
Diflucan use in children

Common Questions and Answers about Diflucan use in children


Avatar f tn Your normal bacterial flora in your intestines are getting unbalanced and/or you are losing some organisms due to the antibiotics. You should start taking probiotics. This will help get your normal bacteria back. But I would ask Metametrix if it will cause any problems with their test just to be sure. Also, you can take an oral antifungal but I wouldn't recommend it because they have bad side effects.
Avatar n tn I've taken 2 Diflucan tablets one one friday and one on Saturday. Monday i started bleeding my period is not due for another week.
Avatar n tn Can I use Premarin cream along with a yeast medication(Diflucan)? Does the moisture in the Premarin cream keep a yeast infection from healing?
525485 tn?1314361301 In my experience, the over the counter creams do not work for me but I am extremely sensitive to medications. I alwasy call my doctor and she'll call in a script for me. But, I think Diflucan is the only oral medication (at least it's the only oral medication I've ever heard of for yeast infections).
Avatar n tn The diflucan and cream should be enough - if you use selsun blue on top of it, you are in danger again of killing off more good stuff, thereby leaving you susceptible to getting a bacterial infection. The diflucan alone might be enough, anyway. Up to you if you want to use the cream. If you do, only apply it to the affected area.
Avatar f tn I have had intense vaginal itching for a couple of weeks now. I went to my gyno and she said I definitely had a yeast infection and gave me 2 Diflucan. I've taken both, and I STILL have this intense itch. It doesn't last all day, but comes in bouts and it's driving me crazy! There's no odor, and I'm guessing some slight discharge, but I'm not understanding why the Diflucan wouldn't help.
Avatar f tn Hi! I really need help with this one....i'm 13 weeks pregnant and 2 weeks ago i developed a yeast infection caused by an antibiotic porescribed by my Ob/Gyn. I went straight to him and he prescribed me with Monistat....a week passed..finished the treatment and i could still see that white discharge...went back to my doctor and he prescribed Terconazole....i just finished the treatment 2 days ago....and i still have it!!!!! In the past the only thing that worked for me was Diflucan.....
Avatar n tn They are so uncomfortable! I did use the monostat one day (diflucan is better in my opinion!!) but I also ate probiotic yogurt (activia). I swear the yogurt helped. I was cleared up pretty quickly. Monostat doesn't work as fast as diflucan, I had discharge for about 5 days after it but between that the yogurt, cotton underwear changed often, it went away. Talk to your partner, use condoms, eat the Activia and hope it goes completely away.
1472764 tn?1287588186 There have been a few reports of multiple, serious birth defects in infants whose mothers took Diflucan in early pregnancy (usually high doses for an extended period of time). Because the birth defects were distinctive and similar in these cases, it is assumed that the medication probably caused the defects. However, statistics generally do indicate that short-term use (such as the single dose used to treat vaginal yeast infections) does not seem to cause such problems.
Avatar n tn I have a patch of raised white bumps in the back center of my tongue that appeared about three days ago and are still there. They do not hurt unless I pick at them but they are raised so they are irritating. I have been rinsing with a medical oral wash but it has not seemed to help. I burnt my tongue several days ago but I have burnt it before and this has never happen. Do you have any idea what this might be?
Avatar f tn A 1998 review concurred with this assessment (15).
Avatar f tn It has ruined my sex life. I really will like to get to the bottom of this issue in my life so I can have a sex life with my husband. Please help me. So far all the gyn doctors I've went to are not helping me.
Avatar n tn Monistat 7 is the safest thing to use during pregnancy. I used it in early pregnancy with my 3 girls and there were healthy. if it was me don't use that prescription, just the Monistat. My doctor that I had, now I'm having my 5th baby and they say Monistat is the safest to use and you can even use the cheapest brand, it's all the same.
Avatar f tn I had a yeast infection and I use Monistat but forgot to use the last one but the symptoms went away and the odor came back but I started dating someone it's three weeks in and he said he thinks I have Easton faction because his urethra hurts so I got us both diflucan but the older haven't went away so I got a summers eve douche hoping it might help by the way it's going on six days and two prescribed pills of diflucan also random cramping
Avatar f tn she gave me a diflucan pill today. i should have gotten two u suggest? i usually take one and it goes away completely. it already seems like its working....yea i will wait a week after my yeast infection to have sex. i normally havent waited a week after my YI to have i think thats would could be causing them not to go away completely.
Avatar f tn It will hurt a little bit at first, but it should help tremendously. Also, use baby wipes in place of toilet paper. Keep us posted on the results.
548642 tn?1266179652 diflucan one dose but i still felt bad so he gave me diflucan week dose!!!
Avatar n tn Give that kid some ice cream or something with carbs in it. Then see what happens some kids use a lot of energy pack that boy full of carbs.
12182312 tn?1427683956 I went to my doctor and she prescribed diflucan and also clomitozole?? (Sp)...I am so itchy and sore I want to cry. Should I try monistat 7. Or wait out the diflucan?. What works for you?
290018 tn?1240365868 I was told at my app last week that diflucan isnt ok in early preg.
Avatar f tn Different then my other yeast infections I have had in the past in a sense just have the really bad burning and swelling down there especially on the inside right at the opening to the lips before the actual vaginal hole and no itching up until today there has no been any excessive discharge except when I look at my vagina it looks like there is some white discharge around it but typically with my yeast infections there is so much more discharge like itll just come out and be there when I wipe.
Avatar m tn I just got the call from my doctor in which I was told I have GBS, group b strep and bacterial vaginosis, I have been suffering for about 6 months on different meds. I have 3 children and have never had this problem and never heard of it either. Help any info is great.
Avatar f tn I tried 2 of 3 days of an otc yeast medicine and had my doctor call in 1 pill of diflucan all with no relief. I also recently washed all of my underwear in a hypoallergenic detergent and still nothing. Can someone point me in the direction of what it could be? I'm not sure I can wait til Monday to see a doctor!