
Ear candling how to remove ear wax

Common Questions and Answers about Ear candling how to remove ear wax


1622527 tn?1301644622 First, candling doesn't remove ear wax, it supposedly melts it so it can drip out on its own. But all double blind studies show that the only wax dripping out is the wax of the ear candle, not ear wax. On the other hand, as I said, it's used by a lot of people, and has been for centuries, so if it makes you feel good, that's okay by me. Certainly didn't do anything for me when I tried it.
Avatar n tn I need to get so wax out of my ear but I don't want to spend 200 dollars at the doctors. The last time I used a lavage kit from the drug store it didn't work too well and I got an ear infection and I don't think sticking stuff in myself is a good idea. Are there any sort of businesses I can go to less expensive or am I better off simply getting someone at home to help me?
Avatar n tn She recommended treating weekly with ear drops to keep the wax softened and more able to exit the ear naturally. She also said that the reason for the accumulation of the wax in that particular ear (and not the other one) was simply the way the ear canal on that side was shaped.
Avatar m tn I was dumb enough to try ear candling even though studies show it doesn't do what is intended. People swear it helps them and I had been having congested ears. Long story short hot wax from the candle dripped into my ear and now I am in pain. This morning a piece of "candle" wax came out of my ear but I am almost certain there is more in there. My hearing is muffled and when i move my head while sleeping the crackling wakes me up. Any advice or solutions?
535822 tn?1443976780 I have noticed that my left ear seems to have ear wax, I have had it before, have you any ideas how to remove it other than going to get the ear washed out, I tried some drops but it seemed to make it worse .Sound is muffled on that side more since I used the eardrops.
7781741 tn?1394137708 ve cleaned her ears out with cotton balls every day since I discovered the infection and it seems to be getting better, just not quickly. All that is coming out is ear wax, too... So I'm wondering if it wasn't caused by a buildup of wax? I wish she were easier to keep still. I'd try ear candling. That'd be asking for an accident, though. My next plan is to try some lymphatic drainage... IF I can find a diagram of the lymphatic system in canines...
Avatar n tn The key thing to remember is that even if the symptoms are bothersome you should not stick anything into your ear to remove the impacted wax... this could make the situation worse. Try to keep using the drops maybe once or twice daily, with 1 - 3 drops in the affected ear(s) to ensure the wax is hydrated when you go to get it removed by your physician.
Avatar f tn Could it be wax? Some kids do get a hefty wax build up and they make drops to help remove it. I'd ask your pediatrician about that. Or has the child been fussy or sick? An ear infection can cause a discharge as well. My kids have had all different symptoms when they've had ear infections. The hardest time to tell is when they are cutting teeth. Both my kids got ear infections when cutting various teeth but didn't have normal symptoms of an ear infection. No fever for example.
Avatar f tn m 36 years old - good health and had sudden onset vertigo/slight hearing loss/pressure in one ear. I went to the doctor immediately and was given prednisone (steroid). The vertigo has gone away almost completely but, the hearing loss has remained. I had a MRI check and several blood tests that checked out completely normal. The doctor suggested I have Labrythintitis. It has been almost 4 weeks and the hearing is still about 75%.
363281 tn?1714899967 Sassy, I've had the same problem for years. I've tried Debrox, but some people just get chronic massive ear wax buildup. (Sounds gross, eh?). Debrox is also full of toxic chemicals, so Bi is right, you can just use hydrogen peroxide, but you have to dilute it with water and I don't remember the correct ratio. But it doesn't work that well, either.
Avatar m tn My daughter had both ears impacted, I was given some carbamide peroxide drops to use on her for 4 days in hopes to loosen up the wax and remove the blockage, 1 side responded on day one by having a large chunk of wax roughly the size of a tic tac maybe slightly larger fall out. If I look inside her ear this is what I see (
Avatar n tn He then checked both ears and said there is some wax in the right ear which he is going to remove. He used 2 instruments in removing the wax from my right ear; One was a rather long rod and the other a wax remover vacuum. First he used the rod for a few minutes and said that the wax is stuck inside the ear and could not remove it with that rod; Then he used the wax remover vacuum where after a few minutes he said that he removed the wax ( did not show me).
6423135 tn?1478232713 Hi, you can use wax softeners before cleaning, this will make it easier to remove the wax. Gently rinse the ear using a bulb syringe and warm saline solution. To ease ear pain, apply a warm washcloth or a heating pad set on low. Dont over do the cleaning it. Regards.
19681496 tn?1482424837 T specialist for cleaning ear wax , he used steel curret on spot to remove wax without even prescribing soda glycerin drops and started to clean solid wax, during process he successfully cleaned wax from my left ear but when he was working with my right ear, I felt sharp pain and I stopped him right there, when I reached home , it was bleeding and I lost around 50% of my hearing, when I woke up next day I could barely listen around 5% from that ear and also had tinnitus on same side, it has been
Avatar f tn How long has she had the tubes? They don't last forever. What you are describing is typical of tubes "pushing" their way out. Again, you do not want to mess with it or put ANY kind of liquid into it since it is an opening to the inner part of the ear and can cause an infection. She needs to see the ENT doctor for an evaluation ASAP. Is she running a fever (try to check with a tympanic thermometer and not an ear one).
Avatar f tn A month ago I has to have both ears syringes for ear wax buildup and clogged ears. Ever since I have constant ringing in both ears. My doctor told me to use mineral oil drops because I could have eczema in ear canals. I have been doing this for 3 days with no relief. Could the syringing have caused damage that is causing this? I will be calling Dr for appointment next week, but wonder if anyone has had this happen.
Avatar f tn We generally advise not to use Q-tips for cleaning the inside of the ears, because this can actually push the wax farther into the ear rather than remove it. It is possible that there was some wax that became dislodged as you were cleaning. The best advice is to have a physician take a look inside your ears and advise if there is excessive wax or some type of other condition (infection, fungus, growth) that might be interfering with your hearing.
Avatar f tn what has happened you have a pressure block in your nasal and ear canal the best way to fix it is to return to the altitude you went just before your ear got clogged. There is some things I have done that Ear doctors do recommend if you don't know how to do it. I would suggest seeing a ear specialist for wax or ear blockage. I had that happen years a go when I flew to IL and ears were blocked for 6 weeks until I got back on the plane to fly home.
Avatar f tn t going on? There are products sold at the drug store that gently remove ear wax, ask the pharmacist to direct you. Debrox is an example. Here's an article of other reasons people might get ear pain like you describe. Have you had your teeth checked any time recently? That can cause ear pain as well. Best to check in with your doctor to find the reason. Let us know what happens.
Avatar m tn I think you are going to have to go ahead and go to the doctor. The other thing you can try is the debox product to remove wax build up to make sure that isn't the issue. A friend of mine's son went to the doctor for ear fullness and decreased hearing and the issue was wax. So, try that. If it doesn't work, then you have to go to the doctor. But honestly, I've never heard of the reverse ear popping not being able to pop ears.
Avatar n tn Ugh, ya. see your doctor. One thing you can try and I am a fan of cleaning our ears out is a product like Debrox ear drops. It's a safe way to remove wax. Don't use a q tip or anything in there. I had a small sore inside my ear canal at one time that took a while to hear as well. You sound to be describing that. Your ears clear up after you are awake a bit? Again, see your doctor for evaluation.
Avatar f tn After about 5 months of GP visits with ear pain, feelings of fullness in the ear and some tinnitus, I have been referred to an ENT chappie. I saw him just before Christmas and he intends to remove impacted ear wax by microscope (I think) in the new year. Has anyone had this procedure and what does it involve please? I have several times had lavage for wax problems but it has been unsuccessful, hence the referral. Thank you.
Avatar m tn 1.) I have wet ear wax that does seem to respond to (remove much more easily) via irrigation better then suction machine. 2.) It probably is excema that causes that flakey stuff that makes my (your) ears itch. When I itch it it causes skin to get irritated/crack. That leads to infection. The "crusty" stuff you feel after a night of itching is probably dried "puss" not ear wax.
Avatar f tn So I bought some ear drops, Cerumol, to try to remove the ear wax. I put in the drops this morning for the first time, laid down with the ear up for an hour (as instrcuted by the box), and nothing has come out yet. If anything, the ear is now more blocked than before I put the drops in. I know the box says to do this 2-3 days, but I am only concerned because the ear is more blocked than before I put the drops in. Has this happened to anyone before and/or can you offer some insight?
Avatar f tn t resolve itself in about a week, then maybe a visit to your doctor is in order. You can try one of those OTC ear wax removal kits and see if that helps. If not, it's my guess that you have EXCESSIVE wax build-up which only a doctor or RN should attempt to remove. And remember..........never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear!
Avatar f tn t able to hear anything out of it two days in a row. Went to the doctor and they told me it was simply clogged with ear wax and I should be fine. Four days later I got pain in my ear and jaw that persisted all day and night. The pain was a constant pulsing deep inside my ear which was so painful I had to skip some of my classes. I also had to take ibuprofen every 6 hours or so to even be able to function in the day.