
Dha liquid

Common Questions and Answers about Dha liquid


Avatar f tn -) very gentle on tummy bc they are liquid gels and my pb was very happy and impressed with my choice on those she said they are a great brand :-)
Avatar f tn I found this one liquid super dha that is a pretty clean oil with more of an after taste of orange oil just wondering if there's different types that taste better the one I get is 42$ for a bottle that lasts a mth.
349463 tn?1333571576 I was using One - a day prenatal with DHA. but the liquid gel made me to throw up( fish oil). I was taking that for 1-2 months. with no luck. TTC so I am thinking to switch with nature made prenatal. any suggection??
Avatar f tn I use nature made soft gels with dha...
Avatar f tn Ive been taking regular o.t.c prenatal pills. I recently ran out, couldn't find the original ones i bought so i got these nature made ones, but they contain DHA. I haven't taken prenatal pills containing DHA my entire pregnancy. Will it do any harm to start now at 31 weeks? Or should i take ones without. Any advice?
Avatar f tn DHA is a kind of Omega 3 fatty acid (which is usually DHA+EPA) Omega 3 s are considered really beneficial for our brain and general health..and considered really good for fertility.. they're found in fatty fish or you can take them as supplements..
Avatar f tn I have found "Carlson" fish oil liquid to be the best and the most free of all the contaminants. "Carlson" is a great company, and you can count on them to have a good product. I have been taking the liquid fish oil for a few years now, and it has kept my high sensitivity CRP at an extremely good level, very low, and I know it is so good for other things as well. It may be a little spendy, but, it is sure worth it.
Avatar f tn They have really good prenatal gummies! Im.horrible at taking pills so the gummies are amazing!
Avatar f tn I switched to a liquid capsile with DHA/omegas. Still a huge pill, got them from a health food/supplemental store, but I'm not throwing them up. Lady at the store said the liquid is easier on your stomach than the chalky ones. I'm in Canada, have never seen the gummies.
Avatar f tn s labeled the prenatal multivitamin tablet. The other bottle has a smaller yellow gel capsule that is labeled prenatal DHA/EPA liquid gels. Totally fine to take together :) definitely eat with them!
907968 tn?1292622204 I've been told to take 2000mg x2/day fish oil. I bought a bottle of 1200mg pills. Don't know if this makes a difference or not, this is "Nature Made" liquid softgels and they are HUGE!! Wish I seen this before I bought them... Anybody know of any of these fish oil pills that are not as big? Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn My doc said there was no reason for a prescription, the OTC were just as good. I use the nature made prenatal liquid capsules plus dha. She said that was one of the better and more complete choices.
Avatar f tn I love nature made liquid gels with added dha and omega 3. They run about 20$ for a 3 month supply. I buy at meijer when they do The buy one get one free deal. Very easy on the stomach if you vomit easy from vitamins like me.
Avatar f tn I am 14 weeks and started taking the prenatal vit I take now 3 months before I got pregnant never have a problem. They are nature made liquid gels with added dha and omega 3. Try liquid gels they are much less harsh on your stomach. You should take something though. You need iron and folic acid.
Avatar f tn and it really dosent matter but the ones i think are best are the ones that also contain DHA it helps for bbys brain development :)
Avatar f tn I love my nature made liquid gels with dha and omega-3. Very easy to swallow and no nausea problems very important fir me as solid vitamins make me puke regardless if I've eaten. When I start breastfeeding I may switch to similac liquid gels these particular ones require two pills a day the vitamin abd a mineral supplement. Not sure though need to do more research on these brute I decide also will cost about 20$ more per 90 days.
Avatar f tn I am taking a liquid prenatal that has folic acid, dha and iron with other vitamins. I have a bad gag reflex so I can't do the horse pills.
7381903 tn?1391464888 ve heard similac is hard on babies stomach initially like with gas and cramping. But both come in powder and liquid form. I prefer liquid..
Avatar f tn It probably came with both because one is a multivitamin (the big one) and the other liquid one is the dha. So most of the vitamins are coming from the big one. Try gummy vitamins if u need to or try cutting the multivitamin in half.
Avatar f tn t make me the least nauseous is the nature made prenatal liquid gels with dha and omega-3. The key is they are liquid gels not solids so they are 10x easier on your stomach to digest! :-) they are over the counter. They are ranked in the top 10 of prenatal vitamins (after a bunch of expensive organic ones.) Lol And they aren't terribly expensive. I get them at local grocery where I shop for about 20$ for a 3 month supply.
Avatar f tn Spring Valley with all 3 of my pregnancies.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Nature's Plus Source of Life prenatal liquid, and love it. A rare find that doesn't make me sick. No Dha in that one. Good luck, sorry for your trouble!
Avatar m tn Omega 3 at high doses also has helped (4.5g with 750/500 of EPA and DHA) but not as a liquid which I have just found out because it is giving me huge reflux and increasing the muscous again (which the gel caps didn't do at all). Keep your liquid intake high and avoid using anything that dries out your secretions if possible (ie. antihistamines).
1756970 tn?1314376733 so i did thorough research and also working with my nutritionalist and she mentioned to me if i start taking a daily supplement of fish oil combined with efa and DHA of a dose of 3000 mg and increase the dosage of EFA eventually that it will help with the control of your moods and help the chemical imbalancement of the nerotransmitters. it supposingly will help with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and several other physical conditions. i was fascinated with what i learned.
Avatar n tn I am having trouble swallowing, it does not matter if its food or liquid and it is random, I have very bad acid reflux and have been taking 40 mgs of Nexium daily for over 6 years. This started about 8 months ago and has been getting more ferquent. The problem is inbetween the bump in the middle of my neck and the base of my neck, when I swollow its as if the food or liquid has just stopped and it hurts so bad, i just wait for it to pass.
Avatar m tn 5ml, epa 1.8g dha 0.9g equal to 2.7g.
Avatar f tn Does ur prenatal vitamins have dha? Is it ok to take them tablets with dha? The one i take doesn't have it but im trying to get gummies to substitute but all gummies seem to have dha.