
Ear candling powder

Common Questions and Answers about Ear candling powder


1622527 tn?1301644622 First of all, the Hopi have no role in inventing ear candling, it's from India. All evidence is that ear candles do nothing whatsoever except put melted candle in your ear, but people have been doing it for centuries and so if it makes you feel better, go for it. But again, it has failed all double blind studies.
Avatar f tn I can hear but, it feel like I have pressure in my ear and as though the right ear only. I also hear slight ringing at times including small clicking noises randomly. I have a 3rd follow up appointment w/ my ENT on Thursday. The 2 hearing tests at this point show loss of low frequency and voices sound high pitched in the right ear. Should I be going to a specialist? I suggested that I had water in my inner ear but, the doctor will not agree.
Avatar m tn I was dumb enough to try ear candling even though studies show it doesn't do what is intended. People swear it helps them and I had been having congested ears. Long story short hot wax from the candle dripped into my ear and now I am in pain. This morning a piece of "candle" wax came out of my ear but I am almost certain there is more in there. My hearing is muffled and when i move my head while sleeping the crackling wakes me up. Any advice or solutions?
Avatar m tn On Monday morning I woke with an ear infection. I went to the doctor right away and was given Otic Edge, told to continue an antibiotic I was already on, to call if it wasn't felling better in a couple of days, and to schedule a recheck for a week later. Thursday, my ear still felt plugged, I was getting sharp pains, and ringing so I went back to the doctor. He said that there is alot of drainage in there and it kinda looked like swimmer's ear.
Avatar n tn My husband is a doctor so we have exhausted the medical community, ENT, neurologist, internal medicine, chiropractic and all tests, MRI, CAT scan and the official vertigo test at the ENT. Nothing found anything. I finally heard about ear candling. I used 5 in one ear and 6 candles in the other and had INSTANT relief and these candles were full of wax and yeast. I will be repeating this as a preventative measure once a month or more often if needed but I finally have relief.
Avatar f tn My doctor and I have tried everything from fungal ear drops, to powder. I am currently just trying to deal with they symptoms because I am out of treatment options. I am drying my ears gently with blow dryer, I have a powder prescription i blow into my ears and i am going CRAZY. My doctor doesn't know what else to do for me. Anything wet just sits in my ear and makes it worse.
Avatar f tn Trying to find online info about treating my cat for an ear hemotoma I found testimonials about Yunnan Baiyao, something I'd never heard of. Is this really safe for my cat?
Avatar f tn t know if you can use it while pregnant, so ask a doctor..) hot water with a little turmeric powder, put two to three drops in the ear. Do this before you go to bed and don't lay on the infected ear. I usually cover the ear with a blanket or something. When you wake up, you'll feel so much better! After three days it was gone, it would have been less, but I didn't do it the second day..
1530342 tn?1405016490 Apply a good medicated powder to the area such as Gold Bond Powder. This kind of powder will help dry out the hot spot and help it heal. Gold Bond is good as it contains zinc and menthol and most dogs find the taste unappealing so they won’t lick the powder off the wound. It also prevents the hot spot from itching. And one lady commented and said this... The only Listerine I had was the "Orange flavored" kind. I USED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and it worked wonders.
480331 tn?1310403529 Hey Pamela. Sorry to hear about your little girl this time. Did you get to use the MgCl oil on your son last time or the olive oil or the hydrogen peroxide for his ear infection? The powdered MgCl lab grade would work a bit faster than the oil.
Avatar m tn mite treatments, general ear cleaner with drying powder, ear cleaner with bio-active enzymes, cleaner with 1% hydrocortisone and none have kept his ears clean for more then a week. He has recently gotten little bumps on his nose, and over his eyes which look like pimples, and scab over after a couple days. It hasnt spread from his nose/eyes but I dont know if this has to do with his ears or is somthing completely different.
Avatar f tn Good question that I don't have the answer to so I'm bumping it up!
Avatar f tn i just got my second ear holes re-pierced at walmart on saturday witch is 2 days ago,i have been cleaning them with the ear soulution that they gave me and i rub the soulution stuff around the holes in the front and back i always wash my hands n i have been twisting them around three times a day for both cleaning and twisting n all that good stuff!.,they are not really red they are just sore alittle when u touch them.are the infected?i shouldnt touch them should i? please let me know.thanks.!
Avatar n tn do you know if the infection is located in the outer ear and ear canal or if it is in the middle ear or both? i have had numerous outer ear infection and an ENT doc told me to put 3 drops of white vinegar in each ear canal ever other day. since then i have not had a single ear ache.
Avatar m tn For the ear its ear mites , if it has a stinky odor and crusty dark matter its mites, get borac powder and mix it with some veg oil and put it down her canal, or paste sulfer. hope this helps in the future.
480331 tn?1310403529 My 4yr old son takes one every other day, as advised by his ENT because he had a couple ear infections and it was recommended for overall health of the immune and digestive system. He takes a very good probiotic (powder) from Klaire labs called Vital-10. He takes 1/4 tsp mixed in food every other day. I just wanted to know if I could start my daughter on it as well, just for the benefit. Thanks!
Avatar n tn Ask you vet for dosing on any over the counter one such as benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Tavist (clemastine) or Chlortrimeton (chlorpheniramine) BUT most important get your pup on oral antibiotics and antifungals along with a good topical ear med like otomax or for really bad yeast clotrimazole drops. Also try cleansing the ear with a mixture of Domeboro solution.
Avatar n tn My cat has a dime size open sore behind her ear. It has scabbed and she scratches it off along with all of the hair. It feels round and raised and bleeds. She is eating and behaving normally except for this. I just spent over $500 a few months ago on an emergency c section for her as her kittens were dead inside her, but I cannot afford another vet bill as things are really tight. What could this be and what should I do!
Avatar n tn More than a month ago, after my bath I noticed two bumps behind my left ear, I was putting a towel on my hair and when it pressed my head I felt some pain. I thought maybe was a bite, but it weren't red or even had something strange, were two small (medium to large, considering the size of stuff on a face) hard bumps, like pieces of bones and with the same skin tone, nothing different.
Avatar m tn I have a strange feeling on the left side of my face. It seems to be tight and slightly swollen most days and some days my neck feels tight down from my ear. There isn't any pain just the strange tight and swollen feeling. I have been to GP and Dentist neither really have an idea after my CT and X-rays only showed what they think was a small lymph node 7mm below my ear and jaw area. I have been on a course of antibotics and steroids but they have stopped the symptoms.
Avatar n tn I'm a ftm too and I have had my baby bag packed since I was like 20 weeks hahaha, I like to be very organised though I haven't done my own hospital bag yet and I'm now 32 weeks. For the baby bag I packed, nappies, wipes, baby powder, wrap blanket things.. (I think I put like 4-5 in), all in one wonder suits (I put 5), an outfit for when you leave pluse a couple of singlets, socks, mittens and beanies, I also put face wash clothes and baby ear buds. A lot I know.
Avatar f tn There is absolutely no need for powder. It can cause respiratory issues. Use coconut oil or a paste to protect baby's bottom from irritation.