
Doxycycline uses treatment

Common Questions and Answers about Doxycycline uses treatment


Avatar m tn Probably you were no longer infectious within a couple days of starting the doxycycline. Routine advice is exactly what you were told, no sex until completing treatment -- but doing so toward the end of treatment shouldn't be a problem and did not put your partner at risk. And missing a single pill makes no difference. However, you don't mention whether your partner was treated.
Avatar f tn Two patients had a positive TOC following treatment with 1 week of doxycycline, both were found to have a risk of re-infection. There was a significantly higher treatment failure rate in patients receiving azithromycin (p=0.0025). The site claims that a regimen of one week of doxycycline has a success rate of 98.8%. Should I go back to the clinic and ask them for the doxycycline treatment? Or is the information on medscape unreliable?
Avatar n tn I have been treated for this now 4 times, have not had sex in a year with my fiance and my test continues to come back positive. I have been treated with the doxycycline everytime because the other medication I am unable to take due to allergies. Are there any other treatments other than the doxycycline and azithromyacine?
Avatar m tn I was given a shot of Ceftriaxone and a course of Doxycycline 100mg twice daily for 10 days. The symptoms I had were a burning sensation whilst urinating and a constant white/yellow discharge. The doctor I saw at the sexual health clinic has worried me somewhat since she said that the condition is becoming harder to treat due to resistant strains of the infection.
Avatar m tn I'm currently taking Doxycycline for anti-malaria reasons. I was wondering if it's unsafe to take for 5 consecutive months?
Avatar n tn I took single dose of doxycycline everyday for 6 weeks during the summer. Would that have cleared a chamydia infection.
Avatar m tn I am mortified to say this but I was diagnosed with syphilis and started doxycycline yesterday (2-15-13). I have 2 sores on my lip, sort of inside. How long will it take to go away? Is there anything I can put on them? Should I be washing them or something? And (ewww) this stuff is coming off like a yellowish semi-crusty discharge.
Avatar n tn Two weeks later a large infected rash appeared. I got myself tested for Lyme and it came out negative. I was given a day of Doxycycline and then it was changed to Amoxicillan. I took it for two weeks. The doctor told me to stop the medication and get retested. Two weeks later, I got my positive results. I had, at this point, two weeks on, two weeks off the antibiotics. When I returned to the doctor with positive results, he put me back on Doxycycline for another two weeks.
Avatar n tn I was just diagnosed with lyme disease and will be taking Doxycycline for 30 days. Can anyone tell me if I must avoid dairy entirely or just avoid it a couple of hours before and after taking this antibiotics? Thanks.
Avatar f tn He prescribed me with a 10 day Doxycycline. A few days in my testicular region was very sore, but as I got done with the full 10 days and felt normal. I went back for a re-test on the last day of the doxycycline, but still came back positive for chlamydia. So currently I’m taking a 14 day prescription for Levofloxacin. I’m on my 6th day. Still no symptoms. No pain after urination, no discharge, and no testicular pain. My questions are: 1.
Avatar m tn No one here uses choramphenicol anymore. Treatment for a stye is warm compresses. See your doctor. Dr. O.
Avatar m tn s son had the same rash and his doctor prescribed him amoxicillin 3x/day and said it had to be AT LEAST 14 days for lyme treatment. I looked online and that is what I found also. I am concerned my son was not on antibiotics long enough and that symptoms will show up later when it is harder to treat. Should I call the doctor back and try to get him on another 14 days of treatment or would that be too late at this point? Please any advice would be appreciated.
Avatar m tn My boyfriend and I have simultaneously started doxycycline hyclate 100mg 2x daily for treatment of ureaplama parvum. We were three doses in to the treatment and I gave him unprocted oral sex, he did not finish in my mouth but we put on a condom and had vaginal intercourse where he did finish inside me but in the condom. We took our next scheduled dose after sex and then again this morning. My question is: Did we mess up our treatment and need to start over our 7 days of doxy?
Avatar m tn PLENTY, and he gave me doxycycline for 14days. after 14 days i repeated gramstain and the result is coccobacilli(-): MODERATE. The question is what should i do now? i still have abdominal pain and greenish vaginal discharge sometimes.
Avatar m tn I am about to go onto Valtrex suppressive treatment 500mg daily. I am visiting Laos/Thailand in Jan 2011 and I have been advised to take anti-malaria tablets while there called Doxycycline. Does anyone know if there is any interaction between these two drugs? Can it make one or the other not work as effectively? Thanks.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had chalmydia treatment failure I had three rounds of treatment with azithromycin and doxycycline it's not working am taking levofloxin next round am suffering from three years...
Avatar m tn that is, the tests themselves work just fine after or during doxycycline treatment.