
Diflucan in infants

Common Questions and Answers about Diflucan in infants


Avatar n tn I've taken 2 Diflucan tablets one one friday and one on Saturday. Monday i started bleeding my period is not due for another week.
1361044 tn?1277598308 Honestly, in my opinion, babies are so wrapped up in this new world, all the new things going in for them, that a little cold (virus) hardly slows them down. it could be your baby is behind because she doesn't feel well all the time, and THAT is holding her back. Maybe not, but in either case I would push for them to figure it out. Chalking it all down to a virus is a lazy, sorry excuse. My point is, YOU DO know your child more than anyone.
Avatar f tn I feel Gerd and milk allergy are grossly overdiagnosed in infants. Lactose overload has been diagnosed in breast-fed infants now - and I believe it is also found in babies.
Avatar f tn Your normal bacterial flora in your intestines are getting unbalanced and/or you are losing some organisms due to the antibiotics. You should start taking probiotics. This will help get your normal bacteria back. But I would ask Metametrix if it will cause any problems with their test just to be sure. Also, you can take an oral antifungal but I wouldn't recommend it because they have bad side effects.
Avatar f tn My son, who is 7 months old, was recently diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. The diagnosis was confirmed on Mar 10, 2014 and he was also diagnosed with hydrocephalus. Anyone have this happen with an infant? I'm trying to figure out what the next steps are in the event of an increase in fluid and pressure. He also is having to see a pediatric eye doctor to check the eye pressure in his eyes.
Avatar n tn I took the Diflucan. Day 5 i got my period. What do i do now?? And can i re-fill my Diflucan to take when i am thru with the antibiotic?? And really no tampons?? at all??
Avatar f tn my daughter is 3 months old ,she has been passing mucus in stools for about 4 weeks now and some times there are spots of blood in the mucus ,I took her to the doc but not found the cause yet
Avatar n tn Something that widespread on his body doesn't sound like yeast, but he absolutely needs to see a dermatologist. Why are you posting this for your son? I'm assuming he is old enough to have sex, and part of that sexual responsibility is dealing with any health stuff along the way.
Avatar f tn It will remain in baby's system. Especially if you took them for more than 2 weeks. You need to let your OB know even if it leaves both systems because if you we're abusing them and taking them for a long period of time we can't diagnose the outcome. No judgement, but please for the sake of your innocent baby tell your Dr. You made the right decision to stop taking them. Best wishes!
Avatar f tn I have had uti since 2 years old (kidney reflux) that turned into to major kidney stone problem and I was infected with ESBL ecoli. For the past 2 years I have a fungal infection in my urine. I have had 6 rounds of diflucan to no avail. My urology dr is at a loss. Should I be seeing an infectious disease dr at this point? When I take diflucan I feel better quickly. Once I stop within a few days I feel terrible again. They prescribe diflucan for 14 days. Had it 6 x’s. Always comes back.
525485 tn?1314361301 In my experience, the over the counter creams do not work for me but I am extremely sensitive to medications. I alwasy call my doctor and she'll call in a script for me. But, I think Diflucan is the only oral medication (at least it's the only oral medication I've ever heard of for yeast infections).
Avatar f tn since then i have been to my gyno who cultured my yeast infection and said best medication for it was diflucan, so he also prescribed me to diflucan for 7 days-never went away. then he again prescribed me diflucan 150 once for 3 weeks. never went away!!! this is my first yeast infection so i dont know why diflucan will not cure me. i am 22 years old, smoke and drink on the weekends, work out regularly, work nights, recently pretty stressed.
Avatar f tn It has ruined my sex life. I really will like to get to the bottom of this issue in my life so I can have a sex life with my husband. Please help me. So far all the gyn doctors I've went to are not helping me.
Avatar f tn Fluid develops in the small sac surrounding the testicle. Its fairly common in infants and typically resolves on its own. Sometimes it may need drained but it will likely just be watched to make sure it will resolve on its own within a few months.