
Doxycycline vs doryx

Common Questions and Answers about Doxycycline vs doryx


Avatar n tn Oh my god. I've been recently prescribed Doryx 150mg. The dermatologist gave me samples (3 tablets per bottle) and I've taken 5 tablets already. I had the fright of my life as I washed my hair today-- more than the usual fell off! This has never happened to me before and I am upset and scared that since Doryx has a delayed-release formula, it will take days for my system to get rid of the drug! I'm waiting to hear from that dermatologist about this horrible side effect.
Avatar m tn Hello, I planned on getting STD tested in a few weeks but just completed a ZPACK (azithromycin) for a sinus infection and my dermatologist has put me on 100 mg doryx (doxycycline) for acne. Other then the HIV test should I go ahead and get tested for gono, syph, chla? The reason I ask is that from what I am reading on this forum, often times those antibiotics would clear up those infections. Thank you. This has been a very helpful and informative forum.
984138 tn?1359813073 doxycycline is what they treat you with for lyme right? Odd thing but my gyno called me in that medicine for a common thing probaly yeast infection... i just talked to the recpetionist not the actual doctor because it was very minor she said. But anywho should i take it? Obviously i should but should i take it when im a positive for lyme but have no LLMD yet and my ID just got back to work today so shes catching up with everyhting and havent looked at my results yet.
Avatar m tn i only go to the pharmacy and ask for the best medicine and they give me a generic medicine name doxylag. after 3 days the intense itching is lost. i take doryx for 1month now. and now i feel a little itching in the skin of my pubic hair. my question are.. 1) What are the long term side effects of doxycycline? 2) Do the bacteria are wash out? 2) After my 1month cycle of doxycycline im now free in any disease? 3) When can is the best time to notice the "white stuff"?
Avatar m tn The doctor deemed it as a possible UTI and I was on a regimen of Doryx 150mg qd X 14d. I abstained from any sex for the duration of treatment. The burning had long subsided and I engaged in intercourse with my partner, who 2 days later found out she tested positive for chlamydia. I had been off of the Doryx for about a week when I found this out and went straight back to the doctor to receive treatment for chlamydia infection. I was treated this time with doxycycline 100mg bid X 7d.
Avatar n tn Alcohol and the Effectiveness of Antibiotics Alcohol does not effect the effectiveness of the majority of antibiotics. However, antibiotics within the tetracycline group, including doxycycline, are hindered by alcohol. If alcohol is consumed while taking a tetraycycline antibiotic, the antibiotic may prove to be less effective at treating the bacteria or virus. A longer course of the antibiotic would thus be required.
Avatar m tn I decided to self medicate with 150 mg Doryx twice a day that I had at the house. Been taking for about six days now. The discomfort just started to go away today on the sixth day. Here are my questions: 1.What are my chances that I caught something and what? 2. Could I have gave it to my wife? 3. Will the Doryx clear up anything I could have caught? 4. How long should I keep taking it? 5.
Avatar n tn I started taking Doryx 250 mg as prescribed by me derm around oct 16...the first week was fine but then I noticed the 2nd week I was losing double the amount of hair in the shower. These weren't even new hairs, but complete long strands were falling off and i've never experience that before. I nearly had a heart attack! I've currently been off the medication for almost a month now and the im still losing more hair than I used to.
Avatar m tn I performed oral sex on my wife about a week after but there has been no other sexual contact with her. I decided to self medicate with 150 mg Doryx twice a day that I had at the house. Been taking for about six days now. The discomfort just started to go away today on the sixth day. Here are my questions: 1.What are my chances that I caught something and what? 2. Could I have gave it to my wife? 3. Will the Doryx clear up anything I could have caught? 4. How long should I keep taking it?
Avatar m tn I was able to make an appointment with a urologist on Friday who more or less blew me off with some doxycycline which I told him I did not need as I was already taking doryx (brand name doxy) for what may or may not have been a tick bite, but prescribed in abundance of caution. Friday evening, same thing vibrating sensation from 7 pm - 11 pm. No sores, no lesions. Then again this morning I had the sensation for 30 minutes.
Avatar m tn If she has Gonorrhea in the Throat what would the chances of me getting it? I also have 3 100mg of doxycycline. So right after she finished giving me oral sex i took one, If i take the rest of them right as soon as it happen what are the chances of me being ok vs. not ok?
Avatar n tn A few years ago I had a horrible case of acne and was put on the Doryx pill for 3 weeks, wash with Brevoxyl 2x day, morning Tazorac topical and evening Duac topical. This combination cleared up all of my acne and dark spots in a month !!! So after two months I weened myself off of the topicals. Everything was fine. About 2 years later, I had another bad breakout. I have really oily skin, lots of white and blackheads and acne scarring (dark spots) resulted from these pimples.
Avatar m tn I am on a 30 cycle of doxycycline for an unrelated matter. Wouldn’t this kill chlamydia & gonorrhea? Those are the things I think I’m most worried about. Day 3, no symptoms. We have several kids and my wife was told she had HPV during one of those pregnancies.
Avatar m tn I've been prescribed Keflex, Bactrim, and now Doryx. Still won't go away. I don't go out anymore because of this condition. I don't know what I would do if I met a really cool girl. Oh wait, I'd probably just walk right past her and look the other way, even if she tried to talk to me. This condition is so embarrassing. I've taken about 16/30 of the Doryx medication (Qty. is 30) The marks don't seem to be going away.
Avatar m tn Problem started while I was taking minocycline for acne. Went in to student health. NP RXed 10 days doxycycline, 100 mg PO BID, sent me to ER. Had an ultrasound, confirmed it was epididymitis plus a hydrocele. They gave me a shot of ceftriaxone and told me to continue with the doxycycline. The ceftriaxone helped a great deal (swelling went down almost immediately) but as I continued the course of doxy the problem began to get worse again. I followed up with a urologist.
Avatar f tn My dermatologist has given me a prescription for Doxycycline as well as Epiduo Gel, which was not covered by my insurance and so i was not able to get that. It seems to me that there are some similarities between this antibiotic and Accutane. Maybe not as severe side effects but the overall impression I am getting is that Accutane is more effective and if closely monitored, safer. Is this true? My doctor didnt give me the impression that there was much I needed to be worried about.
Avatar n tn How affective is doxycycline 100mg when taken for a period of seven days to cure infections and std's present in the body alone with a shot a penicillin.
Avatar f tn where did the pills come from?
Avatar f tn I took Doxycycline for 10 days to treat a sinus infection. A week after finishing the Doxy I developed a sore throat and sore tongue. I'm assuming it is a reaction to the drug. How long will this stay in my system and is there anything I can take to alleviate the reaction?
Avatar n tn I have been on doxycycline an antibiotic for about 5 days and i seem to be feeling very anxious and panic like. Does anyone know if this can cause these symptoms. I am also on 25mg of zoloft. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Avatar n tn I took single dose of doxycycline everyday for 6 weeks during the summer. Would that have cleared a chamydia infection.
Avatar f tn Can someone tell me what STDs can be treated with Doxycycline? Can you list all of them please? Thank you.
Avatar m tn I'm currently taking Doxycycline for anti-malaria reasons. I was wondering if it's unsafe to take for 5 consecutive months?
Avatar m tn I have been using doxycycline, I have had trouble urinating still I had oral sex about 3 months ago. First my penis was going numb and then it went away.