulate a lot of wax in my right ear only, and cant see going to the doctor every time it needs to be cleared out. Iv heard of all these self cleanning products and they're risks. So whats a girls to do?
Avatar f tn Back in July I found I had an ear infection and a piece of wax rattling around deep in my ear canal. I was also told I had liquid behind the ear drum causing pressure. So I took prednisone and antibiotics. The infection cleared but the pressure never went away. So I decided to see a specialist (ENT) he removed wax from both ears and told me there was no issue. So I left feeling great. But the pressure had returned.
Avatar m tn t have any effect on the ear), hot steam bath, Similasan Ear Relief drops that are supposed to clear up water in the ears, jumping up and down with my bad ear tilted toward the ground, jogging, and of course trying to dig out ear wax with the ear wax curette that I have. Unfortunately, nothing has worked, and my hearing has been about the same ever since a week ago when it went out (diminished) for the second time.
462898 tn?1206639818 m still trying to diagnose how mine started. It sounds like your case is related to wax. Tinnitus can be cause by excessive wax in the ear. Using q-tips will only jam your ear with wax. My ears would plug up worse some times after I would use q-tips so I know it can happen. Schedule an appointment with your Doctor and he/she can clean your ears out. If the tinnitus is a result of the wax the ear cleaning should clear that problem. Good luck!
Avatar n tn I had ringing noises in my ear for a while. I went to walmart and bought over the counter ear wax remover kit. It was drops that soften ear wax and helps some come out. After doing that i stopped hearing stuff. But you might want to check with your doctor. Could be medicine or anything.
5051252 tn?1362970368 It is just what it is, your ears produce ear wax to protect the ear, but if there is a build up it can block the ear and put pressure on the ear drum and it would feel like you had cotton wool stuck in your ear. A doctor would look into the ear and tell you whether it was a build up of wax or another problem.
Avatar f tn I don't know what your ENT intends to do and why he didn't do it right away, but my ENT removes wax with some instrument that pulls the wax out while he's looking in my ear through something, presumably a microscope. It does not hurt, just feels a little funny with someone poking around in your ear. Not a big deal at all, although perhaps a bad impaction takes more work.